
Lake of Flowers (The Lord Hani Mysteries #5) by N.L Holmes-Review by Amanda Kimble

Lake of Flowers (Lord Hani #5)Lake of Flowers by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Lake of Flowers (The Lord Hani Mysteries #5) by N.L Holmes

This is another fantastic read by N.L Holmes. The Lord Hani Mysteries is a series I highly recommend. Each book keeps getting better and better.

Hani is once again put in the middle of something that doesn’t involve him. The Queen needs his help, but then he’s put in a dangerous spot. His daughter is also put in the middle of the same mess. The quote I chose Hani is: “I don’t know. There’ll almost certainly be an uprising as soon as the king dies. That may be the moment this whole bizarre experiment falls apart. I can’t imagine there are many real believers. Most people, like our Aha, are committed only to please the king and advance their careers.”

Highly recommended for Historical Mystery lovers.

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The Don (Her Three Immortals #1) by Hazel Storm-Review by Amanda Kimble

The DonThe Don by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Don (Her Three Immortals Book 1) by Hazel Storm

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Hazel Storm has a new fan and reader. She knows how to write and I will be coming back for more.

Vanessa is not the normal person people think her to be. She seems to have caught the attention of three immortals. Grey, Aroz, and Raef. The quote I chose for Vanessa is: “Hm. Speaking of doing without, would you mind if I take a day off next week? I need to visit some specialists in the city about Piper.”

Grey is the top dog of the Underworld. Vanessa is something he wants. The only question is though is can he share. He’s not the only one wanting her. The quote I chose for Grey is: “How many boys did you say work for him?”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers

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Moonlit Kiss: A Venice Romance (Moonlit Destination Series) by Amy McKinley-Review by Amanda Kimble

Moonlit Kiss (A Venice Romance)Moonlit Kiss by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Moonlit Kiss : A Venice Romance (Moonlit Destination Series) by Amy McKinley

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by McKinley. Moonlit Kiss is a page-turner. It had me hooked from the beginning.

Gianna is going to Venice to restore a painting. When she arrives she meets the ghost of the artist who painted the mural she’s restoring. She soon learns the history behind the mural. The quote I chose for Gianna is: “I did. She’s doing much better, especially since Francesca moved in. I think the loneliness was getting to be too much for her.”

Sergio is a neurosurgeon and is there when Gianna almost falls into the canal. There he feels like he knows her although they just met. He can’t explain it, but he can’t let her go back to the states. The quote I chose for Sergio is: “ That woman causes all my instincts to flare. I don’t doubt that you’re right. But without any physical proof, there isn’t much we can do.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Mountains Wanted (Mountain Series #1) by Phoebe Alexander-Review by Amanda Kimble

Mountains Wanted (Mountains #1)Mountains Wanted by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Mountains Wanted (Mountains Series Book 1) by Phoebe Alexander

This isn’t the first book by Alexander I’ve read. This new series is great and I loved every minute of it. Mountains Wanted is the first book in the Mountain Series.

Sarah is a single mom to two wonderful kids. Meeting James at a sub place she couldn’t keep him off her mind. When she meets him again a few days later things change. The quote I chose for Sarah is: “With all due respect, let’s say your life is on the line in the heat of battle. Would you rather have a gay soldier who is one hundred percent focused and loyal to his fellow soldiers by your side, or a straight soldier whose mind is nowhere near the battlefield? The truth of the matter is people have the ability to be professional and put their recreational and sexual desires aside when needed. This ability has absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation. It has everything to do with integrity and work ethic.”

James is home for good. He’s teaching ROTC and encourages his students to attend Sarah’s lecture. When he meets her one on one he can’t keep her off his mind. The quote I chose for James is: “Being deployed in a war zone, it’s obviously not like everyday life. In order for the men to stay focused, accomplish their missions and stay alive, it requires—more than anything else—mental discipline. If an individual loses focus and doesn’t see something they ought to have seen, it may not only get them injured but the person next to them as well. It’s imperative to keep distractions to a minimum. It’s focus and discipline that make the difference between frightened boys and professional soldiers who get the job done. That’s also why drinking and sex are discouraged while deployed.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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In His Kiss (The Unrequited Series #1) by Ava Alise-Review by Amanda Kimble

In His Kiss (The Unrequited Series Book 1)In His Kiss by Ava Alise
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

In His Kiss (The Unrequited Series #1) by Ava Alise

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Alise had me hooked from the get go. I can’t wait until the next book comes out.

