
Seductive Prey (Relentless #1) by Vivian Fiano – Review by Amanda Kimble

Seductive Prey (Relentless #1)Seductive Prey by Vivian Fiano
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Seductive Prey (Relentless #1) by Vivian Fiano

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Fiano. She is a talented author and I love reading her books. I can’t wait for the next book!

Jordan is and always will be a dancer. When she wants to do more she signs up for the Army. There she finds the man of her dreams. Only things start going bad. The quote I chose for Jordan is: “I spent the most amazing evening with the best boyfriend on this planet.”

Grant is Staff Sergeant and gets on some guys butts when seen disrespecting a newbie. Little did he know that he would meet the love of his life. He wants to protect her when she’s being stalked. The quote I chose for Grant is: “It’s not too bad, usually. We go to the range to test-fire our weapons. I usually fire as an expert in both the 9MM and the M4. I prefer my handgun, but we fire both. I contemplated going to sniper school for a while but decided against it even though it would’ve given me a leg up on the force.”

Highly recommended for Military Romantic Suspense lovers.

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I Will Bury You by Brandy Nacole-Review by Amanda Kimble

I Will Bury YouI Will Bury You by Brandy Nacole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

I Will Bury You by Brandy Nacole

This is the first book I’ve read by Nacole, but it won’t be my last. This page turner will have you on the edge of your seat.

Ann has lost her mother, but doesn’t know exactly what happened. There are things she doesn’t remember. She doesn’t understand what is going on. The quote I chose for Ann is: “She thinks I did it, doesn’t she? She never believes me. What did she say? Did she say that I was lying? Does she think I’m losing it because Mama died? She doesn’t think I can live on my own, does she? Ya know…”

Highly recommended for Crime lovers.

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Alpha Bet Guys Box Set by Phoebe Alexander-Review by Amanda Kimble

Alpha Bet Guys Boxed SetAlpha Bet Guys Boxed Set by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Alpha Bet Guys Boxed Set by Phoebe Alexander

A HOLE (Alpha Bet Guys #1)

Ace has left his life behind in New York and comes back to Philly. There he finds that a certain bank teller has caught his eye. When he’s mistaken for someone else things are blown up. The quote I chose for Ace is: “Wow, thanks for that. Comparing me to a damn isotope. I hope you know that’s going in one of my stand-up routines.”

Ella isn’t sure what Mr. Bennett wants with her. She knows he’s an a**hole, but what happens when she starts falling for him. She goes to her besties sister and finds that she had him mixed up with someone else. The quote I chose for Ella is: “Well, wouldn’t it be hilarious to get back at Ace for what he did to Cara by pulling the same nonsense? Making out with him and then forgetting who he is? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right?”

The Big O (Alpha Bet Guys #2)

Ozzy has his eyes set on the new girl. Noticing her means dropping glass on the floor. She helps him clean it up and walks away. Getting to know her is needed. The quote I chose for Ozzy is: “Oh, right. I guess it is a work night.”

Hazel is new to town and is looking for something different. Living on a chicken farm wasn’t the best. Not when she was a chicken sexer. The quote I chose for Hazel is: “That chapter of my life is over now. I’m looking to make a fresh start in a chicken-free environment. I’m a vegan.”

Need the D (Alpha Bet Guys #3)

Dante just celebrated his 30th birthday and he sees two of his friends in great relationships. Ella and Hazel are amazing, but now it’s his turn. When at Fox’s birthday bash he eyes a beauty. The quote I chose for Dante is: “Any idea who that is?”

Julia used to work for Fox and is still a close friend. When she arrives at the party she wonders if he’s got any hot single friends. Then she meets and falls in love with Dante. The quote I chose for Julia is: “Yes, well, it’s a lot of work. Doesn’t leave a lot of time for…socializing.”

Hard F (Alpha Bet Guys #4)

Fox has always had a silver spoon in his mouth. Although he didn’t like being driven around and would much rather drive himself. After a hard day at work he stops at a pub. There he meets someone he can see himself falling for. The quote I chose for Fox is: “Would it be terribly gauche of me to order a dry martini with extra olives?”

