
Truthsight by Miriam Greystone – Review by Anna Hirsch

TruthsightTruthsight by Miriam Greystone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Truthsight by Miriam Greystone
5 Stars

Miriam Greystone weaves an enchanting tale of ancient supernatural creatures. The characters and their stories are so real it’s as if you are there beside them. I was intrigued from the moment I started the book and remained enthralled until the very end. I couldn’t put the book down, needing to know what would happen next. I loved the fact that she used mythical creatures such as centaurs, pixies and gnomes instead of the usual vampires and werewolves. She even introduced a creature from Slavic folklore which really impressed me. Her research on all the creatures was spot on which added depth to not only the characters but the story as well. I loved the book.

Amy is a doctor who turned her barn into a night clinic for all the creatures that live in the forest. Her patients includes pixies, gnomes, trolls, harpies and even centaurs. Amy is a Mage and healer. She has the power of truthsight which allows her to see the real you. The part which you hide away from the world, your true self. She has been on the run for years with mages hunting her. When she taps into her power to save the foal of a centaur, she knows they will find her.

After being captured, waiting to be executed, a creature rescues her. Hearing about her abilities to heal, he knows she’s his only hope of saving his father. Things don’t go according to plan and both their lives end up in danger. All creatures must stand together to fight a common enemy and save not only Amy but themselves as well.

Review by @annahirsch
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A Leap into Destiny By Michelle Sullivan – Review By Heidi Eich Woodring

A Leap into DestinyA Leap into Destiny by Michelle Sullivan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Leap into Destiny by Michelle Sullivan is a wonderful read full of love, unhappiness, and so many twist and turns. Michelle Sullivan writes a story so true, you feel it’s real and draws you in instantly showing that even single parents need love and a happy ending. This book has the romance, has the drama, and has you sitting on the edge of your seat. It’s a perfect combination for any readers, I know I am suggested this read to many of my friends who loved it as much as I did.

Isabella and Mikie meet at the park and instantly hit it off, both are also being raised by single parents. Alli, who is the mother of Isabella was left alone in a hospital to give birth when Seth, her ex, left her. She has many issues with men because of this and her support system is her mother. Jason, who is the father to Mikie, is grieving for his wife that passed and has had issues bonding with his own son. After time, the friendship they have changes into something more serious. Jason knows he is attracted to Alli but he has guilt about “cheating” on his wife. But even Jason cannot deny the pull to Alli. When the past comes back into Alli’s life, she worries about her safety and Isabella’s. Jason fears that he could lose yet another women he loves with all his heart.

What I truly loved about this story, is the believable factor. It was like I was reading a true story and enjoyed every minute of. There was enough angst and twists and turns that will leave you at the edge of your seat. I love how slowly the sparks became so much that they both just gave in. I love what a mother Alli is and I just adore how Jason treats Alli. They both are on the road to a happy ending all FOUR of them deserve and so need. I happily give this book 4 stars and would recommend this to book to everyone. Once you dig in you will not want to stop.

Review by @heidiew1977
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Awaken by G.R Thomas – Review by Anna Hirsch

AwakenAwaken by G.R. Thomas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Awakened by G.R. Thomas
4 Stars

Sophia Woodville is an ordinary girl who never liked being the centre of attention. She never had a normal childhood. She lived with her Nan and was homeschooled until junior high. She has a birthmark that covers half her face which she covers up whenever she goes out. She has an innate ability to heal so it was a natural choice for her to become a nurse.

Unfortunately for Sophia, she is far from ordinary. Circumstances happen and she finds herself fighting for her life. Thrust into an ancient world, in the middle of a battle between angels and demons, she must find her strength and self confidence. So far out of her comfort zone, she learns about the origins of humanity and original sin, about the fall of angels and the beginning of demons. She discovers that she is the key to the saviour of all mankind. No pressure there! Nothing is as it seems. She finds new friends and finds out who she can and cannot trust. Will an angel make her fall from grace? Will a demon save her soul?

