
Swallowed by a Secret by Risa Nyman – Review by Laura Furuta

Swallowed by a SecretSwallowed by a Secret by Risa Nyman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Swallowed by a Secret
By Risa Nyman
5 out of 5 stars

The story Swallowed by a Secret by Risa Nyman is a book that I enjoyed reading. I found myself quickly drawn into the storyline and didn’t want to put it down until I had finished the final page. It is the story of 12-year-old Rocky whose father has died. He finds himself changing homes and schools which both take time to adjust to. He doesn’t believe that his mother has told him all about how his father passed away. He becomes determined to find out the truth. With the help of a new friend, Olive, Rocky sets out to find the secret. How far is Rocky ready to go to find out the truth? Will it mean that Rocky has to take risks to discover the truth? Read this book to find out. This is a story that I found to have sad moments and I couldn’t help but empathize with Rocky and how he feels. Olive is a wonderful character and she is as determined to help Rocky. She is a good friend to him. The book has heartbreaking and heartwarming moments as well. It is a story that is also emotional at times. The author has written a story that is unforgettable and will touch your heart. I highly recommend reading it.

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Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant – Review by Nicky Margaret

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)Designing Love by Victoria Grant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Designing Love (The Calderone Family romance, book 3) by Victoria Grant is a 4 star read.
Caroline Winters is an Architect at the top of her profession, she’s fought her way to the top not letting anything including romance get it her way, so when she’s selected as the lead designer on the Calderone Industries Office complex, her feelings are put to the test when she needs to work with the owners gorgeous son.
Charles Calderone is the Vice President of Calderone Industries, he knows what he wants and will fight to get it but when the new lead architect fights him on every decision he makes for the new building he finds that his professional and personal life are put to the test.
Can these two people work together or will their clashes lead to disaster? This was a funny, fast paced story that I struggled to put down, the author had me hooked from the very first page.

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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Laura Furuta

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Boy on Hold
By JD Spero
5 out of 5 stars

The story Boy on Hold by JD Spero is a suspenseful mystery book. It is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and didn’t let me go until the final page. The book is written in such a way that I felt like I was right there with the characters. The story is about a violent crime that takes place in a small Adirondack town. Hen Trout is a young boy who sees the crime take plan. Tyler is the 17-year-old that is arrested for the crime and Marcella Trout is Tyler’s mother. What exactly did Hen see on that fateful night? Is Tyler guilty of the crime? Will the whole truth be revealed? Read this book to find out. This is a story that had me turning pages wondering what was going to happen next. With each chapter that I read, I found myself trying to put together the clues to what happened that night in 1991. You can’t help but feel for the Trout family as they are going through an investigation that brings forth emotions that each member of the family deeply feels. There are also heartbreaking moments as well. There are additional characters that interact with Hen, Marcella, and Tyler who are helpful, and then there are those whose motives I questioned. This is a story that will keep you guessing. I highly recommend reading it.

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Deleted by Ruth Mitchell – Review by Tausha Treadway

DeletedDeleted by Ruth Mitchell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Deleted by Ruth Mitchell. This is the story of Lucy who is a college Freshman who learns to mindhack! It all begins when she informs her sister Mollie about her crush on Marco and she also confides that she has learned how to access and erase people’s memories. In the not too distant future everyone will wear smart glasses called Spex. Spex can record their experiences, communicate, read, watch movies and search the internet without touch or sound. They work all thru the wearer’s thoughts. Nick and Mollie have both figured out how to hack it and read and erase memories. Lucy is using this power for her own benefit but Nick is using it for a profit so if he finds Mollie he will erase her memories for good. With Lucy’s help Marco becomes her boyfriend but when Nick becomes obsessed with Lucy he deletes Marco’s memories of Lucy. It seems everyone is forgetting Lucy. She becomes desperate and reaches out to Marco for help but he has no clue who she is. Will Lucy get the help she needs before Nick deletes her forever. Read Deleted to find out.

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Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant – Review by Kerry Carr

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)Designing Love by Victoria Grant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow what a rollercoaster of a story this was.

Caroline is a successful, independent woman with a growing job and 1 rule… NO RELATIONSHIPS.

That is until she meets Charles at her friends wedding and the attraction is too hard to ignore.

Charles is also a successful business man working in his families business. When the company need to expand Charles knows just the woman to do the design job.

Can Caroline and Charles work together as a team or will them both being headstrong mean its doomed. Also can they keep their private and professional lives seperate?