Jenna is now running her father’s pride and joy. When Fox comes in she dismisses that he’s hot. She doesn’t want to date, but damn if Fox doesn’t make her change her mind. The quote I chose for Jenna is: “He was old enough to be my father! As a matter of fact, he reminded me of my father!”

Ride the C (Alpha Bet Guys #5)

Cruz is getting older and is losing his touch in the model world. When a new opportunity comes along he can’t pass it up. He was going to meet an idol of his. The quote I chose for Cruz is: “Wow…. Well, if you can get me an interview, I’d be forever grateful.”

Mia is once upon a time a supermodel. Now she writes an advice column in Queen B. She needs a male’s advice on things like dating and intercourse. The quote I chose for Mia is: “Can you adjust the lighting over the desk? Or do you think the natural lighting over there by the window is more flattering?”

Highly recommended for Romantic Comedy lovers.

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Revelations (Separate Worlds Book 1) by Izzibella Beau – Review by Amanda Kimble

Revelations (Separate Worlds Book 1)Revelations by Izzibella Beau
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Revelations (Separate Worlds #1) by Izzibella Beau

This is the first book I’ve read by Beau. Revelations had me hanging on the edge of my seat. This wonderful page turner will leave you wanting more.

Emily is once again new in town. Living with her aunt who is always moving is hard. The last year of school is always the worst time to start fresh. The quote I chose for Emily is: “Aunt Maureen would like you to come over this weekend, I think Sunday. She wants to have some type of group talk and would like you to be there.”

Zach is a wolf. He and his two brothers are future Alphas. When his brother, his best friend and himself find their mates he wonders what’s going on. The quote I chose for Zach is: “I haven’t seen him. He came in yesterday evening, but I didn’t get a chance to speak with him. Why?”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Jinxed (Hell on Heels Book 2) by Maggie Adams – Review by Amanda Kimble

Jinxed (Hell on Heels, #2)Jinxed by Maggie Adams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Jinxed Hells on Heels #2 by Maggie Adams

This is the second book I’ve read by Adams. Jinxed is another great read and I loved every minute of it. This is a short read.

Sadie has been running from her past for twenty years. When things are going wrong she turns to her friends. When one friend calls in her brother things seem to get worse. The quote I chose for Sadie is: “If that’s true, I have to find out what’s in that vaccine and fix it before the final trials. If I can’t, then I have to shut them down.”

Mitchell is a retired FBI Agent. When his sister calls saying that she needs him there he goes. When he finds out that Sadie is the one in trouble he really helps. The quote I chose for Mitchell is: “That child just about kicked my a** a minute ago! And I was getting the information we needed.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Comedy lovers.

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Minx (Hell on Heels Book 1) by Maggie Adams – Review by Amanda Kimble

MinxMinx by Maggie Adams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Minx Hell on Heels #1 by Maggie Adams

This is the first book I’ve had the chance of reading by Adams. Minx is an amazing read and I can’t wait for the next book.

Miranda is an older woman who has been married for twenty-five years. Now her ex husband wants a divorce. Her friends rally around her and help her figure out her new single life. The quote I chose for Miranda is: “You guys love me, you have to say that.”

Reed is the big boss of the family company. His younger brother Ritter is going around telling everyone that he and Miranda are in a relationship. The quote I chose for Reed is: “Why do you insist on wearing these stupid shoes? You are going to kill yourself! Do you realize you could have broken your neck? Falling over the edge of the railing? My God, isn’t that how you met Ritter, tripping over in heels landing in his lap?”

Highly recommended for Romantic Comedy lovers.

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Spiteful Punks: Dolls and Douchebags Part One by Madeline Fay-Review by Amanda Kimble

Spiteful Punks: dolls and douchebags part oneSpiteful Punks: dolls and douchebags part one by Madeline Fay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Spiteful Punks: dolls and douchebags part one by Madeline Fay

Trigger Warning for this book. This is the first book I’ve read by Fay, but it won’t be my last. Fay has a dark romantic mindset and it shows.