Xia has had a crush on her best friend Jordan for as long as she can remember. When the unthinkable happens it destroys her. Now she can’t trust the one person she should be able to. Especially when things with Jordan didn’t work out. The quote I chose for Xia is: “He told me, Jordan. I asked him if he cheated and he didn’t deny it. He just looked … guilty. God, Jordan. What the hell?”

Jordan has always thought about the benefits with Xia, but doesn’t think she feels the same. He doesn’t think twice when she kisses him. Then he breaks her heart. The quote I chose for Jordan is: “Come on, you know I’m not going to let you face this alone. It’s what we do for each other, right?”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Forbidden Wolf (The Shadow Chornicles #1) by CR Robertson-Review by Amanda Kimble

Forbidden WolfForbidden Wolf by C.R. Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Forbidden Wolf (The Shadow Chronicles #1) by CR Robertson

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Robertson knows how to draw readers in and keep them interested. A page turner for sure.

Tasha is a vampire and has always been told that Lycans are bad people. When she meets a black wolf things change. Young and in love is what she is. Twenty years is what they promised, but can they make it? The quote I chose for Tasha is: “We all have to join the army the September after our twenty-first birthday. I don’t want to but there is no other choice.”

Levi was minding his business until a sexy vampire took him down. The bite she left him caused more to happen. Fated mates. He’s heard of them and now his wolf will do nothing but get to her. The quote I chose for Levi is: “You need to back the f*** up. I don’t know who you are or who you think we are, but we’re leaving.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Vampire lovers.

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Brink of Denial (Sons of Sindicato #2) by Sonya Jesus & Cam Johns-Review by Amanda Kimble

Brink of Denial (Sons of Sindicato #1)Brink of Denial by Cam Johns
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

BRINK OF DENIAL: A Dark Mafia Romance (Sons of Sindicato #2) by Sonya Jesus & Cam Johns

This isn’t the first read by Jesus and Johns. Brink of Denial is a great read. It is the second book in the Sons of Sindicato Series but it can be read as a standalone.

Mila is back and this time it’s for good. Coming home had seemed to bring troubles for everyone. Trying to get back in Dane’s good graces is proving to be harder than she thought. The quote I chose for Mila is: “Follow me. I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

Dane is the oldest of three and is tired of having his heart torn out by the same girl. Mila will be the death of him it seems but he welcomes it. When he learns that she’s in trouble he helps her out. Why wouldn’t he, she is his after all. The quote I chose for Dane is: “Clearly. If you want to go and live Mila’s life, Dad shouldn’t stop you. Maybe talk to Mila first, and ask her how all the fame and fortune is going before you pack your bags and fly away from here. Mila’s life isn’t as beautiful as you think.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Nightfall by TK Lawyer-Review by Amanda Kimble

NightfallNightfall by T.K. Lawyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Nightfall by TK Lawyer

This is the first book I’ve read by this author. Lawyer has found a new reader in me and I will be looking for others. Nightfall is such a great read.

Tamara finds, what she thinks is, a stray dog on her porch. Deciding to keep him as a pet and falls for the dog. She starts hearing a voice in her head that doesn’t belong to her. The quote I chose for Tamara is: “Josh, this is Ruben. He’s a very good old friend of mine, we used to work together. Actually, all three of us did. Ruben, Vee, and me. I haven’t seen this man in a year. And it’s been what, six months since you stopped talking to me?”

Josh is Tamara’s dog Nightfall, but he’s not a dog. He’s a wolf shifter. Tamara is his mate and now that he’s found her he won’t let her go. The jealous streak hits him like a freight train. The quote I chose for Josh is: “Today was absolutely miserable for me. I’m deeply in love with you, Tamara. You’re the one for me, the only one. Now that you’ve shared with me the reason you’ve been holding back, I can’t leave you—not until I give you a true chance to be with me. I know we’ll be happy together, because I’ll do anything to bring a smile to your face—anything Tamara.”

Highly recommended for Werewolf Romance lovers.

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Blue Summer Part Two by Everly Taylor-Review by Amanda Kimble

Blue Summer Part TwoBlue Summer Part Two by Everly Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Blue Summer Part Two by Everly Taylor

Blue Summer Part One needs to be read before Blue Summer Part Two. This picks off after book 1 and I’ve got to say what a fantastic read. Taylor sure knows what she’s doing.

