
Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Kristy Harmon

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have not read anything by Jane Suen until Beginnings and Endings. I LOVED all three short stories! My favorite was “The End Of Summer.” All of these stories have such emotion and are so powerful. Definitely 5 stars!

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beginnings and Endings is a trio of short stories by Jane Suen. I really enjoy the variety of Suen’s work – I had read several of her books before it really clicked for me that they were by the same author! – and this collection really showcases her skill in storytelling. It gets four stars from me!
Although the three stories are separate and distinct, there is a thread running through them of commitment in relationships. We see couples’ relationships developing and enduring through the ups and downs of life.
My main (only?) complaint is that there isn’t more! The stories themselves are quite short and with only three of them (plus a bonus really cute flash fiction) this will not take most readers very long to read at all. I would have loved a wider variety of stories – perhaps including some in the realm of speculative fiction – that I could dip in and out of.
I would recommend this collection to readers looking for stories they can quickly enjoy in a coffee break or similar. They’re short, satisfying and thought-provoking. I think they could also work really well for reading and discussing with teenagers, as accessible stories touching on important issues as well as excellent examples of the short story format.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a set of three short stories. Each one has their own easy to read plot. The first is a happy love story between to college students. The second is a haunting but realistic story of a soldier back from war. The third is a happy but also a tragic story of a father and son trip to a carnival and farm. All three of these short stories I can see being built on and added to other books or becoming books of their own. The author wrote them well and I can’t wait to read more in the future! If you want some small quick stories to read these ones are great!!

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Reviewed By: @jaimie0459

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Jenni Bishop

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jane Suen has given us short stories in Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories. Even though the stories are very short Jane did not skimp on the descriptive content. Each one is as different as night and day and evoke emotions a little pain, a bit of sweetness and a little bit of fun. Jane has mixed a lot of heart and feels in to make the stories memorable. My only complaint is they were too short. It would be good to see them made into longer stories. And just when you thought you were finished Jane gave us a little added bonus.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a book of four short stories which show how beginnings and ending can affect lives.

Story one is a couple sharing breakfast in a cafe, story two is a tale of how love overcomes all obstacles, the third story is a meaningful road trip gone right and the final story is about being picked out of a group.

A delightful selection of short stories which cheers the heart up.

Reviewd by @roxsannel

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Tina Vega

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a collection of short stories. The stories pull on your heartstrings and have a depth that comes through even though they are short. These stories deal with love, loss, and hardship. I enjoyed this author’s writing style. Hope to read a full-length novel by her as well.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Ashley Dover

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Real life has beginnings and endings. Sometimes we must face an end to open our eyes to a beginning. This book contains three short stories that opened my eyes to the way that life just happens. We never know what is out there, but we have to keep searching until we find the right path for ourselves.

In Beginnings and Endings, the short story that spoke to me the most is called “The Accident”. In “The Accident”, there is a couple who are starting their day. The story speaks of all their hopes and dreams which were changed because of an accident. (I’m not giving away the story because it’s much better to read.)

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Michelle Mulvey

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beginnings and Endings was 4 super short stories. I almost with there was a bit more to them. I think they were way to short to base an opinion off of. I think this was about 35 pages in total and can be read in one sitting. It took me about 20-25 mins to read all 4. What I did read was good but just felt like it brought new meaning to the word short story lol. This author is not new to me and I have read many books by her and enjoyed just about all of them. Looking forward to more by this author.

review by @xchellex

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Heather Lovelace

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

These three short stories are jam packed with detail and will immediately grab your attention. I wasn’t sure what to expect when I opened his book but was so very pleased with what I encountered. Great detail and story development. A fast and enjoyable read. You will love every moment you spend in these tales and be left wanting to read more.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Bethany Rucker

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has the perfect name. All the stories were heartfelt and interesting. My favorite story was The End of Summer; however, they were all amazing. The author did an amazing with all the short stories because it left me wanting more from all of them. I’d love to read more from this author!

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Rayne East

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Soulful and insightful
This little collection of well-written stories will get you thinking. Every story is different but draws you in and takes you on a little trip. I connected with each of the characters and felt their emotions shine through from happiness to heartbreak and everything in between. Even though each story is short it still felt complete. Highly recommend.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Angela Packard

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

These cute short stories could have each been the first chapter of a book. They drew me in and really made me think about things a little different. My first time at the carnival or things that can change your whole life in the blink of an eye. These were really well written and will be looking for longer works by this author.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Erica Shoebridge

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Suen’s short stories of beginnings and endings is an interesting little collection. I really liked the characters, especially in the first two, and felt that she gave them a lot of depth and intrigue in the few pages they had. Emotionally, they were powerful as well: the characters each being on the precipice of a major event in their lives. I could feel the shape of their hearts, if that makes sense. There was a quality of the unfinished for me in these however; they seemed like a well-written first chapter to a novel I’d love to read. The effect left me hanging, wondering if that was really the end. The third story used the setting and plot to a much greater degree than the first two. There are more description of vistas and more happenings in general in this last one. I found this one most powerful as a result. It was well-crafted and poignant. All in all, these are worth a read, and I think Suen turned them out well.