Tillie is escaping one horrible life for another. When she runs from the Demon Jokers she is given an address. What she doesn’t know is the address is her mother’s. The quote I chose for Tillie is: “Give me more, I can take it. I want it.”

Logan is Mob Boss’s son and gets what he wants. His friends are equally as dangerous. When he meets Tillie his life is going to be turned upside down. The quote I chose for Logan is: “I wouldn’t get too comfortable, baby girl, people around here end up disappearing without a trace. I’ll be watching and I will find out why you’re really here.”

Highly recommended for Dark Romance lovers.

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The SEAL’s Temptation (Wounded Hearts Book 7) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Amanda Kimble

The SEAL's Temptation (Wounded Hearts #7)The SEAL’s Temptation by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The SEAL’s Temptation: Wounded Hearts- #7 by Jacquie Biggar

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Biggar. It is the first book I’ve read in The Wounded Hearts Series. I’ve got to say that this book was amazing.

Maggie is supposed to be on paid-leave. When the man that runs the ranch catches her heart. Then she’s back to work and he’s injured. The quote I chose for Maggie is: “No, it was nice —listening to you joking like that. I can tell you’re close.”

Frank didn’t know what he needed until he met Maggie. Knowing what she went through and knowing how to handle PTSD episodes. He finds himself falling in love, but pushes her away. The quote I chose for Frank is: “Sure, whatever you need. But you might want to think it over. It’s quiet here. No one to push you into doing anything before you’re ready. Don’t rush away, Maggie. You’ll only hurt someone if you do, and I don’t think you want that. I’ve been in your shoes. PTSD is a b****, make no mistake. It creeps up on you when you least expect it and tangles with your head. Do you really want to be in charge of a weapon when that happens?”

Highly recommended for Romantic Military Suspense lovers.

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To be a Fae Queen by Tricia Copeland – Review by Amanda Kimble

To be a Fae Queen (Realm Chronicles #1)To be a Fae Queen by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

To be a Fae Queen (Realm Chronicles #1) by Tricia Copeland

This is the first book I’ve had the chance of reading by Copeland. I’ve heard several of her books and have never read one. This one caught my eye.

Titania is a Fae Princess soon to be Queen. When something that haunts her people she takes it upon herself. She notices that her crystals are going missing. The quote I chose for Titania is: “We will need lanterns and fuel. But first, we must find out if there are any crystals left in the Faerie Ring or if the kobold have absconded with all of them. If there are not any left, I doubt they will return. They will probably move on to the next kingdom.”

Highly recommended for YA Fae lovers.

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Electric Temptation (The Protectors Series Book 5) by Toya Richardson – Review by Amanda Kimble

Electric Temptation (The Protectors, #5)Electric Temptation by Toya Richardson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Electric Temptation (The Protectors Series #5) by Toya Richardson

Not the first book by Richardson that I’ve read. So far The Protector Series is amazing and each book gets better. I hope this series continues.

Delilah is running once again. This time it isn’t from the man she loves. She’s running hoping the Trackers don’t find her. Running into the arms of the man who saved her last time. The quote I chose for Delilah is: “Damn straight it didn’t. Now, may I suggest you get lost?”

Mason has never forgiven himself for being the cause of Delilah running. He catches wind that she is in danger. He hopes to get there in time to save her. The quote I chose for Mason is: “Sven’s right. You will be fine with us. Come. We can take you to a place you’ll be safe. I’m Mason, by the way.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Wolf’s Beautiful Beast (The Untold Stories Book 3) by Suzanna Lynn – Review by Amanda Kimble

Wolf's Beautiful Beast (The Untold Stories, #3)Wolf’s Beautiful Beast by Suzanna Lynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Wolf’s Beautiful Beast (The Untold Stories #3) by Suzanna Lynn

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Lynn and it just keeps getting better and better. Lynn knows how to draw in readers and keep them there.

