
Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas Series, Book 10) by Becki Willis – Review by Betsy Melano

Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas #10)Rose by Any Other Name by Becki Willis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brash deCordova is the sheriff in The Sisters, fondly called that by the residents of Juliet & Naomi (the towns are on each side of railroad tracks!) who gets multiple calls about a suspected murder…but was there really a murder? How can he be sure with the multiple stories that don’t quite match from the witnesses and no body? You’ve got to love a mystery that starts out like this!! The characters in this book have depth and love and respect for each other. It won’t take long before you get sucked into the story. How have I not found this author before? I have a lot of books to read to get to know more about what happens in The Sisters Texas Mystery Series.

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Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas Series, Book 10) by Becki Willis – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas #10)Rose by Any Other Name by Becki Willis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas Series, Book 10) by Becki Willis is a wonderfully written story that I absolutely couldn’t stop till I finished. Although this is my first book by this author I definitely will be reading the other books as well. I found myself on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what was going to happen next. There is two different mysteries, find out what happens next in this must read. I don’t want to give to much away . I highly recommend reading this. I can’t wait to read more from this author.

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Katie Kearney

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson. From page one I knew I was in for quite the adventure and I love every single minute I got to be lost in this story. It’s got everything I needed for a mystery story. I found myself on the edge of my seat more than once. Trying to balance wanting to read as fast as possible to see what happens next and wanting it to slow down a little because I wanted it to last longer. The characters are complex and relatable, they truly make this story worth every minute you maybe neglecting in the real world. It’s well written and paced nicely never feeling rushed or lacking anything. I love books that can take me by surprise and this author does just that. Excited to see where the author takes readers next. Five stars all the way and highly recommended!

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DEVIL’S CLAW (A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 3) by Valerie Davisson

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

DEVIL’S CLAW (A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 3) by Valerie Davisson


#ValerieDavisson #DEVILSCLAW #ALoganMcKennaMystery #strongfemaleprotagonist #womansleuthmystery #learnsomethingnew #coastalmystery #seaotters #OnTour #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #BookSpotlightShowcase

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Crime, Mystery, Thriller

Page Count – 300 Pages

Cover Designer – Kim Peticolas


It’s summer, and with a new job, a new life, and plenty of time for her music, life couldn’t be better for Logan McKenna. She and her daughter, Amy, home from Africa, even rescue an orphaned sea otter pup and help nurse it back to health at Jasper’s new Sea Otter Center.

But powerful storm clouds soon begin to swirl around the center, threatening the lives of all who enter it. More than one person lays claim to the property and all want it badly—but for very different reasons.

The murder of someone close to Logan soon exposes deep layers of resentment, greed, and painful, personal loss. Only love, trust, and community will have any chance of stopping the killer, before more lives, including Logan’s own, are lost.

Fans of J.A. Jance, Elly Griffiths, Louise Penny, C. J. Box, James Patterson, Nevada Barr, Sue Grafton, and Alexander McCall Smith will love fiercely independent and loyal Logan McKenna.


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A self-admitted book addict, Valerie was the kid with the flashlight under her pillow, reading long after lights out. After a life of travel, she now lives on the Oregon coast with her husband, John, and their new puppy, Finn. When not working on her latest book, she’s probably in the kitchen, making a mess and cooking up a storm for family and friends.

Author Interview With Valerie Davisson




Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Kimberly Griffiths

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Forest Park
Valerie Davisson

This is the second book in the Logan McKenna mystery series. Once again we follow Logan as she decides on a love interest and if it’s too soon to get more series. And as she finds herself in yet another mystery to solve. This book has multiple storylines to follow, sometimes can be confusing but in the end it all comes together. Another good book by this author. I encourage you to read this book as well.

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Faith Jackson

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Let me start by saying, I enjoyed that this book took me back in time to the start of Vietnam and back to present day but I thoroughly enjoyed how it all came to tie together in a smooth way. I love Logan’s inquisitive nature and how she finds herself in these situations to help others. The author makes Logan come off just as human as the women that we are in real life which made me continue reading this second book of this series. I also love a good mystery and suspenseful story as this book was to draw me in as it was written well but the adventure keeps me at a smooth pace as well.

