
A Quirk of Destiny: Book 1 of 3 by Catherine Greenall – Review by Jennifer Ramos

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In the first book of this trilogy series, the story features Callum, who works as a scientist for food and drink distribution in the UK and he starts noticing subtle changes in the people as well environment around him. Due to a recent tragic event, he dismisses odd occurrences at the workplace until he notices people turning aggressive in nature as well as disappearances and sudden deaths. After a frightening experience going into town, he starts reaching out to friends and families and starts making connections to these newly odd developments. “Genies” are people with altered behavior and character due to genetically modified (GM) feed given to cows and infecting people who tend to eat meat and non-organic food. The small percentage of individuals who ate vegan have been mostly spared of these conditions.
This realistic dystopian makes you really second guess your own life choices and makes you think of if you were ever in this type of scenario, what would you do? Greenall is an environmentalist and also had a long standing career as a government scientist, which gave a rich foundation to the premises laid out in this story. The concerns of going vegan, genetically modified materials, and governmental influences are such hot topics in world news. This story covers much of the “what-if” scenarios. Looking forward to the next book!

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Heather Goodman

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book gives a look at what the world could look like. It follows a group of people after a sickness has swept through the world and changed people to a zombie like state. The more you read the more sinister it gets. Be prepared for twists and turns and excitement. The main characters are relatable and very lovable.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Trista Priest

A Quirk of DestinyA Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book presents a very different take on dystopian books than the ones I have read in the past. I struggled to get through the first few chapters because it was scientific and slow to start. However, the book picks up fairly quickly and is action-packed, full of twists and turns.
I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

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A Quirk of Destiny (A Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Sheri Schrader

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Quirk of Destiny is the first book in the A Quirk of Destiny series. This is my first book by this author, and I was not disappointed. She writes a realistic dystopian tale of what could quickly happen to our food supply using complex scientific explanations. The story is full of intrigue, twists, genies, and the effects of political and medical misinformation that plague our country. I was drawn in quickly and didn’t want to put it down. Also, it has left me rethinking what I eat daily. The characters were gripping, and the plot felt insane but realistic at times. I am curious about where the story will go and look forward to reading the next book in this series. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in a realistic dystopian look at our future.

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Return to Gallanvaig: Beyond A Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall – Review by Krystal Gregory

Return to Gallanvaig: Beyond A Quirk of DestinyReturn to Gallanvaig: Beyond A Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Return to Gallanvaig: Beyond A Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall
4 out of 5 Stars
Return to Gallanvaig is the second book in the Quirk of Destiny Series. It is not a quick read. This is a hefty 500+ page book but it starts with a huge bang. If you have not already read book 1, then do yourself a favor and go read A Quirk of Destiny. This book reintroduces many of the same characters and builds into a great continuation of the story. Return to Gallanvaig is a dystopian post-apocalpytic thriller with elements of sci-fi, action, danger and some major paranormal thriller. The details in the book are what makes it. The story is beautifully done and you fall in love with the characters and your heart starts to race when our mains get into some serious trouble. Lovers of sci-fi, action, danger and paranormal thrillers will love this book. 4 out of 5 stars.

Reviewed by @kgregory

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Susan Ratchford

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Quirk Of Destiny: Book 1
By Catherine Greenall
Review by: Susan Ratchford
5 Stars

Wow, absolutely phenomenal read! A Quirk Of Destiny by Catherine Greenall grabs you from the very first page and will not let go! A Great introduction to a series that delivers so much more than it promises and zombies, or Genies are only the tip of the iceberg. With cover ups, twists and turns, corruption and conspiracies, and an ending that will leave you hanging needing to know more. Greenall creates an engaging and strongly written world that bleeds through the pages and sends a message that I won’t soon forget. What really is in our food. With that terrifying thought and how creepy the genies were this book gave me the chills. It really makes you think more about what we all put in our bodies and the consequences it could someday have. This is not your average apocalyptic sci fi thriller, within its pages are so many good ideas that we as a society should think about for our future. I cannot wait to start reading Return To Gallanvaig, her second book in this eye opening series. This book is definitely a must read with some scary realistic thoughts of where we could be headed.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Callie LaMarche

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Quick of Destiny was a bone chilling tale about what can happen if GM food products had disastrous effects on the majority of the population. The book starts off slow in the beginning but it provides a good platform for the main characters. When the disaster strikes is when the story truly takes off and sends Calum and the people around him into a journey of survival. Imagine a world where anyone that has eaten GM effected food products such as meat, dairy turns into a crazy person with no rational thought. That is the world that the majority of the book takes place in. Calum and his friends are put into varies dangerous and exciting situations that they must escape themselves out of into this new world.