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Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant – Review by Lucy Berson

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)Designing Love by Victoria Grant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Roo ppl mange Book 3) by Victoria Grant. This is a new author and series to me. I absolutely loved Caroline from the first page. The back and forth banter between Caroline and Charles will most definitely keep you entertained. While this could be read as a stand-alone book, I will be going back and reading the previous books in the series. I can not wait for the next book in the series and definitely more from Ms. Grant!!!

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Swallowed by a Secret by Risa Nyman – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Swallowed by a SecretSwallowed by a Secret by Risa Nyman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book. This is my first book by this author and I can’t wait to read more from her. This is a well written story that would be great for any young adult or a middle aged child. I had no issues connecting with the characters. They made the story engaging and kept me turning pages. This is a story about Rocky who overhears his mom tell the truth about what happened to his dad. When she moves him to another city, he finds that the real truth lies in the city he just came from. He meets Olive and together they go on a journey of finding out the truth about his father. He thought he knew him but did he really? I highly recommend this book.

Review by @bjwagner
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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book. It is my first book by this author and I will be looking for more from them. This is a well developed mystery-thriller that I had a hard time putting it down. I was pulled right into the story from the beginning. The twists and turns had me turning pages fast just waiting to see what would happen next. This is a story about a young boy named Hen, who seen the murder of Miss Sally. A prank turns into a violent crime and a family starts to fall apart. What will happen when Hen starts questioning the truth? Is there family secrets that could be this family’s undoing? I had no problem connecting to the characters. They kept the story moving easily and engaging. I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens to the boy who witnesses a violent crime.

Review by @bjwagner
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Tangled Fates (Tangled Magic Series: Book 2) by Denise D. Young – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Tangled Fates (Tangled Magic #2)Tangled Fates by Denise D. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Tangled Fates (Tangled Magic Series: Book 2) by Denise D. Young is a Paranormal romance story that will pull you in from the beginning and doesn’t let go till the end. This is the second book in this series and my first read by this Author. Although this should be read in order I I didn’t have any trouble and I’m definitely going to be grabbing the first book to read. There’s a bit of everything from magic, some danger and romance. Vi and Aiden find themselves trying to figure out how to break a curse on the coven. Will they get it done and what do they learn about themselves along the way ? Can they have a future together ? Find out what happens next in this absolute must read I can’t wait to read more from this Author.

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Stepbrother (Step Dilemma Series Book 1) by Stacy McWilliams – Review by Lucy Berson

Stepbrother: Step Dilemma Series Book 1Stepbrother: Step Dilemma Series Book 1 by Stacy McWilliams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Stepbrother: Step Dilemma Series Book 1 by Stacy McWilliams. It has taken me a few days to write this review. I just couldn’t put words to the feelings. This book is STRONG!!!!! I cried throughout this book, frequently!!!! My heart shattered for Bailey and Cooper both!!! At times I wanted to just scream at the treatment of the characters. There were so many emotions in this book. I loved Bailey but the back and forth literally gave me whiplash. I am trying to wait patiently for the next book in the series. I just hope that it ends the way that I want it too…. I recommend this book but beware of all of the emotions and feels…. and definitely have tissues waiting close by.

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Turning Wheels (Satan’s Devils MC Book 1) By Manda Mellett – Review by Laura Furuta

Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC, #1)Turning Wheels by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Turning Wheels:
By Manda Mellett
5 out of 5 stars

I loved the first book in this boxset. It is the story of Sophie and Wraith. Sophie is a woman who believes that she is broken, that no one would want her. She is still trying to adapt to life now that she is in a wheelchair. She also has come under the protection of the Satan’s Devils MC club. Wraith is the VP of Satan’s Devils and an alpha male. He is determined to protect Sophie. Will Wraith be able to keep Sophie safe from threats both inside and outside the club? What does the future hold for Sophie and Wraith? Read this book to find out. I grew to care about what happens to Sophie and Wraith with each chapter that I read. This story is suspenseful and also has emotional moments. There are romantic scenes that are steamy and make the temperature in the room rise. This is a perfect storyline and beginning to the series.

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Heart Broken (Satan’s Devils MC Book 5) by Manda Mellett – Review by Laura Furuta

Heart Broken (Satan's Devils MC #5)Heart Broken by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Heart Broken:
By Manda Mellett
5 out of 5 stars

This story is one that had my emotions going up and down the entire time I was reading it. It is Heart’s Story. Heart is angry, in pain, and haunted. He embarks on a journey he had no intention of returning from. Until a voice calls to him from his phone. The voice belongs to a cop. Cops and outlaw bikers can’t be in a relationship, right? Read this book for the whole story. This is a story that had me turning pages wondering what was going to happen next. There are heartbreaking and heartwarming moments. A perfect fifth book in the series.