Reviewed by @ericalorraine
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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Karen Pearman

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a very quick read as the stories are short. You could probably sit down and finish this book within 30 minutes. Maybe less depending on how fast of a reader you are. I enjoyed reading each one of them however there were a couple that kind of left me thinking that there needed to be more. A couple of them were fantastic and I would have loved for the author to have continued them. Out of all the short stories, “The End of Summer” was my favorite of them all and I wasn’t quite expecting it to turn out as it did. It really choked me up and brought tears to my eyes. I was concerned when I realized how few pages there were in the book but was thoroughly pleased with the stories.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Erica Fish

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jane Suen is not a new author to me. When I see her books, I will definitely pick them up because I know I will like them. This book is full of 3 short stories and 1 bonus story. My favorite one is Grits Girl. It is a love story that starts over grits. It is a touching story that made me smile. I shared this story with my husband because we met over a similar experience. The other stories are just one or two pages and are quick reads. The Accident brought tears to my eyes, while The End of Summer made me realize that we should have adventures. I highly recommend this book.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Kayla Bullock

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beginnings and Endings is a collection of four short stories. Each one is unique, and really hits home as far as lessons that can be learned from them. The stories touch on how a single moment can change our entire lives. I enjoyed the stories and the length of each was appropriate. I would highly recommend this book to everyone. The last story is so so sweet!

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Kerry Baker

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen is a collection of short stories that are heart warming and emotional. I was surprised by the level of detail the author had managed to fit in to such short books. Nothing felt rush or forced, they all just flowed so easily.
I love how versatile this author is. All of her books are so different from each other but each are just as well written and interesting. I really enjoy the fact that I never know quite what I am going to get when I start then next one. This is a great book and one I would certainly recommend.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Tausha Treadway

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen. I loved this series of short stories. It is about how changes can be a good thing which I need to hear! This book kept me turning pages and turning pages until I was finished. My favorite story was Grit’s Girl. It is about a girls love for grits and how she met the man of her dreams. If you need a light read that will keep you interested for a short while, get this book. You won’t be disappointed. There are 3 stories and 1 bonus story and they were all very good. The bonus story Pick Me is a short read that teaches us that even stuffed animals have feelings! Just an all around feel good, upbeat read!

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Lisa Helmick

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This a a nice collection of short stories. There is a little glimpse into the windows of these lives. The author does a good job even hitting on the *feelings from these characters. It ranges from surprise, confusion, sadness and strength. While it only took a few minutes to read it is well written and enjoyable.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Rachel Moss

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen was an interesting read. Each short story is very quick, I read this whole book in about 20 minutes. I would have to say, Grits Girl and The End Of Summer were my two favorites. The Accident just left me wanting more. I didn’t particularly like how the story ended on that one. The End Of Summer would be great to have a sequel. I would love to find out what Mikey’s response is at the end. All in all this was a very quick, entertaining read, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this collection of short stories.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very enjoyable and engaging book of original short stories based on the theme that “life never turns out like you expected”. Each story is a very quick read but is also a complete story and Suen makes the reader feel fully immersed in each storyline. For such short stories the characters are really bought to life by the wonderful writing and I felt as though I had been on an emotional rollercoaster by the end of the book. The first story ‘Grits Girl’ looks at how love blossomed over breakfast leading to a surprise question during a couples weekly ritual. ‘The Accident’ follows a couple as their life is changed dramatically following an accident. ‘The End of Summer’ takes us on a heartfelt journey along with a father and son and the stranger that takes a detour with them. The bonus story, ‘Pick Me’ definitely left me with a smile on my face. Each story had twists and turns that made the stories unpredictable. These short stories have left me wanting to read more by the author Jane Suen.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Kerry Carr

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really sweet book with short stories. The author does a great job  of telling the stories so that even though they are short you get the complete story and don’t feel like you are missing out.

There are 3 stories  and they all deal with different situations.

Grits girl- this story is about a couple who have always had a routine for visiting the same place as she loves the grits. This one time though she gets a surprise which starts a new beginning.

