
A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Allyson Ware

A Quirk of DestinyA Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This dystopian thriller has a plot based around the GM versus Organic debate that is well known around the United States, if not the world. It focuses on a particular genetic mutation that is able to enter and affect the human body when consumed from animal based products. These humans turn into what the characters in the novel call “Genies”. These Genies are violent, unreasonable, and zombie-like. Much of the focus is centered on the government hiding the fact that they allowed these GM’s to be distributed throughout the world and the friend group that the novel focuses on specifically is trying their best to spread the word so others are not affected by these GM’s.

To be quite honest, I was not able to enjoy this book as much as I wanted to. Dystopian is one of my favorite genre’s, so I was eager to get my hands on it. The beginning is much too political and scientific for my fictional brain, making it difficult for me to dive right into. The characters are very strong-willed and interesting, but I feel like information is thrown at you in random places throughout the book. I also feel that the novel was slower-paced than your typical dystopian writing. There is so much happening that you really have to be paying attention or you will miss a valuable piece of information. If you like a more realistic dystopian take, this novel is for you. Unfortunately I could not separate the political ideologies in order to enjoy this book as much as I wanted to.

Review by @aware

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Brandy Vaughn

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an interesting take on the dystopian genre and had me turning the page to see how the story unfolds. The story is told from a third person point of view, based in the UK, and is written in British English. There’s some slang as an American that I didn’t understand, but figured it out as I read on.

I haven’t read a novel with this type of outbreak leading up to a dystopian future and it’s a distinguishing feature- something I wouldn’t have thought of! If you like dystopian stories, this would be a fantastic addition to the TBR pile!

Reviewed by @bilberrysweet
Brandy Vaughn, July 2022

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Jamie Truex

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Overall very good book. Not what you would first expect. I did get tripped up on some of the more scientific parts but got the idea and kept going. I already know that GM foods are bad for you, but this makes you think a bit more about what goes in your mouth. Greenall did a very good job using fiction to make us more aware of what could happen if we don’t make some changes. I think this book would be good for young adult through adult.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Savanah Schwarz

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a great opportunity for readers who have not read or just starting to read apocalyptic books. This has a great narrative and world-building. It has a few sentences that are stumbling blocks or have to be re-read to understand, but you ignore it when reading it to find out what happens. I quickly immersed myself into the book and was eager to know more about the conspiracy and how the government caused the end of the world. The characters are personable and they are easy to know. This is an overall experience. Not at all your typical zombie/plague type of book.

The main characters discover a virus that was first tested on rats and then quickly went south. Both scientists and citizens alike try to fight or uncover the cause and stop it. But it is too late the government quickly covers it up and tries to kill everyone involved. Not realizing it’s too late. This is a seat-of-your-pants thriller/ conspiracy at the core and a plague/zombie book secondly. Definitely worth reading.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Sara Grantham

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is fiction, but it is filled with so many factual things that it makes it even scarier. Could this happen? Could the overpopulation of the world and our reliance on genetically-modified foods create the end of the world?

Catherine Greenall used real research and stories in order to build this very real, very intense world where society as we know it can no longer exist. There were so many twists and turns – and I did not see them coming!

Knowing this is a trilogy, I cannot wait to see what is next for these characters. I fell in love with so many of them, and I was always rooting for humanity to win.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Jenni Bishop

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Quirk of Destiny is the first book in this trilogy and a unique dystopian Sci-Fi Thriller. It is action packed and fast paced with a zombie (‘genies’) type apocalypse, global conspiracy and a world on the edge of ruin. Where toxic food is a reality and being vegan is the best option. Ironic for me as I am allergic to most fruit and veg.

Catherine’s passion for animals and the environment shines through in her narrative of this tale that could in all possibility become a reality one day. Scary thought.

With a deadly sickness, mortal danger, mutants with paranormal powers you are in for a ride of your life.

Callum soon finds himself in a fight for himself and the world but who can he trust? Just who is behind this terrible conspiracy and is bringing destruction to the world?