Catherine Greenall was able to bring up the issues in our current food predicament in a truly engaging way. It’s a good start on informing people to change their ways by being more green and the dangers of eating GM food.

My main complaint is when the location and/or the point of view switched without a break on paragraphs. Eventually I was able to figure our where the characters were. The only other thing is there are a lot of characters towards the end that weren’t introduced besides their names.

Overall I found the book engaging and thought provoking.

Review by @callielamarche

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Taylor K Stephenson

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

~Zombies…Epidemics…For All Fans of Thrill and Destiny~

There are so many reasons I loved this book. I think the main one is because of my own natural love of the environmental sciences. Reading about them in a fictional setting, from an author who obviously did their homework makes this an easy favorite. From world building, scene setting, and character development you are in for a ride. Calum is a character you can fall right in line with as the plot develops.

He is persistent in the face of obviously challenging situations, making him in my opinion an excellent leader. He isn’t a cookie cutter character, rather his choices really put you into the world in a way that makes you think, “What would I do here?” The plot develops in a way that is shocking, and unique. Seriously loved this over-all, it’s hard to find a story with zombies that you can really sink your teeth into. If you have ever wanted to read the post-apocalyptic genre, focused more on the sciences and challenges your way of thinking, you won’t be disappointed.

Reviewed by @taylorkstephenson

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A Quirk of Destiny ( Quirk of Destiny Book 1 ) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Carla Clemmons

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a fast paced, could totally happen apocalyptic read! I really love the authors writing style and the characters. I love Calum’s level head in some pretty stressful situations. The fact that this story isn’t that far fetched will send chills down your spine! It will keep you up late turning pages to see what happens to Ben, Calum, Rob and Jessie. Just when you think you may have the plot figured out there’s another truth found. There’s a lot of science to back up the story to really get you thinking! I can’t wait to read the next book!

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Christen Ware

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Overall – a good read with a storyline that works well with the character and plot drive. A dystopian fueled by modified foods and a deadly coverup that goes horribly wrong. It introduces many interesting concepts and a severe warning that many can just take and run with it. With a background in agriculture, there is often a lot of misinformation and misleading among these topics.

It was a good read in terms of the possibilities that can come from improper regulation and the misuse of power.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Shannen Kern

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Quirk of Destiny is a chilling dystopian read and I couldn’t get enough. I really enjoyed the scientific and political parts that were woven into the story. When the content is this realistic as well as relatable, you get pulled in and start wondering if this is something that could happen!

Calum has been trying to alert someone about the safety of this new modified food but his whole department was told to keep quiet. Calum does not accept this and wants to inform others, so they know the repercussions. The government seems to silence anyone who is coming forward with news they apparently don’t want leaked. People begin behaving in an odd manner and panic ensues. Everyone starts looking to Calum for guidance and he becomes a natural born leader in humanity’s most dire moment.

The chapters in the beginning are very short so it took a little getting used to but after the first few, they get more in-depth and incredibly interesting. I am very excited for the second book in this series and recommend getting this one as soon as you can!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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A Quirk of Destiny: Apocalyptic Visionary Sci-Fi Thriller by Catherine Greenall -Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Calum is scientist who works approving food and drinks for distribution in the UK, he has thrown himself into his work ever since his fiancée died a year ago, despite the best efforts of his best friends. One day, while he is looking into a specific food, he sees that it has been approved despite not going through the relevant and robust testing needed. Calum talks to his friends about it and they all decide to do some further research, so he goes to some archives and meets a fellow lover of the environment called Jessie and arranges to meet up the week after. When he goes into a meeting with all of his research, coupled with the research his friends have done, but when he brings it up to his superiors, he is shocked my their attitude and the repercussions of this.

By the time a couple of days had passed news of some mysterious disappearances have come to light, including his next door neighbour, but the most shocking things are the reports of a mystery illness spreading throughout the country, but when he finds out that his friends are seeing the same thing and it is putting them on edge, he advises them to come to him, so they can stick together. As danger follows them to Calum’s home, he decides to contact Jessie and along the way picks up another person who has been unaffected by the disease.