Lillie is once again captured by Enuris. She escapes and meets up with Heath and friends. Once again they are trying to stop the evil sourcer. The quote I chose for Lillie is: “I guess, we just take it one step at a time from here then?”

Heath is Lillie’s first mate. When she is taken from under his nose things get tough. When They figure out what she is, things make sense. The quote I chose for Heath is: “Neither did you. It wouldn’t be fair to hold your mother’s decisions against you . Hell, you have only tried to help us since the moment you were kidnapped. It’s no wonder the Universe chose you for us.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Turning Wheels (Satan’s Devils MC #1) by Manda Mellett-Review by Amanda Kimble

Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC, #1)Turning Wheels by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Turning Wheels: Satan’s Devils MC #1 by Manda Mellett

Another great read by Mellett. Mellett has this way of making readers come back. Every read by Mellett is just amazing and I can’t wait for the next one.

Sophie is living her life when things change. Helping a friend escape an abusive relationship made her lose a leg. Now her friend has left again and is afraid the ex will go after Sophie. The quote I chose for Sophie is: “You fell at his f***ing feet? Way to go, Zoe! What happened next?”

Wraith is VP for the Arizona chapter. When a friend calls saying that he’s gotta protect a girl the chapter helps out. Once there Wraith has found himself smitten. The quote I chose for Wraith is: “We gotta hope he hasn’t got the same clout over here and gets the feds involved.”

Highly recommended for MC Romance lovers.

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Sexy Drug (Losing My Heart book 1) by Melody Calder-Review by Amanda Kimble

Sexy Drug (Losing My Heart #1)Sexy Drug by Melody Calder
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Sexy Drug (Losing My Heart Book 1) by Melody Calder

This is the first book I’ve read by Calder. I will definitely be coming back for more. Sexy Drug is the first book in the Losing My Heart Series.

Katie is the only daughter of a known drug dealer. She is shot and watches her best friend die in front of her eyes. Then she finds herself attracted to her new body guard. Although she knows she shouldn’t, she ends up falling for him. The quote I chose for Katie is: “I know there’s a back way. I just don’t want the staff to see this either. They talk and I can’t handle any more rumors. Not with being stuck here until I’m sold to the highest bidder.”

Ramone is on a job and doesn’t want to put up with what he calls a selfish brat. Once he gets to know Katie and understands why she acts the way she does he starts falling. He shouldn’t feel this way since she is the boss’s daughter and off limits to him. The quote I chose for Ramone is: “As you know, your father wants us to join him for breakfast. You have fifteen minutes before we have to leave, if we are to make it on time. If there’s nothing else you need, I’ll be in my chair.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Dirty Kisses and Conflicting Wishes (Kiss Me book 1) by Danielle Jacks-Review by Amanda Kimble

Dirty Kisses and Conflicting WishesDirty Kisses and Conflicting Wishes by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Dirty Kisses and Conflicting Wishes (Kiss me Book 1) by Danielle Jacks

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Jacks. She keeps her readers coming back and I’m glad to be one of those readers. Dirty Kisses and Conflicting Wishes is the first book in the Kiss Me Series, but can be read as a standalone.

Zoe is loving her chance in the big city, but it all comes crashing down. She loses her job, her boyfriend, and a roof over her head. When she runs into her brothers ex-best friend. The quote I chose for Zoe is: “We didn’t have a chance at a happy ever after. I should’ve never let our fake dating get out of hand. I’m sorry we led you on, but you need to come to terms with it being over.”

Damien runs into the last person he ever thought he’d see. When things come up he finds himself saying they are engaged. Then things get even worse. The quote I chose for Damien is: “At least I know why she’s suddenly resilient to my charms. Tomorrow, I’m going to drop something off at your house. Your job is to make sure she opens it and follows the instructions.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Chased (A Cambridge Men of Honour Novel Book One): A Dark Mafia Bad Boy Romance by Felicity Brandon-Review by Amanda Kimble

ChasedChased by Felicity Brandon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Chased (A Cambridge Men of Honour Novel Book One): A Dark Mafia Bad Boy Romance by Felicity Brandon

This is another great read by Brandon. Ms. Brandon has a way of creating characters that you love to hate. And hate to love.