Lycus is also known as the big bad wolf. Except he’s not bad. He’s just misunderstood and just a boy. He’s not evil and so far he has saved many lives. Including Red’s. The quote I chose for Lycus is: “Thank you for your care and hospitality.”

Arabella is the princess they’ve locked away because she is cursed. She is a girl trapped in a dragon’s body. When Lycus promises to help her she insists that he does. The quote I chose for Arabella is: “No! It’s not supposed to happen this way. Why did you get in the way?”

Highly recommended for YA Fantasy lovers.

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Scorching Hot Mess by Brooke May-Review by Amanda Kimble

Scorching Hot MessScorching Hot Mess by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Scorching Hot Mess by Brooke May

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by May, but it is the first one by her that is a standalone. May is talented and it shows in the way she writes.

Willow hasn’t had much luck in the dating department. Going out with her brother and sister-in-law ends with her waking at their house the next morning. From there things go downhill and fast. The quote I chose for Willow is: “I’ll keep a hold of them until I’ve had more time to think about it.”

Gun didn’t want to think about Willow, but doing a fundraiser with her doesn’t help. Sophie leaves and all Willow does is remind him of her. The quote I chose for Gun is: “I’ll see myself out. Good-bye, Willow.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Comedy lovers.

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Twisted Throttle: Satans Devil’s MC (Second Generation #3) by Manda Mellett-Review by Amanda Kimble

Twisted Throttle (Satan's Devils MC Second Generation #3)Twisted Throttle by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Twisted Throttle: Satan’s Devils MC Second Generation #3 by Manda Mellett

This book is freaking amazing. Manda Mellett knows what she is doing by writing these fantastic books. Twisted Throttle is amazing.

Gwen moves back to town after college
Pursuing a career in law she is working hard to pay off her debts. Then Throttle comes back into her life. The quote I chose for Gwen is: “You don’t need to do that. I can get a cab. Or…. Can you give me a lift back to my car?”

Noah, aka Throttle, is another kid who was born and raised in the MC. His dad being the ex-SAA of the club, but he’s now a patched in member. When Gwen comes back into his life he starts seeing her differently. The quote I chose for Throttle is: “F no. She was Lisa’s best buddy for a while back in high school, but she never came to the compound so you wouldn’t remember her. I used to pull her pigtails. We caught up when I came in a week back. I hadn’t seen her for years before then.”

Highly recommended for MC Romantic lovers.

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Hawk’s Cry: Satans Devil’s MC (Second Generation #2) by Manda Mellett-Review by Amanda Kimble

Hawk's Cry (Satan's Devils MC Second Generation #2)Hawk’s Cry by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Hawk’s Cry: Satan’s Devils MC-Next Generation #2 by Manda Mellett

This is another fantastic read by Mellett. She knows what to do to bring readers back to her books. Hawk’s Cry is just amazing.

Olivia was born and raised in the MC. Six months pregnant and now out on her own. Of course, her husband, Eli, is with her. Not having family or friends close by sucks. The quote I chose for Olivia is: “I do. I’m six months pregnant. I’m happy to try to get a job, but I’ve had an easy life. All I’m capable of being is a barista or something.”

Eli, aka Hawk, has left the club behind. He was born and raised there, but he doesn’t want the same for his kids. He’s let down family, friends, and his wife. Ths quote I chose for Eli is: “I’m my own man. I knew what I was getting myself in for, and it was the fastest way out. Dad would have tried to persuade me to change my mind, and I didn’t want to talk. My decision had been made. Sure, Throttle might have brought it up quicker than I expected and forced the issue, but though I’m hurting, I’d never take it back.”

Highly recommended for MC Romantic lovers.

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Amy’s Santa: Satan’s Devils MC (Second Generation #1) by Manda Mellett-Review by Amanda Kimble

Amy's Santa: Satan's Devils MC (Second Generation) #1Amy’s Santa: Satan’s Devils MC (Second Generation) #1 by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Amy’s Santa: Satan’s Devils MC-Next Generation #1 by Manda Mellett

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by Mellett. I have read several of the Satan’s Devils MC Series. Each of them has a place in my heart.