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Targeting Dart (Satan’s Devils MC Book 4) by Manda Mellett – Review by Laura Furuta

Targeting Dart (Satan's Devils MC #4)Targeting Dart by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Targeting Dart:
By Manda Mellett
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading the story of Dart and Alex. Dart believes that all he can offer is friendship. Then he finds that his feelings are deeper. Can he keep Alex safe when her ex catches up to her? Read this book to find out. This is a story that had me turning pages wondering what was going to happen next. I grew to care about what happens to Dart and Alex with every chapter that I read. I loved the care and devotion that they both showed to Alex’s child. The story has some moments that made me mad, heartbreaking moments, as well as ones that touched my heart. A wonderful fourth story in the series.

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Slick Running (Satan’s Devils MC Book 3) by Manda Mellett – Review by Laura Furuta

Slick Running (Satan's Devils MC, #3)Slick Running by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Slick Running:
By Manda Mellett
5 out of 5 stars

This is the next wonderful story in an amazing series. It is the story of Ella and Slick. Ella helped the Satan’s Devils. Then she ran away from them and Slick. When she contacts him again, he is at first determined not to get fooled again. Then he learns the reason why he then is determined to not only help her but get her back as well. What does the future hold for Slick and Ella? Read this book to find out. This is a story that has dark moments as well as heartbreaking ones. One of the reasons why I love this series so much is that the Satan’s Devils club is one that has a code of brotherhood and to protect those who fall under their protection. While they may be misunderstood by many, they believe in bringing justice to those that they help. This story will have you on the edge of your seat wondering what is going to happen next. The wonderful third book in the series.

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Drummer’s Beat (Satan’s Devils MC Book 2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Laura Furuta

Drummer's Beat (Satan's Devils MC, #2)Drummer’s Beat by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Drummer’s Beat:
By Manda Mellett
5 out of 5 stars

This is a wonderful second book in the series. It is the story of Drummer and Sam. Sam is a woman who is strong, independent, and looking for her father who she says is part of the Satan’s Devils club. Drummer is the president of the Satan’s Devils and finds himself trying to deny his attraction to Sam. Sam has been taken by a sex trafficking ring. Drummer will do anything to find her. What does the future hold for Drummer and Sam? Will Drummer find Sam? Read this book to find out. I loved the characters of Drummer and Sam. I found myself caring about what happens to them with each chapter that I read. This story is suspenseful, and it finds the club facing danger. The book also has some steamy romantic scenes as well. Awesome second story.

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Boy on Hold by JD Spero

🔲🔳*¨*✶*¨`*🔳🔲 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 🔲🔳*¨*✶*¨`*🔳🔲

Boy on Hold by JD Spero


#BoyOnHold #PsychologicalThriller #awardwinning #awardwinner #IppyGoldWinner #indie #booksbooksbooks #amreading #author #bookclub #bookstagram #OnTour #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #BookSpotlightShowcase

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Thriller

Page Count – 274 pages

Cover Designer – Immortal Works

Goodreads –

Cabbage Night, 1991. The traditional night of pranks takes a disturbing turn when a violent crime rocks a small Adirondack town. Even more so when the only witness is a seven-year-old boy. Hen Trout, who had hoped to catch a pet hedgehog that night, instead sees his beloved Miss Sally become a victim.

Single mom Marcella Trout is blindsided when Tyler, her seventeen-year-old, is arrested for the very crime Hen witnessed. Now Tyler’s eerie mood swings seem dark and frightening and rooted in a family history Marcella has desperately tried to bury. As the criminal investigation churns on, the tenuous fabric of the Trout family begins to unravel…and even Hen begins to question the truth.


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Johannah Davies (JD) Spero’s writing career took off when her first release, Catcher’s Keeper, was a finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award in 2013. Since then, she’s found similar success with her young adult fantasy Forte series, winning recognition from National Indie Excellence Award (2014, 2016), Adirondack Literary Award (2015). Her newest release, Boy on Hold, a winner in the 2020 Book Excellence Award and 2020 IPPY Gold winner for Best Mystery/Thriller. With a Masters in Education, Spero leverages her years as a high school English teacher in author presentations across the country, most notably at DFW Writers Conference in 2014. Having lived in various cities from St. Petersburg (Russia) to Boston, she’s settled with her husband and three sons in the Adirondack Mountains, where she was born and raised.





A High Price to Pay (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 2) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Mirela Ruiz

A High Price to Pay (Madeline Dawkins, #2)A High Price to Pay by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A High Price to Pay (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 2) by Cynthia Hamilton was a great who done it! I loved the mystery and all the twists and turns. The pacing was great, I never felt bored or like i had to stop. I loved the character development. I could not put this down!