Allegra is a law student. Going out for a walk during the pandemic leads her to meet Chase. Meeting Chase was the best and worst thing in her life. The quote I chose for Allegra is: “Do you usually ask for what you want? You seem like the sort of man who just takes what he wants.”

Chase is above the law. He’s head of the Men of Honour and doesn’t need a woman. Well, he doesn’t think he needs a woman until he meets Allegra. She challenges him and he likes it. The quote I chose for Chase is: “You. Are. Safe. Nothing is going to change that…I’m not going to let it.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Courage of Us (Code of Honor #1) by Brooke May-Review by Amanda Kimble

Courage of Us (Code of Honor Book 1)Courage of Us by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Courage of Us (Code of Honor #1) by Brooke May

Another fantastic read by May. She sure does know how to keep her readers. Courage of Us is the first book in her new Code of Honor Series.

Patience doesn’t have much when it comes to her name. That is until her best friend, Duke, up and leaves. Not a word to her and that goes on for seven years. Then he comes home at the nick of time. The quote I chose for Patience is: “But that’s what makes them so beautiful. They can be that way, but most times, they are just trying to live like every other creature. It isn’t their fault that they aren’t the exact native species to our area. They don’t know any better.”

Duke has had a hard time since leaving town. He not only left his best friend behind without a word, but she was also the love of his life. When he comes home he finds that she is going through a rough time. The quote I chose for Duke is: “That sounds great to me. I’m going to go throw some clothes on.”

Highly recommended for Military Romance lovers.

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Sleeping Angel (Soul Connections #2) by Nikki Lynn Barrett-Review by Amanda Kimble

Sleeping Angel (Soul Connection, #2)Sleeping Angel by Nikki Lynn Barrett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Sleeping Angel (Soul Connection #2) by Nikki Lynn Barrett

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Barrett, but it is my first book in the Soul Connection Series. Barrett has yet again captured my attention. Sleeping Angel had me hooked from the start.

Logan is the older brother most of us wish we could have/had. He treats his sister the way every man should treat a woman. Then his world comes crashing down. His sister is dead. Murdered. The quote I chose for Logan is: “You could have saved her, had you paid attention. You’re selfish! How dare you come apologize to me! I’ll show you sorry!”

Angel watched it happen. Watched as her friend and Logan’s little sister was murdered. She comes forward after Andi is buried and says she saw it happen. She blames herself, but then something happens. She is in someone else’s body. The quote I chose for Angel is: “M-m … Rionna’s roommate. She’s dead.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Ghost lovers.

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Blue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor-Review by Amanda Kimble

Blue Summer Part OneBlue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Blue Summer Part One by Everly Taylor

This is the first book I’ve read by Taylor, but it won’t be my last. This book had me hooked from the very beginning. It was hard to put it down.

Lillie has always felt like she’s never belonged. When she meets Clay and Heath things change. Now she’s in danger and doesn’t know why. The quote I chose for Lillie is: “Well, let’s not make it for nothing, and get this bad boy back, before it’s too late.”

Heath is part of the Zayed community. Mating is rare and hasn’t happened in a long time. When he and Clay meet Lillie things change. The quote I chose for Heath is: “Brian can bring you back to my hut, if that’s what you want for the night. You can have my bed , and I’ll take the couch. I don’t want you to feel any pressure. You have definitely been through enough for one night.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Cursed Whispers (Broderick Coven Book 3) by AJ Renee-Review by Amanda Kimble

Cursed Whispers (Broderick Coven, #3)Cursed Whispers by A.J. Renee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Cursed Whispers (Broderick Coven Book 3) by AJ Renee

This is another great read by Renee. Cursed Whispers is about my favorite Broderick brother, Max. Each of the Broderick Coven Series can be read as a standalone.

Max can talk to animals. Yeah, you’re probably thinking it’s because he’s a get. But he can literally talk to animals. When he goes to his sister’s baby shower he gets a feeling. The feeling led him to his mate. The quote I chose for Max is: “When I heard your cry of pain, I decided right then to do everything I could for you. Learning you’re a werewolf hasn’t changed a thing. I can tell you don’t trust easily and probably for a good reason. Please trust me—us—when we say we will fight alongside you.”