Amy grew up on the MC Compound in Tucson. She was five when Drew came into her life and he’s the reason she left Tucson behind. Of course getting her independence was another reason. Then something happens. The quote I chose for Amy is: “You’ll always be Drew to me. Is it really that important to you?”

Drew, aka Wizard, owed the Satan’s Devils MC his damn life. They took him and his older sister in when things weren’t going good. When he meets Amy she’s ten years younger. As she gets older he can’t stop thinking about her. The quote I chose for Drew is: “The MC saved Mariana, and myself. We both could have died were it not for their help. Such a big debt owed, I wanted to give something back. So I prospected and became a member. When you went away, I was lost, adrift, made to re-evaluate my life. I f-ed up, Amy, I admit it. I’d lost my friend and realised I’d lost the girl worth waiting for. All I could do was throw myself into the MC. I aimed at becoming an officer when the old regime eventually retired. I lived and breathed the club, and I still do. Got to admit that.”

Highly recommended for MC Romance lovers.

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Sons of Sindicato (Sons of Sindicato ) by Cam Johns & Sonya Jesus – Review by Amanda Kimble

Sons of Sindicato (Sons of Sindicato #0)Sons of Sindicato by Cam Johns
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Sons of Sindicato by Sonya Jesus & Cam Johns

This is the first book I’ve read by Jesus and John’s. Sons of Sindicato is a great short steamy read and will leave you wanting more.

Braelynn is a lawyer and is trying to make Partner. When things go south with one of the partners; things really go south. She isn’t afraid of what’s going to happen as long as she has her secret love standing behind her. The quote I chose for Braelynn is: “What are you nuts! You don’t put sauce on chicken cutlets.”

Seth is one of the sons of the Head of Sindicato. He’s screwing the help which is a big no in his dad’s world. When he walks into a lawyers office things change. The quote I chose for Seth is:“I said f-ing stop! Wexler got what he deserved. I would have done it myself if I walked in on him doing something to you.”

Highly recommended for Dark Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Forged by Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops, book 3) by Amy McKinley – Review by Amanda Kimble

Forged by Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops, #3)Forged by Secrets by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Forged by Secrets (Deadly Isles Special Ops #3) by Amy McKinley

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by McKinley. The Deadly Isles Special Ops Series is amazing. This can be read as a standalone.

Melina has come from Venezuela to the States only to have her life flipped around. Her parents are dead, her boyfriend is dead. It’s all her fault. The quote I chose for Melina is: “Okay, then tell me what the reason is behind you giving me one of the movies you did. Or was it strictly because you thought I’d like watching them?”

Tyler is the youngest of the Hale brothers and he’s married. Not only does his wife not know, but she is keeping her walls up. The quote I chose for Tyler is: “Case in point, you’ve got that unexpected viper tongue, and if you unleash it on one of these unsuspecting idiots who think they might have a chance with you, I’d have to get into a fight.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Evil Sushi (Evil Sushi Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Amanda Kimble

Evil Sushi (Evil Sushi #1)Evil Sushi by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Evil Sushi (Evil Sushi #1) by C.A. King

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by King. She knows how to bring readers back to her books. I can’t wait for the next book in the series.

Rod is a fisherman and when he and a friend hit gold things start looking up. Sort of. He can see him falling for his friend’s daughter, but he doesn’t have anything to offer. The quote I chose for Rod is: “You’re in early, Ned. Did you have any luck out there?”

Sally has been taking care of her father since her mother passed away. She has her eye on Rod, but doesn’t think he feels the same. When her father and Rod bring in something that changes everything. The quote I chose for Sally is: “You’re the exception, I tell you. You want some water? Or I can make some lemonade, if you’d like.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Horror lovers.

