
At Once (The Adams Brothers Book 2) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Kelli Harper

At Once (Adams Brothers, #2)At Once by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Review: At Once: Adams Brothers: Book 2
Author: Mindy McKinley
This book is every bit as good as the first book. I was hooked on this author and this series when I read At Last, the first book in the Adams Brothers series. This time we are reading about brother Mason and his passion for carpentry. He meets the beautiful red head Gabi and things are rocky to start. But can Mason win her over?
This book has some parts that are laugh out loud funny. The Adams Brothers are sexy and such good guys through and through. You do get to keep up with Dom and Lu from book one as you will see. Also we get to meet Gabi’s best friend Kylie.
Mason and Gabi really do go together very well as Gabi is an interior designer and Mason builds custom furniture.

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Stormy’s Thunder (Satan’s Devils MC Utah #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Stormy's Thunder (Satan's Devils MC Utah #2)Stormy’s Thunder by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have to say Ms. Mellett had her work cut out for her with this book as I went into this book saying “there’s no way I will ever be able to like Stormy, hes done too much that I can’t forgive” , and yet again this shows the amazing talent she has as an author, because I ate those words by the time I was done.
So like I said going in I wasn’t optimistic, I knew it would be a rough one but something about getting to know someone, the ins and outs and what makes them tick, really opens your heart up and then that person could do anything and be forgiven to some degree (thankfully its all fiction)
I won’t give details. These books have them all, but these Utah chapter members never have a dull moment that’s for sure.

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Stormy’s Thunder (Satan’s Devils MC Utah #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Stormy's Thunder (Satan's Devils MC Utah #2)Stormy’s Thunder by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was great. This author never disappoints when putting a new book out. I know when I pick one up it will be awesome and this one was no different. It was engaging and had my attention from the very first page. The characters were enjoyable and easy to relate too. I am very much looking forward to reading more by this wonderful author in the future.

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A Sun So Bright (Reigning Hearts, Book Three) AUDIO BOOK by KG Fletcher – Review by Sunday Barnaby

A Sun So Bright by KG Fletcher 

Narrated by Kelly Genelle Fletcher 

Five Stars

This is the third book in the Reigning Hearts series by KG Fletcher. I believe this is the best book so far. The way she molded Fiona was amazing and Chris was such a foil to her. It was a great shift to New York  City for a change of scenery.  It also was a great change up with the billionaire being female.  This book could be read/listened to by itself, but I highly recommend you listen to them all. 

Kelly did another wonderful job with the narration with book. She has a really nice voice and she brings passion into each character. This is a wonderful and all around great listen.

Review by @sunbarn

At Last (The Adams Brothers BOOK 1) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Kelli Harper

At Last (Adams Brothers, #1)At Last by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Review: At Last: Adams Brothers book one
Author: Mindy McKinley
Mindy McKinley is a new to me author and wow this book was great. The main characters Dom and Tallulah are so every day that you can picture them as being the friends down the street. Both school teachers, but both have other passions as well. Their story is full of energy and real life every day challenges that we all can and probably have or will come across some time in out lives. This story will leave you DESPERATE to find out what happens with the next brother.
The banter between Dom and Lu is fantastic. Witty come backs and flirty banter. This book flows so well that you will finish it in no time and want so much more.
Great book and I am heading into book two immediately!!

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At Once (The Adams Brothers Book 2) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Michelle Austin

At Once (Adams Brothers, #2)At Once by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

At Once (Adams Brothers, #2) by Mindy McKinley was a great 5 star read.
It pulls you right in from the beginning.

Gabi is an interior designer with her friend and they have a very challenging client. When her partner/friend introduces her to Mason who makes and sells his own furniture there is an instant connection. The furniture he makes is perfect will the client agree.

Mason isn’t looking for anyone special but when he meets Gabi she is just his type. Gabi has no intentions on dating, she is focusing on her work, but Mason isn’t too bad to look at and work with. The more they work together the closer they get.