If post-apocalyptic sci fi thrillers is what you like then you will love this.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Shelly Kittell

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one terrifying book. I know it’s written as fiction but it sure feels as if it could happen. We hear about GMO type stuff and that all the time. I love a scary thriller that leaves me ont he edge-of-my-seat holding my breath. Calum is on a mission to find out what is going on and why it’s being covered up. Through the story, there are plot twists and turns that take you on the ride for your life with him. Exciting, intriguing, this book had me from the start and I didn’t want to stop until it was done. The characters were fantastic and well-written. The author did a wonderful job in putting the story together. You can tell she did her research. This is intense, top-secret zombie apocalypse type stuff. Great story. I wish I could give more than 5 stars.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Lorrene Huisman

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! This book certainly brought on the wow factor to the extreme. A lot of this book had twists and turns I did not expect to say the least, I was very much hooked and intrigued as I read this book!

In this apocalyptic thriller, it held more than I thought it would have at first glance. I fell in love with the characters and the writing. The book was brilliant to say the least. It made me be curious about what was going on with the world as it was in this book, but yet wondered if humanity really had a chance? Could this all have been prevented? if this truly the side effect of ultimate power? I was hooked, and this had a lot of gripping suspense, and I could not put it down! Loved this book so freaking much!

Amazing read from start to finish! I think even if apocalyptic reads are not usually your type you still need to read this! I loved it! Highly recommend this must read book! Do not pass it up for any reason!

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall

🍂 •°• 🍂•°• 🍂 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 🍂 •°• 🍂•°• 🍂
A Quirk of Destiny (A Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall
#ontour #ITSYBITSYBOOKBITS #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #ITSYBITSYBOOKBITSPROMOTIONS #BookSpotlightShowcase #AQuirkofDestiny #QuirkofDestinySeries #CatherineGreenall #Dystopian #SciFi #apocalypse #apocalyptic #Visionary #Conspiracy #Trilogy #Series
Genre – Dystopian, Sci-Fi
Page Count – 366
Cover Designer – George Stephenson

The Best of the Year 2013. Best books, another definite must-read thriller. Michael Smith, Green (Living) Review

A global conspiracy to control the world by big corporations and evil government infiltrators masterly presented. You will love this conspiracy, presents enough of today’s food service doubts to keep you reading. I’m hooked, will certainly keep a close eye on “what if” this really was to happen, makes this book so much fun to read. Burntroot Broadcasting, Canada

What happens when too much power is held by too few people, where science is used against rather than for the good of mankind. A government scientist is puzzled by a number of incidents involving fellow scientists finds himself caught up in a deadly worldwide epidemic. Dark forces try to manipulate science to control the worlds’ population, as climate change will eventually make it impossible to feed everyone. An anti-GMO novel examines the impacts of new technology on the world with possible environmental and animal right consequences. My Green Directory

Corrupt systems. An evil plot. Can a scientist save humanity from certain death?

Calum still hasn’t recovered from his fiancé’s suicide. So, the principled government scientist throws himself into his work, despite his friends’ efforts to pair him off. When he raises concerns that food not adequately tested has already been approved, he is shocked at attempts to silence him.

As a deadly sickness sweeps the world, the natural leader feels responsible for keeping the survivors safe, especially attractive scientist Jessie. But he finds himself in mortal danger as he unearths a terrible conspiracy and mutants with paranormal powers attack survivors. 

Can Calum save humanity from annihilation by an ancient evil force?

Based on real science, A Quirk of Destiny imagines our future if we continue headlong on the current path of toxic food and environmental destruction, combined with political and corporate corruption.

If you like zombie apocalypse, global conspiracy and intelligently written fiction then you’ll love Catherine Greenall’s shocking book.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall

Catherine Greenall is an environmentalist committed to using her writing to make a difference to the way people treat others, animals and the environment.

She gained a Master of Philosophy degree in Chemistry and turned to writing after a long career as a government scientist. A voracious reader, she always loved to write stories as a child and feels blessed to be able to spend more time writing now.

She is the author of an apocalyptic, visionary, science fiction trilogy. The first book ‘A Quirk of Destiny’ was awarded joint best book of 2013 by Green Living. The second book in the trilogy is ‘Return to Gallanvaig’ and the shocking final book is ‘Destiny of Light.’ The trilogy is based on actual science and imagines a world where toxic food has caused a deadly disease, where there are corrupt power systems and mutants with strange powers caused by the sickness. This trilogy was written as a warning about the potential dangers in our food and how this situation has been allowed to flourish.

Catherine’s work also includes ghost, horror and vegan cookery, as well as scientific works. She is a long-term vegan and her published works include a vegan cookbook, “Vegans Can’t Eat Anything!” and collections of short stories

Author Interview with Catherine Greenall