As the group try to do to somewhere a bit better to defend, they talk about what could be causing the disease and who might be behind it, while also trying to figure out how to avoid the people who have contracted it. Meanwhile, they find that they are being followed by the diseased, the only thing is, the more they encounter, the more that something doesn’t quite add up, it seems that some of the diseased have mutated and now have abilities while cross over into the paranormal, but they aren’t alone, there are other forces hunting the group down and these don’t play well with others.

Will Calum be able to keep his friends safe and out of danger while being chased by the mutants and other interested parties? This is an apocalyptic sci-fi which deals with current issues in an imaginative and exploratory way, while being a race against time with plenty of action and adventure throughout.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Chrissy Spulak

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the first installment in this series. I haven’t, until just recently, gotten into apocalyptic, end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it type books. I actually almost passed on this one. I am SO GLAD I didn’t!! If you like conspiracies and mile-a-minute action, you’re gonna love this. If you’re a reader who loves to compare fiction to what is going on in the real world, this is a fun one…it’s also kind of scary, in that regard. The characters are what make a great story, for me. If character interactions and dialogue seem contrived or disingenuous, it’s hard for me to buy into the story. The writing in this is seamless between action and character involvement, which makes for a “smooth ride” all the way through. It’s easy to get caught up in the story and pretty soon hours have gone by. There is no “just one more chapter” thinking with this book. I highly recommend this book!

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Stephanie Driskill

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Holy cow! After reading this book I am totally switching my diet to a vegan and non-GMO. It is so scary how genes work, and the how transfer of disease and sickness can move through the feed in cattle and affect a human being! Just WOW! What a great story that captured my attention from the very first chapter. There are a multitude of well written characters that we can’t help but empathize with and root for the normal human beings to survive in this book. The mutated humans or “genies” as the author has chosen to call them are a scary bunch and the new abilities that they have gained is incredible. While I understand that this is a work of fiction, the author has done due diligence in providing many facts along the way to support the story and make it truly believable and thought provoking. Not only is the food contaminated but so is the land. How do we recover from such a huge tragedy that takes out 95% of the world population? Such a well written book to make one think not only about our food supply but what our government and its agencies can do to our food supply. This book is a real eye-opener into the scope of power we give to those in authority and government and what we need to do to protect ourselves and our loved ones. This book is a must read for anyone who thinks our government has our best interests in mind and follow along like sheeple. Please do yourself a favor, read the book, do your own research, and be aware of what could possibly happen soon. Get to know your neighbor and the organic local farmers. They will be your best tool for surviving the GMO crap storm that is lurking in the future.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

A Quirk of DestinyA Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall

A Quirk of Destiny is book one in the Apocalyptic Trilogy and is a Sci-Fi Thriller Dystopian story that definitely will have you thinking about things long after you’ve finished. This is a bit out of my normal genre but I truly enjoyed reading it and I like this authors style of writing along with characters that brought the story to life. I had a hard time putting it down. This will make you think twice before buying certain things . Im gonna tell you this makes our worlds current situations more terrifying than they already are. It definitely gives you lots to think about. Im not going to give anything away but I do highly recommend reading this book and I look forward to reading the next book in this Trilogy.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Rayne East

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The truth is out there
This thought-provoking book had me on the edge of my seat, quickly turning pages to find out what was going to happen next. The author has based the book on a foundation of true-science which is scary enough in itself, let alone woven through with the global conspiracies and epidemic. My heart raced and my mind was blown by the possibilities. A strong start to what looks to be a thrilling trilogy. Highly recommend.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Michelle Marlow

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book is absolutely one to get you thinking. It talks on the topics of genetically modified foods and plants. And as we know this is a huge topic for debate even now.

In this we are faced with what could become a reality possibly some time soon. This is the first book in this dystopian trilogy. It also shows things such as the corrupt political parties being connected to this as well.

Although at the beginning it is very science driven and slightly confusing, once you get through it is a good read for sure.

Review by @michellerenee6590
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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Mandy Kneale

A Quirk of DestinyA Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall

Genetically modified food is suspected to be the cause of an aggression sickness that is wreaking havoc on the majority of the population. Calum gathers his unaffected friends and they set out in search of answers, safety and a new beginning – if the authorities don’t catch up with him first.

The unconditional friendships in this book made this read well worth it. There were quite a few characters to follow but they all had such purpose and were well thought out. The details regarding genetically modified foods gave the story an intellectual edge that I really enjoyed.