Can these two finally get the happiness they deserve?

Overall I really enjoyed this read. The author does a great job with her writing and you can’t help but fall for the characters. The secondary characters were great also. It was great watching these two connect and fall for each other. We get some steamy moments as well. If you’re looking for a great romance story this is a great one to read. 1-click and get started today.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Stormy’s Thunder (Satan’s Devils MC Utah #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Betsy Melano

Stormy's Thunder (Satan's Devils MC Utah #2)Stormy’s Thunder by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stormy’s Thunder: Satan’s Devils MC Utah Book 2 by Manda Mellett is a bit tough to read in the beginning. Stormy is a character who’s made some big mistakes in the eyes of his SD brothers. Not only the Utah Chapter but some of the others too. But as with many of Ms. Mellett’s books, you get hooked right into the story and take the twists and turns because the book is so good. I love that this book shows us the real Stormy and how lost he really feels. Is it too late for Stormy or will he find help in an unexpected way?

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Stormy’s Thunder (Satan’s Devils MC Utah #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Emma Clawson

Stormy's Thunder (Satan's Devils MC Utah #2)Stormy’s Thunder by Manda Mellett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stormy’s Thunder is the second book in this series and while it can be read as a standalone, I suggest that you read book one first. Stormy is the main character in this novel and he has some proving to do. Manda Mellett is a wonderful and imaginative author. She knows exactly how to write an MC novel. When reading any novel by Manda Mellett you get sucked in and can’t put the novel down. This is one of the hallmarks of a wonderful and stunning writer.

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Stormy’s Thunder (Satan’s Devils MC Utah #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Mirela Ruiz

Stormy's Thunder (Satan's Devils MC Utah #2)Stormy’s Thunder by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stormy’s Thunder (Satan’s Devils MC Utah #2) by Manda Mellett was an emotional read. My heart went out to Stormy and it definitely helped me understand him more. I went on a roller coaster ride while reading, so much happened and just when I felt settled to continue there was another twist. You can read the series as standalones but I think reading in order adds more to each read. I look forward to the next book!

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At Once (The Adams Brothers Book 2) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Amanda Kimble

At Once (Adams Brothers, #2)At Once by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

At Once: Adams Brothers: Book 2 by Mindy McKinley

This is the second book I’ve read by Mindy. I thought Dom’s story was good, but darn if Mason didn’t pull me in. This is the second book of the Adams Brothers Series.

Gabi isn’t looking for a relationship when she meets Mason Adams. Between her best friend and later her father she finally gives in and gives him a chance. When her ex-husband shows up it threatens everything she wants. The quote I chose for Gabi is: Okay, yes, he’s hot. Those shoulders alone make my knees feel funny. He really should be a model or an actor, not stuck behind a lathe all day long.”

Mason is the middle boy of the Adams boys. With his oldest brother’s wedding coming up he isn’t sure what he wants. When Gabi enters AdamsMade for the first time he knows he wants her. Things go from great to worse in a matter of seconds. The quote I chose for Mason is: “I still can’t get used to you like this, and for the record, f*ik that. I don’t need to be tied down for any reason. The business keeps me busy at all hours, and at the end of the day, all I really need is a good f**k.”

Highly recommended for contemporary romance lovers.

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A Sun So Bright (Reigning Hearts, Book Three) AUDIO BOOK by KG Fletcher – Review by Meg Tyrrell

I’ve read and listened to the first 2 books in this series. I love KG Fletcher. I wasn’t going to read this book. I knew who the main female character was, and didn’t want to hear her story – lol. I’m really glad I did listen to the audiobook though. The narrator was perfect and the book was awesome. I enjoyed it and I can say I finished this series with no malice in my heart for any of the characters. You really do need to read these in order. This book focuses on Fiona, and she’s introduced in book 1. It was a great story and put together well. I recommend EVERYTHING KG Fletcher writes. This series was wonderful.