This book was very intriguing for me. It mixed the belief of heaven and hell, Angels and Demons and the concept of aliens creating the earth. It sounds bizarre but it actually worked. There were many heavy ideas to digest but the author did an excellent job of explaining every detail so it was simple to comprehend. There was a lot of intrigue and some serious action which will keep you wanting to find out what happens next. The book ends in a cliffhanger so now I wait in anticipation for the next book.

Review by @Anna Hirsch
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The Catch by Phoebe Alexander – Review by Shannon Fowler

The CatchThe Catch by Phoebe Alexander
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finally!! A story about a big girl! A happy, confident big girl! Paisley is a serious, hardworking, sexy, big girl. She really doesn’t take crap from anyone and doesn’t care what people think. If only there were more people like Paisley in the real world! Paisley would make a great BFF, she could probably even convince “vanilla” people to try other “flavors”!
And then there’s Calvin…swoon…Calvin is patient, kind, dedicated. Did I say patient? Even his “caramel-colored skin” makes Phoebe’s “girly bits” excited, he looks like one of those hunks on His “vanilla” way of life is not the usual turn off for Paisley, so when these two become friends anything is possible!
Other characters that enter Paisley’s life through out this story are Cap, Leah and Casey, all three are Paisley’s bosses at The Club. Trent, Jason and Alison also bring out the Paisley everyone knows. While walls are built around Paisley’s heart, she loves others unconditionally. Will there be someone who can break through? Can they accept Paisley for her past and her present?
Phoebe Alexander writes a fun, adventurous romantic mystery with a twist. This story takes a few taboo subjects, (sex, therapy and weight issues) and makes them a little less taboo. Looking forward to what else I can read from Phoebe Alexander.

Review by @shannonlovesbooks

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Rush (The Boys of RDA #1) by Megan Matthews – Review by Ashleigh Whitwell

Rush (The Boys of RDA, #1)Rush by Megan Matthews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rush is the first in the ‘Boys of RDA’ series by Megan Matthews. Written in first person, we see the story from Aspen’s POV, which I felt really enabled me to connect with her character. This was my first read of this author’s work and I absolutely loved it!

After completing grad school, Aspen is starting a new chapter of her life in San Francisco. She has a new job, new apartment and a solid life-plan; she thinks she has everything under control. A control is exactly what comes with the lease on her new home, along with a list of ridiculous rules she has to follow. Alongside this, her best friend requires support through a nasty break-up, all while sticking to her plan of having no new relationships for the first year in this new city. Everything seems do-able, apart from the last past. Why can’t she seem to control her feelings every time her new neighbour is around? Hot, smart and always around when she needs someone, Finn is like her own personal hero. With a geeky-yet-hot-as-hell style, this video-gamer is not included in Aspen’s life-plan. But while he seems to get more perfect by the day, can Aspen trust he is who he says he is? Or is Finn playing her, just like he plays one of his games?

I’ll go right ahead and say it: I LOVED THIS BOOK. I only stopped reading this book for sleep, and that was because I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. I really could not get enough of Aspen, Finn and their relationship. Aspen is one of my favourite I have read this year. She is a strong, independent female lead and I just adore reading these characters. She also had a really interesting backstory and her relationship with her brother, Ben, was one of the highlights of the story for me. Her relationship with her friends was also something that stood out, as so often with romance novels the girl is so in love with her hero, she forgets all about her friends! Yes, I know this happens in real life too, but I just hate to think of people doing this! Aspen was not one of these people, and that only added to her likeability. She felt real, believable and someone I desperately want to be friends with (if we ignore that fact that she doesn’t actually exist).

And I think her character was balanced perfectly with Finn’s. My favourite thing about him? He is not your stereotypical hot-guy hero. He is a video-game playing, computer obsessed geek; and I love this (I realise I love a lot things about Rush). He is totally not what you expect from a romance-story, and this makes the book so unique. While it makes me sad that this is so unusual (I want more geeky heroes!), it’s also what makes Rush so special and enjoyable to read.

Along with these fantastic and well-written characters (supporting ones like Ben, Marissa and Trey included), the story has a brilliant plot; there are some shocking revelations, so be prepared! I also want to do a special shout-out to Jake the driver, as I think he is a majorly underestimated character; I want more Jake! Overall, I really cannot recommend Rush enough. I will definitely be reading the rest of the Boys of RDA series, and urge others to read them too. Thanks to the author for such a fun read!