The Accident- This is a moving story about how life can change in an instant and when you least expect it. It is about the ending of life as you know it and trying to begin again.

The End Of Summer- this is another moving story about a hitchhiker who gets to face his childhood past and relive it in with new eyes and appreciation.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Shelly Kittell

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Though a short book of short stories, it will make a large impact on your heart. Every story makes an impact and leaves a message. You will have to figure out that message. I did find a tear rolling down my cheek at times because it was very heart warming and sad at times also. Quick read and highly recommend.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Even though this book is just a selection of short stories, I so enjoyed each and every one. The first story of “Grits Girl” just totally made me smile over a girl who her grits and got a happy ending. The second story of “The Accident” was heartfelt. Adeline taking care of her after an accident. The third story of “In the end of summer” was fantastic. A young man hitch hiking a ride to Virginia and meets another man and his son. The story was heartfelt over a carnival and how Mike comes to terms to have a conversation with his son about his mother. The Bonus story of “Pick Me” totally made me smile from beginning to end and and at the end you find out what was “picked”. All these short stories were fantastic. This is an easy read and just wonderful! Well done Author Jane Suen!

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen – Review by Bethany Rollins

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short StoriesBeginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen was a quick read and entwined the different short stories very nicely. Each story was short but very lovely and encompassed the emotions the author desired to give, whether it was a happy or sad story. This is one to sit on your living room table for others to peruse while visiting. You are not enclined to get too engrossed because of the shortness of the book as it is easy to read in one sitting. Nice stories strung together beautifully for this collection.

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Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen

~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~
Beginnings and Endings: A Selection of Short Stories by Jane Suen Author
Genre – Clean/family friendly (no cussing, sex, violence)
A weekly ritual that turns into the surprise of all time; an accident that has a devastating effect on two
lives in different ways; and a father’s heartfelt journey to tell his son of an important part of his past.
All come together in Beginnings and Endings, a trilogy of short stories that will bring a lump to the throat.
Grits Girl explores the beginning of a lifetime of love over a favorite bowlful of breakfast.
The Accident is an ironic story of how life can change in the blink of an eye.
In The End of Summer, two men come to terms with their past through an unexpected detour and the innocent joy of a child.
Each story is layered with unexpected twists and turns, and there’s a bonus flash fiction, Pick Me, to bring you a smile that will last the day.


You can find this video on our YouTube Channel

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Jane Suen is an award-winning author who writes mysteries, sci-fi thrillers, short stories, sweet

romance, and crime fiction.




Is This Me? (Being Me Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Tausha Treadway

Is This Me? (Being Me #1)Is This Me? by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Is This Me? (Being Me Book 1) by Tricia Copeland. I loved this book so much. It brought me back to my college days. Its the story of Amanda who is beginning her first year of college. She is most interested in learning and of course in boys. Her roommate is dating a fraternity guy so that opens lots of doors for Amanda in the dating world. When she meets Doug she thinks she is in love and he seems interested in her at first but starts to send her mixed signals. Doug just got over a bad breakup so she just doesn’t understand his intentions. Doug’s friend Zack is a player but when it comes to Amanda he seems different. When Amanda is hurt she must accept Doug’s help or risk losing everything including her scholarships. When she begins to lie to her family things begin to unravel. Who will win Amanda’s heart in the long run and will she be able to save face and stay in school? Read Is this me to find out!

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Is This Me? (Being Me Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Laura-Jane Minnie

Is This Me? (Being Me #1)Is This Me? by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in the series and is a great young adult romance. Amanda likes to do things on her own which was quite frustrating just accept help, that’s what i felt like shouting!! otherwise a great read and i could not put it down

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Is This Me? (Being Me Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Emma Clawson

Is This Me? (Being Me #1)Is This Me? by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Amanda has no trouble choosing a college or picking a major. But she does have a problem with Doug. The one helping her keep her scholarship. When she starts lying to family and friends, her world turns upside down. This is a great coming of age novel for people. It highlights some of the problems teenagers face when going of to collage.

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Is This Me? (Being Me Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Rachel Moss

Is This Me? (Being Me #1)Is This Me? by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Is This Me (Book One of the Being Me series) by Tricia Copeland was a really good read! I was instantly grabbed into the story straight from the beginning. The characters were great and relatable just like the story was. It felt almost like a soap opera though, with all the drama throughout the story. Some parts of this novel dragged and felt difficult to get through, but for the most part this was a very good read. It was definitely entertaining! I can’t wait to read the next installment to this series!

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