At Once (The Adams Brothers Book 2) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Jennifer Gordon

At Once (Adams Brothers, #2)At Once by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book two in this series about the Adams brothers and this time the storyline centres around Mason Adams. Mason runs his own successful furniture business and through work he meets Gabi and suddenly he is determined to make her change her mind when she turns him down for a date. Gabi Turner has literally started again following her divorce and is completely focused on her burgeoning interior design business. When the sexy local carpenter Mason, who has a bit of a reputation asks her out she says no but soon learns he’s set on changing her mind. Gabi and Mason find themselves working closely together on a gutted Victorian house and the more time they spend together the more Gabi finds herself dreaming of a future but is reluctant to trust her heart to another man. The chemistry between Gabi and Mason is instant and it really comes across in the narrative and leads to some steamy scenes. I loved both the main characters and was cheering them on hoping they would get their HEA, no spoilers! Having read and enjoyed the first book I was definitely not disappointed by this second instalment as the plot was full of romance and suspense. ‘At Once’ is a real page turner and I felt immersed in the story. I’m looking forward to reading Sebastian’s story next.

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At Last (The Adams Brothers BOOK 1) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Jennifer Gordon

At Last (Adams Brothers, #1)At Last by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed this contemporary romance story and it’s a great start to a new series featuring the Adams brothers. In ‘At Last’ the storyline focuses on Dominic Adams, a High School history teacher who is popular with women and how a chance encounter at a jazz club with Lula Stanley makes him realise its Lula he wants a relationship with. Lula, a literature teacher lost her mother and now her grandmother’s health is failing and she’s never known her father as her mother tried hard to keep him a secret, so she decides to track him down. With her life in chaos it’s not the perfect time for romance but once she catches the eye of Dom she soon learns he is not going to give up and, he is also very sexy! As Dom and Lula try to solve her family’s mystery and track down her father the couple get closer to one another and realise it could be true love. This is an enjoyable and engaging read with some great characters and a plot which makes you keep turning the pages to find out how it’s going to end whilst hoping that Dom and Lula will get their happy ever after. The chemistry between the pair sizzles off the page and leads to some steamy scenes, however there is also plenty of romance and suspense all of which kept me hooked. As well as main characters, Dom and Lula we are also introduced to the other Adams brothers, Mason and Sebastian and I can’t wait to read their stories.

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At Once: Adams Brothers: Book 2 by Mindy McKinley – Reviewed by Roxsanne Lesieur.

At Once (Adams Brothers, #2)At Once by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the story of Mason Adams and Gabi Turner, he makes handmade wooden furniture and has his own business doing it and she is an interior designer in business with her best friend, they have just landed a contract to work on a Victorian house for a very exacting customer, so when they need exclusively designed furniture, Gabi’s best friend knows just who to turn to, so they end up and Mason’s furniture workshop and showroom, but when they meet there for the first time, it is unforgettable.

When the first design has been shared, they agree to work together on it and this is just the start of their partnership and although she didn’t show the slightest sign that there was a connection there, Mason is determined to remedy that as soon as he can. Later on as the ladies gossip over wine and chocolate, Gabi cannot deny that she has the hots for him, especially when her skin flushes every time she thinks of him, but knowing that nothing would ever happen after the last guy she married and escaped from three years before.

As the renovations progress, Gabi finally gets the go ahead for one of her design boards and she is over the moon, the table is the thing that sealed the deal and when the client meets the man making it, she decides that she wants all the furnishings done by him, that means that Mason and Gabi have to work together a lot more. However, the high from the meeting doesn’t last when she receives a text from an unknown number and Gabi knows exactly who it is and it is the last thing she wanted or needed right now. The next day Gabi goes to the house to start work on the swatches and thinking that she will be on her own, she is completely surprised and horrified at the same time when she turns round to see Mason is in the house as well, this just amuses him and irritates her to now end, but when he becomes more flirtatious with her, it takes all her self control to stay that way, but unbeknownst to her, Mason is using all his self control to stay away from her, but he is determined to bide his time and work on her slowly.