Calum’s continuous explanations to new characters they met along the way, while necessary, were a bit repetitive and the pacing slowed my reading motivation down in stages. I really did enjoy Calum’s rebellious side and his caring nature.

The ending was really satisfying and I NEED to know what happens next! I will certainly be picking up the next book in this trilogy. This was a good read and I would recommend it if you enjoy a bit of action with your food science nerd facts!

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Julie Johnson

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It’s where the Hunger Games meets The Walking Dead! There are so many great things about this book! It’s thrilling, scary, edge of your seat reading enjoyment!

First of all, I know this is a fictional book but I could see this really happening. Maybe it already is in other forms?!?! Calum is still dealing with the loss of his fiancé, Siobhan. We never really know why she took her life but I could only surmise after reading this book. He throws himself even more into his work for the Department but becomes more and more troubled by some of the research that he sees is going on. It’s not long before he finds himself on a journey to save not only himself, but others who are still very much like him in their thoughts and beliefs.

Moral of the story? Be mindful of what you eat. It might come back to haunt you.

I am excited to know that this is a trilogy and I eagerly await an opportunity to fit the other books in my reading schedule. There is something about Hannah that I did not like in this book and I have a feeling (actually I’m really hoping that my hunch is correct) that we might be seeing her again in a more prominent fashion.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Jade Thomson

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am a big fan of dystopian novels/stories and this was a pretty satisfying one! I enjoyed the events that led to the creation of this world-especially the fact about how it could potentially happen (one of the reasons I Am Legend FREAKS me out)! The character development was really great and flowed naturally-Calums character was fun to follow. I felt like it was really obvious the author was passionate about their work. This is my first from them and I am excited to read more!

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Cintia Leyva

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a very interesting apocalyptic read. The beginning was a bit difficult to get through, but it was well worth it. I love zombie stories and the take on this story and the realism of it.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Tausha Treadway

A Quirk of DestinyA Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall. This is the story of Calum who has been trying to recover from his fiance’s suicide so he has thrown himself into his work. He is a Government Scientist so he has plenty to do. His friends have tried setting him up but he’s just not really interested. When a deadly disease starts killing all kinds of people he feels like he needs to do something. In trying to find a cure for this disease he uncovers a horrible conspiracy and unleashes a deadly mutant. If these people do survive this disease they are attacked by paranormal mutants. Cal has to do something to help save humanity. Will he be able to save those he love and the world? Read this fast paced dystopian read!

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Kerry Baker

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a dystopian novel with an emphasis on real world problems. The author has created a story that is fictional and set in a dystopian world but has given it a very realistic feel by basing it on current global issues such as GM vs organic food and general political views.
I thought the idea behind the story was good. It was an enjoyable plot with characters that fit well within the story. I found it hard to really connect with it though as, at times, it felt like it was a little too political for my liking. While I don’t’ mind reading books like that, I prefer my dystopian novels to be more on the fictional side.
However, the book was well written and certainly interesting. It gave me a good view into the authors writing style and has made me want to read more of her work.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Darla Yocom

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall

This is book one of this Sci-Fi series and exceeded my expectations on all fronts!

Catherine Greenall does a tremendous job w/ the creation and building of the intriguing multi-faceted characters within this book. I love a great dystopian twist and the dramatic build up had me on the edge of my seat. Normally I would hate to read a book with a cliffhanger, but I’m convinced that book number two will be even better than the first.

I think the author’s scientific background enhances her ability to create an extremely convincing scientific plot within this story. Science and greed pits society against those who have a bit too much power, and it has all gone straight to their heads. The main character, Calum works for the Dept of Food and Environment as a scientist, testing the safety of food related technology. He begins to investigate strange happenings that he believes has a scientific reason behind them. Soon, he finds the world in a full-blown epidemic that quickly overwhelms the world. Calum believes he may have uncovered the truth and soon takes those immune to the questionable contagions under his wing to embark on one heck of an adventure.

This is a quick paced read and was entertaining from page one.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. If I could give this a higher “grade”, I would.

I think folks will enjoy this read and find themselves engrossed in a new series!