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Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine- Review by Amanda Kimble

Kissing the KavalierKissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Kissing the Kavalier by Annette Nauraine

This is the first book by Nauraine that I’ve had the pleasure of reading. She throws you back into the past and you get to see the world in a new light.

Zdenka, who goes by Zdenko, is pretending to be the brother of her older sister. When Matteo recruits her to be a messenger for him things go south. She falls in love with him and she isn’t supposed to. The quote I chose for Zdenka is: “I’m not eager to return to being a woman. I’ve rather come to enjoy the freedom I have as a gentleman. I can do as I please, walk about unescorted, ride when and where I please.”

Matteo is a soldier who returns home after the battle. He doesn’t remember much because he was taken down. When he meets Zdenka’s older sister things change. He recruits her brother to play messenger and falls in love. Little does he know he’s writing Zendka. The quote I chose for Matteo is: “I only returned last night. I had to at least clean up before I made an appearance. Nice of you to invite so many of the returned soldiers.”

Highly recommended for Historical Romance lovers.

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Auctioned (Billionaire Bodyguards Book 3) by Via Mari – Review by Amanda Kimble

Auctioned (Billionaire Bodyguards, #3)Auctioned by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Auctioned (Billionaire Bodyguards #3): Dark Billionaire Mafia Romance by Via Mari

This is the first book by Mari that I’ve read. I’ve got to say this book is an amazing read. I can’t wait for the next book in the series. This is the 3rd book in the Billionaire Bodyguards, but can be read as a standalone.

Damian is one of many millionaire bodyguards. He is told to find Brian’s girlfriend’s niece. She has been taken from her family and he’s to find her. Once he lays eyes on her picture he knows that she is meant to be his. The quote I chose for Damian is: “If you knew it would please me for you to stay home and let me take care of the situation this evening, would you have told me then? If you weren’t thinking of me as the man paid to protect you, but as the man that wanted desperately to safeguard you for no other reason than the fact that he has fallen head over heels in love with you, would you have stayed then?”

Bryanna has been held captive with the threat of harm coming to her family. She has always wanted someone who would take control of everything in their relationship. The quote I chose for Bryanna is: “I do trust you, but you know as well as I do that they’ll come for me.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Red’s Tangled Tale (The Untold Stories Book 2) by Suzanna Lynn – Review by Amanda Kimble

Red's Tangled Tale (The Untold Stories, #2)Red’s Tangled Tale by Suzanna Lynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Red’s Tangled Tale: Captain Hook and Red Riding Hood discover the Big Bad Wolf, and Rapunzel too! (The Untold Stories #2) by Suzanna Lynn

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by the author. It won’t be my last as I’ve fallen for this series. Lynn knows how to turn our normal fairytales into another world.

Little Red Riding Hood has a name and it’s not Red. Her name is Rose and she isn’t out hunting just one wolf. She’s hunting wolves as in more than one because they killed her family. She runs into James again although this time he’s got a hook for a hand. Join them on they’re journeys. The quote I chose for Rose is: “Yes, you are a good man, James. You’re a good man who did some very foolish things and was manipulated by an evil witch. One act of idiocy doesn’t set you for life as an evil man.”

Highly recommended for YA Fantasy lovers.

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Two Hearts, One Stone by Leslie Scott – Review by Amanda Kimble

Two Hearts, One Stone (Boots and Babies)Two Hearts, One Stone by Leslie Scott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Two Hearts, One Stone (Boots and Babies) by Leslie Scott

This is the first book I’ve read by Scott, but if she writes like this for all her books then it won’t be my last. Two Hearts, One Stone is a fantastic read. I hope there is more to Stone and Emmy.

Stone Dempsey is the best horse trainer in town. He originally came to town to take care of his sister, but she left him there. She shows up a year later with a sick baby. He rushes to his boss’s house for the Doctor. The quote I chose for Stone is: “There hasn’t been a woman in my bed since the day I met you Emmersyn Cole, and that ain’t because of Maddie. You got under my skin like an itch I can’t scratch. I don’t know how, but I’m going to prove it to you.”