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Eat Me (Mayim Merman Book 1) by Amber Dark – Review by Jenni Bishop

Eat Me (Mayim Merman series Book 1)Eat Me by Amber Dark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Eat Me: Mayim Merman Book 1 by Amber Dark is a sweet and fun, hot and sexy story. It is a quick and easy read, so grab a drink and settle in for an afternoon with a steamy alpha. The story sends a message that you can be ok and your sexy self after a break up. The alpha in this story certainly had no problems indulging and showing women that they are worthy. Amber has not written a romance but shows there is nothing wrong with a casual hookup.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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And The River Runs Deep: The Cold Case Murder Mystery of Leah Marcus by A.J. Ullman – Review by Jenni Bishop

And The River Runs Deep: The Cold Case Murder Mystery of Leah MarcusAnd The River Runs Deep: The Cold Case Murder Mystery of Leah Marcus by A.J. Ullman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

And The River Runs Deep: The Cold Case Murder Mystery of Leah Marcus by A.J. Ullman is a fictional True Crime story. It has been cleverly crafted, that it reads as a True Crime novel. To say I love True Crime is an understatement, I am addicted to it and AJ’s writing did it justice. It had me spellbound with the mystery and suspense, intrigue and drama, angst and wondering. I was so consumed by and swept away by the story and the emotions that I soon found the book had ended.

This is a must on everyone’s TBR list and I look forward to reading more from this author.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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A High Price to Pay (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 2) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Betsy Melano

A High Price to Pay (Madeline Dawkins, #2)A High Price to Pay by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Madeline Dawkins and her friend Mike have completed their apprenticeship to become PI’s. On top of that, Madeline’s event coordinator business is preparing for a lavish weekend extravaganza for a client’s fortieth birthday. On top of these good things happening to her businesses, Madeline finds out one of her kidnappers is being released from jail. The release of one of her captors is not something Madeline was expecting only 3 years after she was abducted.

As the weekend birthday party is in it’s final days of preparation, a simple background check is requested by the matriarch of the family. This simple job turns into a murder investigation. What will Mike and Madeline find out about this family…

I loved the first book in the series and this one didn’t disappoint.

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Tangled Fates (Tangled Magic Series: Book 2) by Denise D. Young – Review by Cindy Rushin

Tangled Fates (Tangled Magic #2)Tangled Fates by Denise D. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. Although I had not read the first book in this series, that did not prevent me from enjoying Tangled Fates. It was full of suspense, adventure, and love. Denise D. Young told a really good story. I could not put it down. I look forward to reading more from her.

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Not So Far (Love Grows Series Book 3) by Renee Regent – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Not So Far (Love Grows series, Book 3)Not So Far by Renee Regent
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Second chance romances are my favorite and this was no exception. Audrey and Silas had a crazy summer and then Silas left abruptly and Audrey was heart broken. 18 years later and Silas is back in town for a funeral and decides to try and find her again.
While I understand it’s a book and an escape from reality, this just happened WAY too fast especially with kids involved. That honestly is my only negative take away from this. Answers are finally given for all of the past they couldn’t say back then and it ends beautifully.

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A High Price to Pay (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 2) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

A High Price to Pay (Madeline Dawkins, #2)A High Price to Pay by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book of this series, and you will want to read these in order to get the full story as this continues it.
Madeline and Mike have started their new Private Investigator business as well as Madeline’s event planning is still running. These come together at an event and this story just kept me hooked!
Im not a spoiler reviewer so I’ll not give anything away but I loved this story and cant wait to see what comes next.

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A High Price to Pay, (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 2 ) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Cindy Mayberry

A High Price to Pay (Madeline Dawkins, #2)A High Price to Pay by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A High Price to Pay
Madeline Dawkins Series
Book 2
By Cynthia Hamilton
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Mystery with a deadly twist.

This story is high speed ahead! Madeline and Mike have started their Private Investigator office. With everything in place, then start the investigating Madeline and Mike. As we learned in book 1. Madeline is also an event planner. So let’s add that to the mix. Oh and a party for a famous movie director’s wife. Just one more thing: The Plot. No Spoilers Here!

Cynthia Hamilton has written this intense crime story. She lays it out for you, then puts you on a non – stop rollercoaster. She peaks your interest and keeps you reading. So set out the snacks, drinks, and chocolates, settle in and enjoy. You will love the characters and their roles in the story. I can’t wait to see where Madeline goes next in book 3. Thank You Cynthia Hamilton for the ride!