This he does and Gabi is not as immune to his charms as she may think and it doesn’t help when her best friend is like a dog with a bone and is either encouraging him or her, or leaving them both in situations where flirting is a definite consequence, but will Gabi be able to keep her developing feelings for Mason under wraps, or will she stop him from capturing her heart like he has started to do with her body? This is a steamy romance which is as passionate as it is full of character which keeps you guessing until the very end!

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Stormy’s Thunder (Satan’s Devils MC Utah #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Amanda Kimble

Stormy's Thunder (Satan's Devils MC Utah #2)Stormy’s Thunder by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Stormy’s Thunder: Satan’s Devils MC Utah #2 by Manda Mellett

Another great read by Mellett. She knows how to keep her readers coming back to her books. Stormy’s Thunder is a great book.

Cat meets Stormy when he’s on the run from the club. She doesn’t know he’s in a club until she sees his tat. The quote I chose for Cat is: “You’re the good guys? But isn’t that like the FBI or something?”

Stormy is a Utah Member of Satan’s Devils and he’s been on the run. He took something from the San Diego Chapter when shooting someone. The quote I chose for Stormy is: “I feel like I’m at a crossroads. I’m a member now, but I don’t know if I want to stay one. I could go back, or forward, and for the life of me, I don’t know which I f**kin’ want.”

Highly recommended for MC Romance lovers.

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Jordan’s Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2) by T. Christensen – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Jordan's Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance (Tessa and Jordan Book 2)Jordan’s Justice: A New Adult Sport Romance by T. Christensen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this story. This is not my first book by this author and I have enjoyed all books that I have read from her. This is one of my favorites by her. This is a well rounded story that has characters that make the story feel real. They are engaging and kept me turning pages to the end. This is Tessa and Jordan’s story. Tessa is struggling to keep things going and the last thing she needs is to be on Jordan’s radar. They have a past and she was blackmailed into leaving him. The problem is now he wants revenge. Will he learn the truth and what will fate have in store for them? I really just enjoy them and their chemistry. I enjoyed watching them grow throughout the story and what they bring to it. I highly recommend this book and this author.

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Review by @bjwagner

Is This Me? (Being Me Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Piper Foster

Is This Me? (Being Me #1)Is This Me? by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Is the first book in the series and introduces us to Amanda and Doug. Been a teenager Romance book about finding yourself and the new found independancet that is thrown at you. Real nice read.

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At Once (The Adams Brothers Book 2) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Piper Foster

At Once (Adams Brothers, #2)At Once by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a very enjoyable story. Didn’t just us to Gabbi and Mason. Sparks fly with these two. The heat between these two well its heat people beg for. A fresh start for Gabbi. The surrounding support also had alot to contribute to this story.

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At Once (The Adams Brothers Book 2) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Karyn Taylor

At Once (Adams Brothers, #2)At Once by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

At Once is the 2nd book in the Adams Brothers Series by Mindy McKinley. It can be read as a standalone but as I loved this and the first book so much I’d say you have to read book one ‘At Last’ before reading this one.
At Once is the story of middle sibling Mason Adams, a very talented furniture maker and recently divorced Gabi Turner who is trying to make a success of her business with best friend Kylie; G&K Designs. When trying to make a huge success of first major job designing the house of a very wealthy, fussy client, Kylie introduces Gabi to the amazing furniture made by Mason Adams. Gabi falls in love immediately with his work before meeting the man himself. Lets just say that I’d hate to have been in the way of the sparks that flew when these two first met. When the fussy client also falls in love with Mason’s work, Mason and Gabi are forced to work closely together.
I adored this book. Gabi and Mason’s story has me hooked immediately and took me on a fantastic journey that I didn’t want to get off of. Their characters are amazing and I fell in love with both of them and was rooting for the two of them to get their deserved HEA. I also loved getting to see the other Adams siblings again and see what’s going on in their lives.
One thing I really love is that I have the 3rd book At All ready and waiting for me on my kindle and I just can’t wait to see what Mindy McKinley has in store next for the awesome Adams Brothers.