Review by @ashleighw

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Incapable By Marie Skye- Review by Nicole Alamillo

IncapableIncapable by Marie Skye
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Incapable by Marie Skye
I seriously don’t even know where to begin about this book… It’s simply amazing! I give it 5 stars and in all honesty, I would give it more if I could !! I got sucked in immediately! It’s extremely well written and thought out! I absolutely loved it! I can’t wait to find out what happens in the second book! Marie Skye is one of my new favorite authors!! Love her!!
Emmalin is a sweet, innocent and thriving woman. She is used to taking care of herself. She depends and trusts no one these day.
Grayson is an extremely rich, controlling and demanding man. He goes after what he wants…and more often than not, he gets it!!
Grayson is instantly attracted to Emmaline. He hasn’t felt this way about anyone in years. But it also frightens him a great deal.
She has a past, like everywhere else. But she tries to let Grayson in her life. But she is scared just as much as he is.
Can they both get past their fears and demons and move on… Together? Or will their past get the best of them?
I absolutely loved these characters.. They’re so raw and seem so darn real! Marie Skye has a real way with words!!! I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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Candlelight (An Ember Saga Novella) by Stacy McWilliams – Review by Anna Hirsch

Candlelight (An Ember Saga Novella)Candlelight by Stacy McWilliams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Candlelight by Stacy McWilliams
4 Stars

Legend says that when Lucifer fell to earth, he married Gweneviere and she bore him three children. Lucifer and Gweneviere descended to hell where they resided as king and queen. When their children died, they returned to earth where their children were reborn time and again. Their children continued to procreate and the demon population rose.
Nathan’s father is the eldest son of Lucifer therefore making his family the most powerful. Nathan is the middle child and feels like he’s the odd man out. It seems nothing he does is good enough for his family. If he acts like a mortal to fit in, he gets severely beaten by his mother. When he acts like a demon, he gets tortured by his father. He can’t figure out what they want.
Nathan begins dreaming of a girl with long brown locks and mesmerizing hazel eyes. She is his calm within the storm of his life. Her face eases the pain after a good whipping. She’s there every time he closes his eyes. He knows all the contours of her face by heart. Isn’t he surprised when she shows up at his house as his sacrifice. Will he be able to kill her or has she already captured his heart?
This short novella is the prequel to Luminosity and Ignition. I highly recommend reading this first to fully understand the other two.

Review by @annahirsch
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Ignition by Stacy McWilliams – Review by Anna Hirsch

IgnitionIgnition by Stacy McWilliams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ignition by Stacy McWilliams
4 Stars
In this installment of the Escaping Demons Saga, the story of Jasmine and Nathan continues. Nathan constantly tells her that he loves her yet pushes her away to run back to Lisa. He finally leaves for university, deserting Jasmine to fend for herself. Those weeks that he’s gone are the hardest for her. She’s completely alone, struggling to stay alive. The beatings continue and she has a few close calls with death. It was foreseen that a demon would fall in love with a mortal and their love would end all demons.
Jasmine’s power grows exponentially scaring even herself. Nathan returns and they both escape to live on the run. They make some new friends and more enemies as the demons chase them. Their love is constantly put to the test. Can their love survive even when trust is broken? How long can they stay alive when the demons are closing in on every side?
Throughout this book they are on the run. Jasmine realizes how powerful she really is and battles to keep herself, Nathan and their new friends alive. The book ends in a cliffhanger which I wasn’t happy about therefore nothing is resolved by the end. Now I need to wait for the next installment.