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Eat Me (Mayim Merman Book 1) by Amber Dark – Review by Michelle Austin

Eat Me (Mayim Merman series Book 1)Eat Me by Amber Dark
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Eat Me (Mayim Merman series Book 1) by Amber Dark was a great 5 star read.
I was pulled in right from the beginning. This was my first read from Amber Dark and I really enjoyed it.

Summer is a teacher who is trying to move forward from her ex, she decides to go out to a nightclub and this is where she meets Mayim. Mayim set’s his sights on Summer and starts to seduce her. And boy does he turn up the heat, I suggest not being in public while reading this book.

Mayim is a merman who likes to help women and pleasure them. Being with Mayim gives Summer the confidence she needs in her life and goes for what she truly wants. No more vanilla.

Overall this was a great short hot and steamy read. I look forward to reading more from this author and series. The secondary characters added a great element to the story. I would suggest only 18+ readers due to content. 1-click and get started on this great read.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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Eat Me (Mayim Merman Book 1) by Amber Dark – Review by Michelle Mulvey

Eat Me (Mayim Merman series Book 1)Eat Me by Amber Dark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Eat Me by Amber Dark is book 1 of the Merman Series. This short, smoking hot read will leave your breathless by some of the scenes. Summer is a teacher who recently was dumped by her boyfriend. For 6 months she cried and ate a ton of ice cream. Tonight her friend Sarah got her to come out to a nightclub. She spots a guy who can be a model and before she knows it, he’s tapping on her shoulder. Tonight she can either just dance with the hottest guy she has ever seen or take him home and cross off one of her fantasies. Which will it be? Just when you think Mayim can’t get any more hotter, he might make your kindle melt! Grab this steamy hot story today!

review by @xchellex

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A Book Signing To Die For: Beach Reads by Judy Moore – Review by Heather Lovelace

A Book Signing To Die ForA Book Signing To Die For by Judy Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This cozy mystery had everything I hoped it would. This is the perfect book for an afternoon relaxing with a good book. Because this definitely qualifies as a really good book. Moore does a brilliant job setting up the characters and storyline. There is a wonderful ebb and flow. And the reader is kept engaged from beginning to end. Loved every page. Hope there is more with these characters coming soon!!

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant – Review by Tausha Treadway

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Book 3)Designing Love by Victoria Grant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Designing Love (The Calderone Family Romance Series Book 3) by Victoria Grant. I love this series and this installment was no exception. Its the story of Caroline Winters who is a beautiful, strong, hard working architect who has fought her way up the ladder. She decided long ago that her career was way more important than relationships so they were off limits. When she is selected to be the lead designer on the Calderone Industries Office Complex she is beyond excited. The only problem is Charles Calderone the owner’s son and Vice President of Calderone Industries. He is gorgeous, artistic and very egotistical. Every choice that Caroline makes Charles wants to fight her on it and vice versa. Why won’t he trust her to do her job. Why won’t she listen to him, he knows what he wants. He’s no stranger to the finer things in life so she should just roll with his decisions. As they work together sparks fly both physical and emotional. Will they be able to make the partnership work or will they destroy both their careers in the process? Will they make a relationship work or will they destroy any chance of love? Read Designing Love to find out!

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Not So Far (Love Grows Series Book 3) by Renee Regent – Review by Meg Tyrrell

Not So Far (Love Grows series, Book 3)Not So Far by Renee Regent
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Not So Far is the 3rd book in the Love Grows series by Renee Regent. I have read the other 2 books before this and they were great. This book did not disappoint. The story follows Silas and Audrey, two people who dated one summer in high school, and haven’t spoken for 18 years. Fate seems to have brought them back together, but they both need to own up to their secrets, in order to move on. Fate can be a tricky thing, but so can love. Is it time to lay everything on the table and see where they stand? He split town without so much as a warning. How will things unfold? Read to find out. This could be a stand alone, but I highly recommend all 3 in order.

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A High Price to Pay (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 2) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Felicia Bates

A High Price to Pay (Madeline Dawkins, #2)A High Price to Pay by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A High Price to Pay, the second book in the Madeline Dawkins series is a fantastic continuation of Spouse Trap. I feel this book deserves a 4 star rating as I thoroughly enjoyed the book from start to finish, just as much, if not more than the first book.
I really liked Madeline’s character in the first book but her development throughout this book makes her even more enjoyable. I believe I mentioned in my review of Spouse Trap that the first book I read by this author was a completely different genre and I was truly impressed with the range of writing, the strength of storyline and the twists and turns that kept me invested. Once again Cynthia Hamilton has impressed me with the strength of her writing and I would recommend this series to anyone that enjoys a well written mystery.

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