Claudia is a werewolf. You know the kind that can phase between wolf form and human. She was taken, abused, and raped. Bringing along her daughter when she escapes. Now she has lost her daughter and needs Max’s help to find her. The quote I chose for Claudia is: “I, Claudia Lupita, mother of Katia, pledge my allegiance to the Alumbra pack. I swear to protect Peter Rawly and my fellow packmates from any and all who wish them harm.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal lovers.

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Elusive: Dark Billionaire Mafia Romance (Billionaire Bodyguards Book 5) by Via Mari-Review by Amanda Kimble

Elusive (Billionaire Bodyguards #5)Elusive by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Elusive: Dark Billionaire Mafia Romance (Billionaire Bodyguards Book 5) by Via Mari

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Mari. Each book gets better and better. This one involves my favorite guy Sheldon.

Sheldon is working on keeping Kat safe, but when Alexis falls into his life things change. Especially since someone wants her. He won’t let that happen. The quote I chose for Sheldon is: “You don’t even glance at the lady. Apologize, and then we are going to call it a day.”

Alexis is a hard working young woman. When Sheldon comes to her for a job and the amount of money she couldn’t say no. She loves what she does, but when some sicko comes after her she isn’t sure what to do. The quote I chose for Alexis is: “Your hair looks naturally curly, so let’s just go with that, but with sleekness and smoothness, unless you’re looking for a different style.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Walker Pride (Walker Family Series #1) by Bernadette Marie-Review by Amanda Kimble

Walker Pride (The Walker Family, #1)Walker Pride by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Walker Pride (The Walker Family #1) by Bernadette Marie

This is the first book I’ve read by Marie. To say that this book was fantastic would be an understatement. I can’t put into words how much I love this book.

Susan moved from Colorado to the lovely state of Georgia. She is getting her business off the ground by going to trade school and catering. She doesn’t expect to fall in love with the Walker Family and one Eric Walker. The quote I chose for Susan is: “I always thought it would be interesting to be a mail carrier or even a trash collector. Can you even imagine what they know?”

Eric is a homebody. He doesn’t like others being in his space. When his uncle decides that he wants to gamble away some of the Walker land he gives away Eric’s home. The quote I chose for Eric is: “You pave a path for yourself. His has been paved with mistakes the entire family has had to pay for.”

Highly recommended for Western Romance lovers.

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Blood Mug: Red Farlow Mysteries: #4 by W.F. Ranew-Review by Amanda Kimble

Blood Mug (Red Farlow Mysteries: #4)Blood Mug by W.F. Ranew
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Blood Mug: Red Farlow Mysteries: #4 by W.F. Ranew

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Ranew. The author knows how to keep you entertained from the beginning. Red Farlow Mysteries is an amazing series.

Red is up against another crime doer. This time it’s the chairman that’s dead. He injures himself once again. This time by falling off a building. Although he thinks he saw a young woman standing there. The quote I chose for Red is: “I remember that.
Two tanks eventually went up. You could see the smoke from Macon.”

Highly recommended for Crime lovers.

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An Unexpected Bonding: Book One of The Unexpected Trilogy by Lilly Rayman-Review by Amanda Kimble

An Unexpected Bonding: Book One of The Unexpected TrilogyAn Unexpected Bonding: Book One of The Unexpected Trilogy by Lilly Rayman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

An Unexpected Bonding: Book One of The Unexpected Trilogy by Lilly Rayman

This is the first book I’ve read by Rayman, but it won’t be my last. An Unexpected Bonding is a great read and you get a lot of information.

Livva is the only one who never changed into a wolf. Traveling the states to find herself she finds love instead. When a horrible accident takes her fiance it leaves her his business. The quote I chose for Livva is: “Peace once more between our races. We were never meant to be at war with each other, and now, more so than ever, is the time for peace to be declared and our friendship to begin again. There have already been two deaths today–”

Darius is one of the few vampires that can walk in the sun. When he meets Livva he finds that he is attracted to her. He doesn’t want to forget his wife who lost her battle to cancer. The quote I chose for Darius is: “What is it I can help you with, sir?”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Love by Design (The Meraki Series #2) by Effie Kammenou-Review by Amanda Kimble

Love by Design (The Meraki series, #2)Love by Design by Effie Kammenou
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Love by Design (The Meraki Series #2) by Effie Kammenou

This is the second book in The Meraki Series. It’s also the second book I’ve ready by Kammenou. Love by Design is amazing just like Love is What You Bake of It.