Emmersyn aka Emmy is back in town opening a pediatric clinic. She didn’t think she would find herself falling for the trainer that gets into everyone’s pants. When she sees Stone taking care of his niece she finds herself falling hard. The quote I chose for Emmy is: “No. I’m not. I just don’t want Pop getting his hopes up.”

Highly recommended for Western Romance lovers.

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City of Whispers (Imperial Assassin Series Book 1) by Katt Powers – Review by Amanda Kimble

City of Whispers (Imperial Assassin, #1)City of Whispers by Katt Powers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

City of Whispers: Imperial Assassin #1 by Katt Powers

This is the first book I’ve read by Powers, but it won’t be my last. The Imperial Assassin Series is a great way to begin a new author.

Dhani Karim has been casted out of the Imperial Assassin group. She was casted out for something she didn’t do, but now she has to clear her name. The quote I chose for Dhani is: “As a matter of fact, there is something else, Adjutant…. Perhaps Adjutant Ziraat, you could explain why I wasn’t informed of the change earlier?”

Highly recommended for Fantasy Adventure lovers.

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Daisy’s Darkness (Wheels & Hogs Book 6) by D.M. Earl – Review by Amanda Kimble

Daisy's Darkness (Wheels & Hogs #6)Daisy’s Darkness by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Daisy’s Darkness (Wheels & Hogs #6) by D.M. Earl

This is the first book I’ve read by Earl. This is part of the Wheels & Hogs Series but can be read as a standalone. This book is amazing and a great start to a new series. I’ll be reading the rest soon.

Daisy is your everyday normal teenager. She isn’t exactly overweight, but could lose a few pounds. What happens when you’re in high school and you don’t look perfect? You get bullied. Things are great for her until her older brother starts dating one of the mean girls.

Daisy finds that two newbies have talked about committing suicide and has tried to help them. The quote I chose for Daisy is: “Mom, what’s wrong? Oh God, did something else happen to Mary? Oh God, please don’t tell me Sabrina and her mean girls pushed someone else to do what Mary did? Mom, please talk to me.”

Highly recommended for YA lovers.

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Jordan’s Shadow by T.R. Cupak – Review by Amanda Kimble

Jordan's ShadowJordan’s Shadow by T.R. Cupak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Jordan’s Shadow by T.R. Cupak

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. This will not be my last read because this book was absolutely amazing. It mentions rape, drug use, and other things that could bring back bad memories.

Jordan has changed everything about herself after something changes her life. Now hooked on prescription drugs that are prescribed for her. She meets the man of her dreams known as The Shadow. The quote I chose for Jordan is: “GAH! Why did he have to read my notebook? All he had to do was just ask. I would have thrown him a freaking bone. Isn’t this fucking dandy, now I’m talking to myself.”

Hunter is paying for an escort he has time to scope out. He knows everything there is to know about Jordan. He knows her real name, the real reason she changed her entire life, and what happened that night. The quote I chose for Hunter is: “I can see that I’ve thrown you off and I want to apologize. As you have come to notice, patience is something I need to work on.”

Highly recommended for Dark Romance lovers.

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Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Amanda Kimble

Loyalty & LiesLoyalty & Lies by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Loyalty & Lies (Spicetopia Book 6) by Phoebe Alexander

Not my first read by Alexander, but damn if it doesn’t get any better. Loyalty & Lies is a sexy book and I can’t wait to read more. Alexander knows how to draw readers in and leave them wanting more.

Paisley is finally getting a dream come true. Getting to go on their honeymoon is a fantastic thing. But getting to go to an adult theme park is awesome. The quote I chose for Paisley is: “I thought you said this was too cheesy to ride.”

