Unmasking a Cowgirl (Match Made in Montana Series) by Rachelle Paige Campbell – Review by Jennie M Bechtel

Unmasking A Cowgirl (Match Made in Montana Book 3)Unmasking A Cowgirl by Rachelle Paige Campbell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Abby (Whit) Whittier has a secret. She’s the heir to the Whittier land in Herd, Montana. She fears if she lets the town members learn her secret, that they’ll shun her for being part of the infamous Whittier family. Joe Staunch is a middle school teacher, ranch tour guide, and town historian. He doesn’t hide his dislike for Abby. Can he get over his suspicion that she’s hiding something big? Can Joe and Abby find their way to loving one another despite Abby’s secret?
This book is the third in the series. I read it independently. The first two chapters were difficult to read and confusing. A lot of characters were introduced quickly. I found it beneficial to take notes on the characters to keep them straight. I think I would have been less confused had I read the two previous books in the series. At first, I didn’t like Joe’s character. I thought he came across as self-centered and crass. I loved Abby’s character, though. I felt her heart was always in the right place. I enjoyed this story as it progressed. I found myself drawn into the small-town drama. I look forward to reading book four, and I plan to go back and read the first two books, as well. I recommend this book for readers who want a clean romance read.

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