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Felicia Bates

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Forest Park, really, both books I have read of the Logan McKenna series so far have been the type of storyline you can’t stop thinking about. You know the kind where you finished the dishes so now you feel you should reward yourself with a few more pages?
This series reminds me of one of my favorites from a well known writer. Strong, admirable lead female, fast paced and interesting from start to finish.
One of the things I have come to like best about Valerie Davisson’s writing style is not only the attention to detail but her ability to showcase more than one point of view in the story. While the book is meant to be a mystery, there are a lot of deeper scenarios than just a cat and mouse thriller.
I am fairly new to this author and really look forward to reading more from her. Definitely a 4 star, recommended read from me.

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is book two in Davisson’s ‘The Logan McKenna Series’ and widowed Logan McKenna returns investigating another crime to help out friends. It can be read as a standalone story although if read in order the reader has more of an understanding of Logan’s backstory. This is an exciting story which has a fast paced storyline and I was hooked from the start. Logan is staying at a hotel in downtown Portland, Oregon when a violent explosion rocks the town and results in a women’s death. The incident has links to the last days during the Vietnam War and the choices made at that time, now those that ‘cheated death’ during the war are under threat. When Logan realises that the police are investigating the wrong suspects she undertakes her own investigations especially as two of her friends are on the polices suspect list. A homeless vet is also under suspicion and Logan has to uncover the truth amongst the secrets and lies to discover if any of them are innocent. Meanwhile Logan experiences an explosion of her own in regards to her personal life. No Spoilers, as I recommend you loose your self in this book. I felt totally immersed in the the story and enjoyed being back investigating with Logan, who is an independent and loyal heroine of the series. Logan McKenna is a very likeable and relatable character who holds the storyline together well. I found this to be a page turner of a novel, a real crime, thriller, murder mystery, and one which had me hooked from page one until the very last page.

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Jana Teppih

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Forest Park is the second book in Valerie Davisson’s Logan McKenna series. I read the first book and I was sort of on the fence about it. When I finished the first book I said to myself that I am open to giving Logan another try and maybe it was my expectations that got the best of me so I did what I had told myself to do and picked up the second book of the series.
The opening scene in Vietnam in 1975 piqued my interest. I have always felt drawn to the stories that have something to do with Vietnam war so I was thinking to myself “interesting, let’s see what it has to do with Portland, Oregon in the present time”… Next we jump into the Valentine’s Day of 2014 and Logan is ready to take her relationship of six months to another level but Ben never makes it … as she is already in Portland then she gets a meal from the Vietnamese food truck and checks into the hotel … next there is an explosion and the old Vietnamese woman who she bought her meal from is no longer alive … Logan feels that she needs to get involved to find out what happened …
So this is sort of the baseline for the story and it could have been pretty good … the only thing is that there were way too many point of views that the writer jumped among and at some point I had to ask myself who was xxx and where does that person come in … the other thing that really messed with me was Logan’s obsession with her weight … ok, I get it is so important here in the US for some reason but it just felt at time way over the top, even the cats weight was something that was written the way that it caught my eye …
I mean the murder gets solved, not really with Logan’s help and the way …. Well … there are some great relationships and moments that took me where I expect great books to take me and that is the reason I do give the story 3 stars and feel that one could take a chance and read the story, just take your time and modify your expectations and you will experience some great moments!