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At Last (The Adams Brothers BOOK 1) by Mindy McKinley – Reviewed by Roxsanne Lesieur.

At Last (Adams Brothers, #1)At Last by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the tale of Lula Stanley and Dominic Adams, they are both teachers at East High School, however, this is where the similarities end, Dominic is known for his reputation with the ladies and his looks and charm are always turned on, but Lula is the odd one out with her mismatched style, big fluffy jumpers and eccentric choice in glasses, but all that changes with a chance encounter at a jazz club. Dominic has been encouraged to go out on a school night with his brother and as he is a jazz musician, they undoubtedly have to go to a jazz club, Dominic is more than a little reluctant with his current workload, but doesn’t want to pass up a chance to see some beautiful women singing. Lula is there with her best friend, coincidentally, also a teacher at the school and she is about to take centre stage in a slinky black satin dress and bright red lip, she croons her way through the performance and turns into a seductress all the while, Dominic doesn’t realise what has hit him until the announcer says her name at the end.

This starts off a chain of events for the two of them, he can’t believe that that the performer and the teacher are the same person, but as soon as he does, he cannot take his mind of her and she cannot believe that she is getting that kind of attention from him, just plain old boring Lula and the craziest part is that he is reciprocating it, especially after him seeing her land on her butt after slipping on the ice earlier that week! As Dominic decides that fate isn’t moving quick enough, he finds more ways to be around Lula and to explore their connection, including signing up to help her out at an after school club she runs, while all the time working on a personal project as well. Lula is also running a tight ship between visiting her Nan and then a shocking piece of information about her never present father leads her on a research binge of her own.

As the two become closer because of events in both of their families which are beyond their control and give in to their urges and the electricity whenever they are around each other, their research projects begin to intertwine as Dominic realises that Lula’s father may have a connection to what he is working on, but it turns out that not even their budding relationship is without its ups and downs when things take turns for the worse, but will they be able to consolidate their differences and acknowledge the future they may have together, or will the ghosts from their pasts keep them apart forever? This is a romance with plenty of steam to it, but still leaves you guessing how the mysteries within will play out and it will tug at your heartstrings along the way.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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A Sun So Bright (Reigning Hearts, Book Three) AUDIO BOOK by KG Fletcher – Review by Kandy Garrett


A Sun So Bright Audiobook By K.G. Fletcher cover art

Reigning Hearts

By: K.G. Fletcher

Narrated by: Kelly Genelle Fletcher

 This was a cute story.



3 out of 5 stars



3 out of 5 stars



3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 02-09-21

This was a cute story. I was surprised at how much I ended up liking Fiona, so much more than I intended. There were a few moments that I had to stop what I was doing and really pay attention so I didn’t miss a word. The part that sticks with me most is when Chris says those certain words to her and she takes the time to really let that resonate with her and what that means for her future

A Sun So Bright (Reigning Hearts, Book Three) AUDIO BOOK by KG Fletcher – Review by Jenique Bornman

It just goes to show you, the saying “never judge a book by its cover” is so true. In this case it’s a character.
When K.G. Fletcher introduced us to Fiona in the first installment of the Reigning Hearts series, as Thomas Capshaw’s girlfriend, I absolutely hated her. BUT when I started listening to A Sun So Bright the depths of Fiona’s character was revealed and I fell in love with her.
Chris on the other hand….. INSTA-LOVE

This was again a superb book in the Reigning Hearts series and as the series develops so does K.G. Fletcher’s writing.
Again her talent as a narrator also brought extra heart to the book.
Can’t wait to read more.