Mia is living in the city instead of with her family. She doesn’t want to be stuck in a small town. When she meets Nicholas her life is flipped upside down. The quote I chose for Mia is: “Precious time. That’s not for me. How did couples meet before all this online stuff? What happened to the old-fashioned way of meeting by chance, or at work, or through a friend?”

Nicholas runs his business with his sister. When he meets Mia things change. He isn’t sure what to make of her. Things aren’t clear until they spend time alone. The quote I chose for Nicholas is:“Well, I’ll leave you to your thoughts.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Love is What You Bake of It (The Meraki Series #1) by Effie Kammenou-Review by Amanda Kimble

Love is What You Bake of itLove is What You Bake of it by Effie Kammenou
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Love is What You Bake of It (The Meraki Series #1) by Effie Kammenou

This is the first book I’ve read by Kammenou. It won’t be my last as this book is amazing. Love is What You Bake of It got me hooked from the first chapter.

Kally is trying to get out of the funk she’s put herself in. The past relationship she was in didn’t end very well. When she calls the cops to come pick up a license plate her life changes. The main cop catches her attention. The quote I chose for Kally is: “He’s married. All men suck! Seriously. I saw her at the café. She’s gorgeous, of course. What would possess any man to stray when he has such a perfect family?”

Max is finally back in his hometown after his life went to hell. His daughter had the most trauma out of all this. When he met Kally things changed. He didn’t know if he could put himself out there. The quote I chose for Max is: “No, of course not. Men are never on the lookout for beautiful, successful and interesting women like yourself. I’m surprised you’re not already married with a couple of kids. I watched you at the party. You were a natural with those children and Athena hasn’t stopped talking about you.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Bovine Tricks (Royals Gone Rouge #1) by Seelie Kay-Review by Amanda Kimble

Bovine TricksBovine Tricks by Seelie Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Due 5/9 Bovine Tricks (Royals Gone Rogue #1) by Seelie Kay

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by the author. Kay is talented and every book of hers is amazing. Bovine Tricks will make you question what was going on through her mind.

Tillie is an Agent and does whatever the Queen wants. Things with this case are tricky. Lady Arabella is missing and the Queen needs Tillie to find her. The quote I chose for Tillie is: “It sounds like they are tied to their stalls, maybe even chained. We are going to need some clippers, bolt cutters, and possibly, lock pics.”

Abdul is also an Agent but he is Tillie’s lover. He wants Tillie to be fine and this case is messing with their heads. The quote I chose for Abdul is: “Unless we can figure out a way to get into those barns without being seen.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Maggie by Mya O’Malley-Review by Amanda Kimble

5/5 Stars


Due 5/8 Maggie AUDIO BOOK by Mya O’Malley


This is the second book by the author I’ve had the pleasure of having. Although this is the first Audio Book I’ve had by her. Emily Ember is a great narrator and I loved it.


Naomi lives on the edge of the town cemetery. She loves living there and it gives her great help when it comes to writing. As an author she thrives on it. When she meets Maggie things go bad. She is determined to finish Maggie’s story. The quote I chose for Naomi is: “Give me a second and we’ll get going.”


Maggie is the ghost that is haunting Naomi. She wants…no she needs Naomi to figure out what happened. She needs Naomi to write her story; to finish her story. The quote I chose for Maggie is: “My story. Not much to tell. Sorry to disappoint you.”


Highly recommended for Crime lovers.

The Inheritance: The Story of an Unlikely Submissive Audio Book by India Kells-Review by Amanda Kimble

5/5 Stars


The Inheritance: The Story of an Unlikely Submissive Audio Book by India Kells


This isn’t the first book I’ve had a chance of listening to. India Kells is an amazing author and Antonio Turner is an amazing narrator.


Lani is a web designer and painter. She loves her art and dreams of her own studio. Needing to find a way out of working on anymore designs. The quote I chose for Lani is: “I’m Emilio McKay’s niece. He just died.”


Max was Lani’s uncle’s friend. He’s in charge of Lani’s inheritance. When he falls for her things turn to be the same for her. The quote I chose for Max is: “To be honest I’m not surprised. It’s very much the Emilio McKay that I’ve known.”


Highly recommended for Erotica Romance lovers.