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Tausha Treadway

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson. I loved this book. Its my favorite genre and it was a page turner. This is the 2nd Logan McKenna story and I really enjoyed both of them. This story is about Logan McKenna who is a strong, independent smart woman. Logan is in Portland Oregon and is supposed to meet her boyfriend but he calls and cancels on her at the last minute. She checks into her hotel and goes out to find some food. While at the food truck she strikes up a fast friendship with the owners. As she gets back to her hotel room she hears a loud boom and when she goes to check it out she finds her new friends food truck blown up and one of the friends she made murdered. That leaves the other women as suspects. The police come in and are questioning all the wrong people and while Logan is trying to figure the murder out her own personal life blows up! Will Logan find out who the murderer is and why they murdered her new friend. Read Forest Park to find out! Its a fast paced page turner that you will not regret reading!

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Kerry Carr

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Logan McKenna series. It is a gripping story once you get into it. It takes a while to get going but its well worth sticking with it. There are some sensitive topics in this book which the author writes about in a sensitive and caring manner.

When there is an explosion near to the hotel Logan is staying out there are several suspects including two of her new friends.

As Logan tries to get to the bottom of what happened she finds she has a hard time knowing who to trust. Are her new friends trustworthy or are they lying to her? Who can and should Logan trust?

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Angela Shirley

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 is the second book in this series which follows the life of Logan Mckenna’s life through her job as a school teacher and a part time sleuth.

The story is full of mystery and drama with Logan waiting for her new boyfriend to arrive at the hotel they have booked for their first interment moment but when she receives the phone call that he has to postpone the trip she carries on and books into the hotel room. Upon the day she meets a food truck owner and someone from there family while talking to them she strikes up a bond of sorts.

Back in her room she hears a boom and finds out that the truck has been blown up and the women who she met has been murdered. With her new found friendship she decides to investigate the murder which uncovers things from the past which the family wants keeped hidden.

This is the second book by this author I have read and the second book in this series, I enjoy the topics which have been chosen to be explored but the multiply POV’s sometimes gets a bit messy within chapters and sometimes within the same paragraphs which can get a little confusing and somehow dilutes the story. Within the story I don’t fully get the character of Logan at times I am rooting for her one minute but other times she gets a little annoying.

The story as I said itself is intriguing and draws you into the thriller and mystery aspect of the book, the story is well written and flows well. I am looking forward to reading the next book and see if Logan can get her lovelife back on track and what next adventure she can delve into.

Reviewed by Angela Shirley

Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Sunday Barnaby

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
Four Stars

Forest Park is the second book in the Logan McKenna Mystery series by Valerie Davisson. This is a great series and I recommend you read the series in order because the first book is a really excellent read. That being said you could read this book as a standalone and will know what is going on. This story gripped me from the very beginning and I couldn’t put it down until I finished it. The storyline is very detailed and the characters are well defined and relatable. The author deals with sensitive subject matter and does a good job with it. Thisis a great series that I highly recommend. I can’t wait to read the next book inthis series.
Review by @sunbarn

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Lisa Helmick

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a much better story than that last one. I still struggled with too much descriptive narration. The story runs pretty slow in the beginning then really picked up during the last forty percent. The characters are good and I particularly enjoyed the part with the characters from Saigon. As well as GI Joes thoughts and struggles. I think they are my favorite characters in the story. I still struggled to connect with Logan. I think she is just so unassuming that’s it’s hard to think of her as a solver of mysteries. I think it was mentioned in here that she is just nosy. I would agree with that assessment. I did like her outlook on the school work.
Overall it’s a nice story.

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In this second book following Logan, she is in the area when an explosion happens and of course wants to help.
I was hooked to the pages waiting for what was coming next and this didn’t disappoint. I’m not a huge fan of multi pov’s especially when they aren’t told who it is so that took some getting over for me but it didn’t take away from the story that much. I love the details, I feel everything come alive in my head. Not giving things away as I feel stories are best told where they belong, in the story.
I can’t wait to read the third book.

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Erica Fish

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery book 2. Valerie Davisson has such attention to detail which makes this book enjoyable. This book Logan finds herself in Portland with new friends and an explosion happens. Logan wants to help with the investigation. I have to admit that I did not see that coming. Davisson wrote some big twists and turns that kept my attention. I thought I knew what I was going to happen and BAM there was a twist. I was going through everything with Logan. Will Logan be able to solve the mystery in time? The other characters make the story go forward. You will have to read the story to figure out what everyone goes through and what happened with the explosion.

