Midnight Falls by John Evans – Review by Brandy Rymer

Midnight FallsMidnight Falls by John (ronin) Evans
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was one of the most intense books I have read in quite a while. It had me on the edge of my seat and cringing in bed at night, I had no clue what could happen next. The setting primarily takes place in one of those spooky old towns where everyone knows everyone else, and if you are an outsider, you are not welcome. The neighbors are all real creepy like they are all out to drive out any who are not a part of some big secret that only those from town know. The things that happened to our main character, Josh, had me looking over my shoulder at night, I was so jumpy at every little noise. I love finding a book that can have such an intense powerful reading experience. John Evans did an amazing job in writing Midnight Falls; I must say I cannot wait to read more of his books. I hope if you are into intense thrillers or horrors then you will give this book a read, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed if you do. Happy book hunting my friends, I’m on to my next search for another great read!
@Brandy Rymer

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