Murder at Honeybee Lake (Shadow of a Doubt #2) by Jessica Aiken-Hall-Review by Amanda Kimble

Murder at Honeybee Lake (Shadow of a Doubt, #2)Murder at Honeybee Lake by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Due 5/7 Murder at Honeybee Lake (Shadow of a Doubt #2) by Jessica Akien Hall

This is another great series by Akien-Hall. She knows how to bring the stories to life. Her characters seem to come to life and I love that.

Mandy is an author who writes romance. Her wife Emily is supportive of the work. When she gets a disturbing phone call from her brother things get freaky. The quote I chose for Mandy is: “Well, it’s not like pre-baby Tessa, but you know how it is. She’s got her hands full. And now that Tommy’s back to work I bet she’s even more exhausted.”

Randy is finding himself after a horrible past relationship. When his boyfriend finds a dead body things go south. When things point back to him his sister steps in. The quote I chose for Randy is: “Of course. I love you Benjamin Davis. Everything is going to be alright. Don’t you worry.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Crime lovers.

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Relentless (Billionaire Bodyguards #4) by Via Mari-Review by Amanda Kimble

RelentlessRelentless by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Relentless: Dark Billionaire Mafia Romance (Billionaire Bodyguards #4) by Via Mari

This is another fantastic read by Mari. The Billionaire Bodyguards Series is fantastic. This just keeps getting better each book I read. This is the fourth book in this series.

Dereck is helping a buddy out. When he finds himself falling for a friend of his buddy’s girl. He wants to help out and he wants to keep her safe. The quote I chose for Dereck is: “I’ll get you to a safe place, but close enough to see what’s going on. We’re short men, so I need to focus on the task at hand, and if you’re in danger, my focus will be on you. Put this in, Layla. You’ll be plugged into the team chat. Stay off the line unless you need something. I know how much this means to you, and for the record, I wouldn’t have really left you home if you hadn’t been listening, but you would be watching from a safe place and not in the middle of a fucking mafia war zone if it were up to me.”

Layla is trying to do what she thinks is right. When she finds herself falling for the hottie. She isn’t sure what’s going to happen now, but she’ll go with the flow. The quote I chose for Layla is: “You didn’t need to, papi. But don’t worry. See, I’m a big girl, and men like you don’t intimidate me. I can handle any shade you throw.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Key West Dead (Jake Wolfe #6) by Mark Nolan-Review by Amanda Kimble

Key West DeadKey West Dead by Mark Nolan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Key West Dead (Jake Wolfe #6) by Mark Nolan

Another great read by Mr. Nolan. Everytime I pick up one of his books I’m captured. Each one gets better. I love every minute of it.

Jake is in the Florida Keys celebrating a friend’s wedding. When his dog tries warning them they ignore it. Now, Jake is trying to find who killed the newly weds. The quote I chose for Jake is: “Harlan would be pleased. It’s a bittersweet feeling, but he’d want us to enjoy his beloved Florida Keys, even though he can’t be here with us.”

Highly recommended for Crime lovers.

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Queen Of My Heart (Life Won’t Wait #1) by Nikki Lynn Barrett – Review by Amanda Kimble

Queen Of My Heart (Life Won't Wait Book 1)Queen Of My Heart by Nikki Lynn Barrett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Queen Of My Heart (Life Won’t Wait Book 1) by Nikki Lynn Barrett

This is not the first book I’ve read by Barrett. Queen of my Heart is an amazing read. This page turner is amazing. It combines my favorite things. Country music, books, fairy tales, and Nashville.

Quinn moved to Nashville after the last time her character was killed off. She moves in hopes of getting a music deal. She wants to provide a better life for her niece. The quote I chose for Quinn is: “For once, I wish I could live a fairy tale life. You’re saving me so I can help my family, and now that I’m here around yours, I wonder how I can walk away after this is said and done without a broken heart. I’ve never had this kind of family togetherness time. Never. And I’ve never wanted anyone to sweep me off my feet before. I still don’t, but you’re slowly changing my mind.”

Tucker is the next country music star. He has had a horrible past. When he meets Quinn it’s after she sings one of his songs. He helps her out when things get tough and falls in love. The quote I chose for Tucker is: “Seems I have a big star in my presence. I’d be honored if you’d let me be your tour guide through Music City. The tour includes some ins and outs of the music scene, lunch with a country star whom you might have heard of- Tucker McGinnis? I might be able to get him to meet you. Oh, and there might be some flirting involved. But in the end run, I’m hoping for a great day and a yes from you. Maybe a little one on one on a six string.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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