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Angela Hayes

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3 Stars

Forest Park is the second book in The Logan McKenna Series by Valerie Davisson.
Even though this is only the second book in the series, our leading lady, Logan has been through quite a lot. This book sees her investigating another murder, this time with links to the Vietnam War. Logan will need to sort through all the secrets, half truths, drama, and history- to get to the bottom of it all. We also get a front row seat to her own life as she embraces her own new beginnings.
This is my favourite of the series so far.

Thank you, Valerie Davisson!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Heather Lovelace

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Davisson continues the Logan series with another fabulous detail packed story. I really appreciate the level of detail this author uses to describe her characters and the storyline progression. The imagery is so vibrant that I felt like I was walking with the characters through the story and was kept guessing as to what would happen next. I loved how the author drew me in and the adventure that unfolded. I look forward to seeing how the the series continues to develop!

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Kerry Baker

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery by Valerie Davisson is the second book in the Logan McKenna series. This book was such a well written book that I cannot imagine anyone not being hooked! In this book the author has chosen to tackle some pretty sensitive topics and yet she does it with such ease and sympathy that it never feels too jarring.
The characters in the story were all so interesting, and I liked how it felt as if the author treated them all with the respect they seemed to deserve. I was a little intrigued by nearly all of them and thought they really combined together well.
The story itself was also really interesting. I liked the dual storyline that wove through the book, it added an extra depth to an already great book. I really enjoyed the first book but I have to say this one is definitely already my favourite of this series! I am looking forward to what else might be next.

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Jenni Bishop

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson is a Muder/Mystery story. I found it to be a little distracting as the story jumps back and forwards in time but also the narrative changes with different POV’s, which I love, but they are not clearly defined. There are a lot of different characters and it is hard to keep track of them all and I am not sure they all need to be part of the story. I also found it hard to connect with them. As with the first book the plot is intriguing, but the mystery was a little lacking. I found myself rereading parts thus not making the story flow seamlessly for me. I really found it hard to finish the story, but I pushed through.

Just because it didn’t hit its mark with me does not mean you should not at least give it a go.

3 stars.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Sheri Schrader

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 is the second book in the Logan McKenna Series by Valerie Davisson. This is an intense story with multiple points of view telling the same story. There is a lot going on, but Logan McKenna leads the story well. She is having to try to trust her gut concerning new friends and others, but it becomes difficult as everything unravels. I like that, this isn’t just another set cookie cutter mystery. The author delves into the character of Logan McKenna and leaves the reader wanting more. I will not give any clues to the plot because there is nothing worse than a plot being wrecked. I will leave it up to you to pick up and start a great series. Of course, I recommend book 1 first. I look forward to reading more from Valerie Davisson in the future.

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Isabella’s Painting: A Notorious Art Heist Mystery (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 1) by Ellen Butler – Review by Connie Cranston

Isabella's Painting (Karina Cardinal Mystery #1)Isabella’s Painting by Ellen Butler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Isabella’s Painting by Ellen Butler is a cozy mystery. The author does a wonderful job at submerging the reader into the life of main character Karina Cardinal. The pacing of the storyline is great and I love that it’s based on a true event. The blending of fact and fiction is amazing. I can’t wait to continue reading this series.

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Isabella’s Painting: A Notorious Art Heist Mystery (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 1) by Ellen Butler – Review by Raylene Green

Isabella's Painting (Karina Cardinal Mystery #1)Isabella’s Painting by Ellen Butler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Karina Works in DC, and while she keeps busy with her job, she loves it. She loves her life and her boyfriend and one evening, his parents, who are well known in DC, throw their yearly party. She is eager to attend only to discover a painting that ends up being stolenin her boyfriends parenta house! Karina’s character like storyline are well developed a very enjoyable story of fantastic mystery for mystery lovers!!