At Once (The Adams Brothers Book 2) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Chantelle Smith

At Once (Adams Brothers, #2)At Once by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This read had me totally hooked from the very beginning. This read was fast-paced, engaging and had me lost in the pages and the next thing I know it was over! This book brings you on a rollercoaster of emotions, you couldn’t help but hope with the amazing connection and undeniable attraction between our two main characters that they will get a HEA. The characters that this author has created are ones you can’t help but love, they have incredible banter and I love the back and forth they have together, but not only that the secondary characters also help bring this story more to life and tell the main characters’ stories even more. This authors writing makes it easy to fall into the flow of this storyline and epic characters and I enjoyed every minute of this book. I highly recommend this read and this author!

Reviewed By @tillytillzz
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Stormy’s Thunder: Satan’s Devils MC Utah by Manda Mellett – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur

Stormy's Thunder (Satan's Devils MC Utah #2)Stormy’s Thunder by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is Stormy’s story, he has messed up again, he left his brothers in a fit of rage and did the unspeakable, he left his cut behind, he just got on his bike and rode away, but when he wakes up the next morning and his head has cleared up some, he decides if he wants to return to his brothers and be accepted back into the fold, he has to for one, take the beatdown, for two, repeat his prospect days for six months, but he also has to bring something back with him, so he decides to tie up the last loose end in a recent rescue and find the woman who booked the AirBNB where the woman was held. That decided, he goes to get some food in a local diner and starts digging, setting up his newly bought laptop and burner phone, he finds the information he needs and sets off on another long ride.

As he is riding, he thinks about his past and how every time he thinks he has got his life sorted out, he messes up and loses everything he has worked for, he thinks about his childhood, how he worked to leave that behind and when he achieved the career he had always dreamed of, he disobeyed someone, someone else got hurt and he took the blame and was kicked out. Then he thought about how he had found another place with the Satan’s Devils MC, but again, going his own way and doing things he wanted to do led to him being punished again and he ran away. He is in a destructive cycle and he can’t see a way out, unless he can tie off this loose end and take the information back to the Club.

Apart from one stop for fuel for both him and the bike, he arrives at the home of the woman in question, it is late at night and it looks like she is in bed, but when he bangs on the door and rings the doorbell and doesn’t get an answer, he looks through the windows on the ground floor and it looks like nobody is home after all. He decides to go inside and take a look around to see if there has been a home invasion and to see if she is indeed in the house or not, but what he finds when he enters the basement is what appears to be a pile of dirty clothes and a wig that looks worse for wear, however, when he realises it is the woman he has come to find, he wastes no time freeing her from her bonds, he doesn’t want the authorities involved, so he can warm her up and look after her, albeit with the ulterior motive of questioning her. When she begins to regain consciousness and answers his questions, he realises that she isn’t connected to the crime in the way he thought, but he decides to stay for a while and look after her anyway.

As the time passes, the two grow closer and a fall into a comfortable routine until a ghost from Stormy’s past come back to haunt him and that ghost has unfinished business, as he is tortured to the point of being half dead,the worst thing that could happen does, she is taken from him, but when he finally escapes, the first thing he does is return to the club he once called home, but with his injuries, will he be able to to get there in time to save his woman, or will he succumb to them and lose her forever? This is a story of troubled pasts and uncertain futures, but the action will keep you hooked as you read through to the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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At Once (The Adams Brothers Book 2) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Kerry Carr

At Once (Adams Brothers, #2)At Once by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book 2 in the Adams Brothers series and I loved this book just as much as the first. I love the emotion in this book and also how it shows someone with a past of abuse can move forward and find love they deserve.

Gabi is a recently divorced woman who has moved her whole life to get a fresh start from her abusive ex. She is set on making her career as an interior designer as successful as possible and in no shape wants a man in her life. That is until she meets Mason Adams.

Mason is a talent man who makes things out of wood. When Gabi and her friend need something unique for a house they are working on they go to him and sparks fly. Mason is a ladys man. With good looks women fall at his feet however the reaction he has to Gabi hasn’t happened before and when he tries to pursue it her rejection makes him want her more.

Why is Gabi so against trying with Mason? Can he show her that he’s genuine in his feelings for her? What are his feeling? Are they just drawn together by lust or is it something more?