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Angela Hayes

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


A Quirk of Destiny is the first book in the Apocalyptic Trilogy by Catherine Greenall. This is a though-provoking sci-fi thriller with a dystopian-esque scenario that incorporates an outbreak which causes a zombie(like) apocalypse, bringing action, danger, violence, deadly illness, government conspiracies and cover-ups, politics, agendas, paranormally strong zombies, environmental messages, Gm vs organic food debate, pro-veganism ideals, and plenty of dramatic developments.
With everything that is happening in the world today, I couldn’t help but think that this scenario could very-well come to pass. Which made this book a little more disturbing than it may otherwise have been. It certainly made me sit up and take notice. Giving plenty to ponder over as the story unfolded.
Catherine Greenall’s story certainly packs a punch what with her dynamic, detailed, and descriptive storytelling allowing her to paint a truly believable and dramatic picture.
When a scientist, Callum, raises concerns about the testing and regulation of food production, his warnings go unheeded and are instead supressed. But when a deadly illness spreads across the world Callum can’t help but step up and try to help. But he is in for more shocks as mutants with paranormal abilities begin attacking. With danger, violence, politics, major corruption, government conspiracies, and evil forces- what can Callum do in the face of such overwhelming odds? And what does that mean for the fate of humanity? If you want the answers to those questions, you will have to read all the dramatic details for yourself.
If you love zombie apocalypse stories with an original spin, environmental issues and other messages, believability, danger, and plenty of action- then this is definitely the book/series for you.
….And as this is the first book in a trilogy, the story is set to continue in Book #2.
Happy Reading!

Thank you, Catherine Greenall!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Melissa Saxton

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An extremely well written dystopian Thriller that is so well done you want to keep reading!
what happens when rich people have too much power and want to play games with lives….

what happens when you introduce GM feed to stock that humans consume… but this gm feed changes the animals very DNA which in turn changes the DNA of the consumer and they turn into….genies?!?!? some aggressive and violent… some more productive but with so many different abilities.

as this sweeps the nation and no one knows what’s causing them to be sick and the violent genies attack can a small group of scientists who knew this was a problem and keep getting attacked to be silenced save man kind from extinction?

if you love dystopian or are interested but haven’t tried it this book is a great addition to your library!

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Melissa Saxton

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An extremely well written dystopian Thriller that is so well done you want to keep reading!
what happens when rich people have too much power and want to play games with lives….

what happens when you introduce GM feed to stock that humans consume… but this gm feed changes the animals very DNA which in turn changes the DNA of the consumer and they turn into….genies?!?!? some aggressive and violent… some more productive but with so many different abilities.

as this sweeps the nation and no one knows what’s causing them to be sick and the violent genies attack can a small group of scientists who knew this was a problem and keep getting attacked to be silenced save man kind from extinction?

if you love dystopian or are interested but haven’t tried it this book is a great addition to your library!

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Jerricka Brown

A Quirk of DestinyA Quirk of Destiny by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was amazing. It is my first book by this author and I was so pleased. All the elements that are relatable today made it hard to put down. I can see it in my mind while reading it. The author did a great job with all the attention to details. I cannot wait to read more in this series.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by Kerry Carr

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this story. It was one of those books you read that even though it is fiction you could imagine something similar happening. With all the additives and GM stuff that is added to our food these days we really don’t know what we are consuming. I really appreciated the research the author put into this book so that it had more of a realistic feel and it makes the feeling that this could become a reality instead of a work for fiction. The twists and turns kept me gripped and I was shocked at how far the cover up goes and how much is hidden that we wouldn’t know about.

In this story we follow Calum as he tries to find out what is causing this outbreak which is turning normally reasonable people into aggressive humans. Could it be something they’ve eaten? When it seems that the only people not affected are vegans this leads Calum on the trail fo what is being used to taint the meat and dairy products. What he discovers is a bunch of secrets and cover ups that no one should know about and the consequence of this knowledge puts him in a danger situation.

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A Quirk of Destiny (Quirk of Destiny Book 1) by Catherine Greenall – Review by La Toya Lewis

A Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et IgnorabimusA Quirk of Destiny: Ignoramus et Ignorabimus by Catherine Greenall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Calum O’Connell is a scientist with the Department of Food and Environment that starts to suspect that genetically-modified food is responsible for the zombie-like dystopia that he has found himself in. Only people that don’t consume animal products are able to avoid the mutation that makes people have a reaction and become so aggressive that society is about to fall. Calum builds a group of unaffected survivors to try to find answers. A Quirk of Destiny is a very good thriller that made me very happy that I am vegan. The plot and characters are well-written. The world-building is awesome. This author really makes you think about what could be under similar circumstances. It was a bit terrifying. A great read for those that like dystopian books.

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