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Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Amanda Kimble

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery # 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson

Valerie has really outdone herself with the second book in the Logan McKenna Mystery Series. She has Logan at it once again with her own little solvable problems.I enjoyed the heck out of this book!

Logan, self proclaimed hero, is going to Portland to see a friend. There happens to be another crime she can try solving. She’s good at helping and sticking with her gut.

Has she finally moved on from her husband’s death? And his betrayal? Will she finally open up to Ben? The quote I choose for Logan is: “I want to make learning fun for kids, but more than that, I want to prepare them for the world they will inherit, which, as we know, is in so many ways a mess. I want to give them the tools to create a better world— to maybe fix some of the mistakes we made.”

I really enjoyed this book and I think anyone who is up for a good crime and romance will enjoy this.

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Isabella’s Painting: A Notorious Art Heist Mystery (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 1) by Ellen Butler – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Isabella's Painting (Karina Cardinal Mystery #1)Isabella’s Painting by Ellen Butler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this original story, the first in a new series by Ellen Butler, the story introduces us to our heroine Karina Cardinal and is a wonderfully written novel based on a true event and which had me hooked from page one. “In 1990 a Boston museum was robbed of $500 million worth of artwork”, in this novel the author comes up with a storyline based on what could have happened to this stolen artwork. This was an exciting cozy crime mystery novel with a strong female lead in amateur sleuth Karina Cardinal. The storyline was fast paced and had plenty of drama, suspense and twists and turns that kept me guessing and happily turning the pages.
When Karina Cardinal ends a long week lobbying on Capitol Hill, instead of chilling out in front of Netflix, her and her boyfriend, Patrick Dunne head off to his parents’ annual holiday bash. The evening becomes more interesting and more dangerous when Karina sees something she shouldn’t in Patrick’s father, Martin Dunne’s study. The painting she glimpsed before it disappeared behind a secret panel looked suspiciously like one that had been stolen and is infamous, as anyone close to the painting has been murdered, Mafia style. As Karina wonders what to do an old flame and FBI agent Mike Finnegan comes back into her life and she’s tempted to tell her old friend everything, especially as she still has feelings for him. However, Karina is being watched and both her life and others are at risk if she continues to look into the stolen painting.
I was fully immersed in this crime, mystery, thriller and literally could not put the book down. I loved the main character, Karina, as she is a likeable and realistically independently minded women and I look forward to future books with her as the lead. I liked the aspects of romance in the story with both boyfriend Patrick and old flame Mike and how Karina’s relationships changed and developed with each one. I found this to be an original storyline and was gripped until the last page. I found the authors ‘afterward’ section fascinating as Butler tells the reader about the real event that this novel is based on. A five star read and a book which I definitely recommend, I have now discovered a new author who’s books will become ‘must reads’!

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Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas Series, Book 10) by Becki Willis – Review by Laura Furuta

Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas Mystery Series, Book 10)Rose by Any Other Name by Becki Willis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas Mystery Series, Book 10)
By Becki Willis
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading the book Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas Mystery Series, Book 10) by Becki Willis. It is a story that had me hooked from the very beginning. I loved reading about the mystery woman Rose Belvedere who has just moved into The Sisters. With her arrival comes suspicions and a dead body. What will Chief Brash deCordova and Madison find out about this newcomer? What is going on in The Sisters? Read this book to find out. This is a story that has adventure, suspense, and mystery. The book had me turning pages wondering what was going to happen next. It also has amazing and colorful characters that I loved reading about. The author does a wonderful job of making both them and the storyline come alive. I felt like I was right there with them as their investigations start and deepen. There are also humorous moments that had me laughing at the bantering and interactions. The setting for the story is in a small town so everyone knows and hears about what goes on all the time. I could relate as I live in a rural, small town. Don’t miss out on an intriguing and entertaining story that I didn’t want to put down until I had finished the last page. I highly recommend it be added to the top of your TBR list.