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Love at First Haunt: A Ghostly Paranormal Romance (Haunted Ever After Book 1) by Carrie Pulkinen – Review by Kaitlyn Stewart

Love at First Haunt: A Ghostly Paranormal RomanceLove at First Haunt: A Ghostly Paranormal Romance by Carrie Pulkinen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love at First Haunt: A Ghostly Paranormal Romance (Haunted Ever After Book 1) by Carrie Pulkinen
Review by Kaitlyn Stewart
5 out of 5 stars!

I am in love with Logan and Allison’s story! I love the way Carrie has brought them to life. Carrie not only brought a hauntingly good time but she also brought romance! This paranormal romance has empaths, psychics, mystery, ghosts, danger, and amazing characters! And let me tell you about that last chapter, it has some heat to it! I can’t wait for book 2. I’m so excited to read it!

Review by @booklover0722
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Stormy’s Thunder (Satan’s Devils MC Utah #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Shannon Fowler

Stormy's Thunder (Satan's Devils MC Utah #2)Stormy’s Thunder by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OMG what a story, Stormy is a very unlikeable character. But of course, he has the best reasons to be like he is. In a perfect world, he would have reacted differently to his life but what can you do, the world is not perfect, not even in a book.
Mellett has written another story with a character that we love to hate from book 1, a character who turns out to have a very interesting back story. This page turning story leads us to an unlikely meeting between Stormy and Cat.

Smart Cat. “You’re never going to move forward unless you stop looking back.”

There are some references to the other clubs and other characters from book 1 Road Tripped, so this book is best if read in order. The other Chapters have their own series and while you don’t have to read those before this Utah series, you are going to want to read all of Mellett’s series.

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Reviewed by @shannonlovesbooks

At All (The Adams Brothers Book 3) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Jenni Bishop

At All: Adams Brothers: Book 3At All: Adams Brothers: Book 3 by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

At All: Adams Brothers: Book 3 by Mindy McKinley is a contemporary enemy to lover’s romance story. What can I say? I am a sucker for these Adams brothers. A sexy bad boy musician who plays saxophone. A sexy good girl next door who plays a violin. A lot of banter and sass. A lot of palpable steamy chemistry and the adventure begins.

He’s just biding his time until he is back on tour and she’s determined not to let him interfere with her lessons. When it all comes back to one thing love and their passion for music and each other but will they give up one for the other?

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Is This Me? (Being Me Book 1) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Jenni Bishop

Is This Me? (Being Me #1)Is This Me? by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

Is This Me? (Being Me Book 1) by Tricia Copeland is a coming of age new adult romance story. It is a typical set in college story where our characters have the usual angst and self-discovery issues. There is also the wondering just where they fit into life as they transition from teenagers to new adults. It is one of those stories that you can’t put down because you have to know how it ends as much as it frustrated me. I found the characters Doug and Amanda annoying and struggled with them and I wanted to strangle them. Now Zac, I fell in love with Zac. However they did redeem themselves a little as the story progressed.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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At Once (The Adams Brothers Book 2) by Mindy McKinley – Review by Jenni Bishop

At Once: Adams Brothers: Book 2At Once: Adams Brothers: Book 2 by Mindy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

At Once: Adams Brothers: Book 2 by Mindy McKinley is a contemporary romance story that is another great read from this author. I said to sign me up for more of the Adams brothers and I was not disappointed. This is Mindy’s second book and she did a great job as she did with the first one. The story flows nicely and easily through her writing style. The characters and the story are a believable and enjoyable, relatable and did I mention steamy tale. I loved their witty banter and their toing and froing as they fell in love.

A divorce, a new business venture with the bestie, no relationships and life is ok. That is until one Mr Midas touch aka Mason Adams comes into her life.

One look and that was all it took for a certain non-confident yet fiery red haired beauty to come into his life and he was a goner. Unfortunately the road to love is never easy.

I need my next fix of Adams brothers.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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