Calvin is treating his beautiful pregnant wife to a trip of their lifetime. He wants to do whatever makes her happy since she is amazing. She is giving him the greatest gift of all. A child. The quote I chose for Calvin is: “Good, that means our baby is growing.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Secure Her (The Chase Security Series Book 4) by R.L. Dunn – Review by Amanda Kimble

Secure Her (Chase Security #4)Secure Her by R.L. Dunn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Secure Her (Chase Security Series #4) by RL Dunn

This is the fourth book I’ve read by Dunn. Another amazing read by this wonderful author. This is the fourth book in the Chase Security Series, but can be read as a standalone.

Saoirse is in town for help. Little does she know she’d already met one of the members of the people she is going to. Chase Security does all kinds of things and she needs their help. The quote I chose for Saoirse is: “Shove me if I snore. I’ve been awake for the last two days packing up my office. And yesterday, I missed my planned flight because the people subletting my place in San Diego were delayed. I’m starting a new position in New York. This was the last possible flight to be on time for work at 0800. God. I’m babbling.”

Zach met this lovely lady on his way home. He’s also known as Ice to the members of Chase Security. When he realizes that the lovely lady that he met needs their help it changes everything for him. Will he get his second chance? The quote I chose for Zach is: “Ah, if you weren’t in the same predicament—you know, if I tell you, I’ll have to kill you—but since you’re on one of the boat’s decks… I carry for Homeland.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Can Dreams Come True? (The Cecily Taylor Series Book 1) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Amanda Kimble

Can Dreams Come True? (The Cecily Taylor Series Book 1)Can Dreams Come True? by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Can Dreams Come True? (The Cecily Taylor Series #1) by Krysten Lindsay Hager

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Hager makes me want to come back and read more. The Cecily Taylor Series is an amazing way to start a series.

Cecily is the shy girl next door type. She wants to be an actress, but isn’t trained. Getting the chance to star in a music video with her popstar crush is amazing. The quote I chose for Cecily is: “Musicians have a way of doing that. I’d probably forget my own name if I met Andrew Holiday. I just hope she stops making passive aggressive comments.”

Andrew is a famous musician. When he auditions in a small town he gets something he’s been looking for. Enter Cecily and he finds what he’s looking for in a girl. The quote I chose for Andrew is: “Maybe that’s why it worked so well. You weren’t trying too hard. I dunno. It just worked for some reason, you know? Like you were meant to be in it.”

Highly recommended for YA Contemporary Romance lovers.

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10 Days by KJ Holliday – Review by Amanda Kimble

10 Days10 Days by KJ Holliday
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

10 Days by KJ Holliday

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Holliday had me hooked from the beginning. 10 Days is a great start to a new author.

Alex didn’t think the 10 days would be so bad. He is there for a writing project. He thought he’d be able to pull it off, but he didn’t think about falling in love. The quote I chose for Alex is: “I’m going to have to seriously work on raising your expectations about how people treat you.”

Penny is there for the fun of it. She is helping Alex with his outdoor experience. What she doesn’t expect is for Alex to fall in love with her. The quote I chose for Penny is: “The tent. I figured your first lesson would be figuring out how to set it up.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Comedy lovers.

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Hacker (The Mercenaries Series) by Nadine Travers-Review by Amanda Kimble

Hacker (The Mercenaries, #2)Hacker by Raven White
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Hacker: The Mercenaries Series #2 by Nadine Travers

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by the author. Travers is an amazing author who keeps readers coming back. This is part of a series but can be read as a stand alone.

Chris “Hacker” Montgomery had the best night of his life six months ago. Then she disappeared. No calls, emails, or anything. Now he’s in deep with her and is trying to keep her alive. Can he do it? The quote I chose for Hacker is: “I don’t know. I knew she was Italian, but I didn’t know she was part of that family. She introduced herself with a different name. I didn’t check into anything or look into her background. She was sexy as hell, and it was the one time I let my dick control my brain. I shouldn’t have.”

Marie Costa is the daughter of a Mafia king. When her life is put in danger she makes a phone call. Little does she know she’s not just involving Hacker, but the entire team. Her past is revealed and she’s not sure how he’ll handle it. The quote I chose for Marie is: “Why didn’t you say anything?”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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