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Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas Series, Book 10) by Becki Willis – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas Mystery Series, Book 10)Rose by Any Other Name by Becki Willis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book from this series, I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I look forward to reading more books in this series. This is a well written flowing story that has mystery and characters that bring life to the story. I had no issues connecting with the characters and they add some humor to the story. This book has two separate mysteries like two different stories happening throughout. It was easy to keep up with and written so it was also easy to read. This is a story where the chief of police’s wife takes it upon herself to check out the new neighbor in town. Then you have her son who takes on a mystery all of his own. I enjoyed the characters, they made the story fun to read and made it fast paced. This made a great afternoon read and I highly recommend reading it.

Review by @bjwagner
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Isabella’s Painting: A Notorious Art Heist Mystery (Karina Cardinal Mystery Book 1) by Ellen Butler – Review by Netania Lim

Isabella's Painting (Karina Cardinal Mystery #1)Isabella’s Painting by Ellen Butler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an incredible read, an absolute page-turner, and thrilling the whole way through. I loved Karina’s background as a Washington DC lawyer turned policy wonk, as well as the way Karina tries to work out what’s happening even as she makes plenty of mistakes. The mystery of the plot kept me going the whole way through, even with the elements of romance and crime. I love art heist fiction generally, but this one really grabbed my attention. I’ll definitely be reading anything else by this author!

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Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas Series, Book 10) by Becki Willis

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Rose by Any Other Name (The Sisters, Texas Series, Book 10) by Becki Willis
It’s summertime in Texas, when temperatures—and tempers—soar.
A mysterious woman moves to The Sisters, and the tongues start wagging. Who is this Rose Belvedere? Why did she move here, of all places? Was that a body the movers stuffed into the van?
Calls flood into the police department, but without probable cause, Chief Brash deCordova can’t do much more than make an inquiry. When Madison (dead-body magnet that she is) stumbles upon a gruesome discovery, all that changes. Now there’s a body and a suspect, but no probable cause. Will the husband and wife duo discover the truth before the killer strikes again?
Saving up to buy his first truck, sixteen-year-old Blake has a summer job at Marvin Gardens. He’s prepared for hard work and long hours, but he isn’t prepared for a mystery of his own. Recruiting help from his sisters, the teenagers may just form a junior division of would-be sleuths for In a Pinch Professional Services.
The heat is on for another great adventure in The Sisters!
Book Ten in the best-selling The Sisters, Texas Mystery Series.


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Best-selling author Becki Willis loves crafting stories with believable characters in believable situations—the quirkier, the better! Many of her stories stem from her own travels and personal experiences. (No worries; she’s never actually murdered anyone.)

When she’s not plotting danger and adventure for her imaginary friends, Becki enjoys reading, antiquing (aka junking), unraveling a good mystery (real or imagined), dark chocolate, and a good cup of coffee. A professed history geek, Becki often weaves pieces of the past into her novels. Family is a central theme in her stories and in her life. She and her husband enjoy traveling, but believe coming home to their Texas ranch is the best part of any trip.

Becki has won numerous awards, but the real compliments come from her readers. Drop in for an e-visit anytime at, or   

“My books may not change someone’s life, but they may change someone’s day… and sometimes, that’s just as important!”

Forest Park: A Logan McKenna Mystery Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series) by Valerie Davisson – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Forest Park: Logan Book 2 (The Logan McKenna Series)Forest Park: Logan Book 2 by Valerie Davisson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this suspenseful mystery. This is not my first book by this author but it is my favorite of hers yet. I enjoyed how this story pulled me in right from the beginning. It is an engaging story that has characters that brought the story to life. The twists and turns had me sitting on the edge of my seat just waiting to see what would happen next. Logan is back in this mystery where a woman dies from an explosion and a couple of friends are being accused. Can anyone be trusted? Does trust come at a cost? Logan is one of my favorite characters, strong and makes the story easy to read. This made a great afternoon read and I highly recommend it.

Review by @bjwagner
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