Review by @Anna Hirsch
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Virtue of Death by Randi Perrin – Review by Nicole Alamillo

Virtue of DeathVirtue of Death by Randi Perrin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Virtue of Death by Randi Perrin

This was such a great book! I give it 4.5 stars! I loved it… I laughed, I cried and well, got angry too ! Very well written and very deep and intriguing characters.
Sera and Cheryl have been childhood friends, since as long as they both can remember.They share the same secret and they have vowed to tell no one. They are Angels. One is an Angel of death and the other is the Angel of miracles. They get each other and understand life’s challenges being an angel.
Destin is a food critic. He writes reviews for bakeries and restaurants. He loves his job!! He meets Sera in a very unconventional way. He was very enamored by her. But for her, it was hate at first sight.
He finally gets her to agree to a date. Will their relationship bloom into a real life love like they both want? Will she share her secret with him?Can she trust him?

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Playing Fate (Endgame Series, #1) by Leigh Ann Lunsford – Review by Moriah Venable

Playing Fate (Endgame Series #1)Playing Fate by Leigh Ann Lunsford
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Playing Fate is the first book in the Endgame series by author Leigh Ann Lunsford. This is my first book by this author.

The novel is told between the POVs of Saylor Lewis, a 19 year old in her first year of college. She is from a small town and with the passing her father years before, believes that her father stopped loving her causing her to have trust issues. Her only goal is to study to retain her scholarship. She wants to be more social but still finds comfort in her own room. She moves into a house with two other girls, Emmberlee and Avery. The other point of view is Deacon who lives next door with the boys Caden and Mason. They have all grown up together. The boys play baseball but because of circumstances their original plan changes.

“As long as I could remember, we were all going to the Major Leagues. Our junior year we were scouted, and we all hand a future laid out in front of us. Cue Adriane…she blew my world apart, changed my plans, and Mason and Caden weren’t ready to give up the dream. They took it in stride when we couldn’t go to the majors. They followed me to college, and we are still learning to navigate this world. Caden has accepted it, but he doesn’t let it much bother him. He just ducks and rolls…block anything that will leave a lasting impression in his life.”

Saylor initially feels like an outsider but soon becomes part of the group. She feels an attraction to Deacon but because she hears about “Julie” all the time she believes that she is his girlfriend and doesn’t understand why he’d be pursuing her when he is with someone.

“Since I left my life, in New Mexico, I haven’t forged relationships. I was a loner by nature, even though I longed to fit in. I’m a regular oxymoron.” Saylor wants what any teenager wants: To feel like you belong somewhere. To find people who care about you.

She soons finds out that Julie is not his girlfriend but in fact his 4 month old daughter. The mother left and gave him all rights. Which makes her start to feel different towards him but still have her defenses up.

Deacon knows that Saylor is guarded because of her childhood, her father left, and is willing to wait for her to let down her defenses. She is obviously attracted to him but isn’t sure about starting a relationship with him because of her trust issues.

With the arrival of Deacon’s ex, thinking that he will get back with her, causesher to end things. With both of them miserable, the others excluding Emmberlee,who is the cause of bringing Adriane back, devise a plan to reunite Deacon and Saylor.

I really enjoyed this book. I related to Saylor because of her trust issues and her desire to want a new start by going away to college. I just wish she was not so back and forth. But I understood that too. I really didn’t like Emmberlee. I liked her at first but then her personality changed. I was hoping she would redeem herself.

I loved the scene when Saylor learns the truth about her father. Such an amazing scene. I really did love Saylor and Deacon’s relationship. And I fell so in love with Julie. Such a cute baby.

I am interested in reading Emmberlee’s story. Maybe we will learn more about her.

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An Unexpected Home (Cedarville #1) by Bree Kraemer – Review by Ashleigh Whitwell

An Unexpected Home (Cedarville #1)An Unexpected Home by Bree Kraemer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An Unexpected Home is the first book in the Cedarville series by Bree Kraemer. Written in third person, each chapter alternates between the story’s main characters, Leah and Brandon, giving the reader a well-developed and in-depth novel.

The story follows Leah as she moves in with her best friends, Carly and Melanie, to start her new life in Cedarville. Leaving behind her traumatic past is what Leah hopes to do, after her father and uncle’s lies destroyed her life in New York.; trying to convince people that she didn’t know they were stealing their client’s money is proving to be impossible. What Leah didn’t expect to find in Cedarville was Brandon, especially not half-naked and answering the door of her new home. Unable to deny her attraction toward him, Leah makes a bold move, only to be shot down. Realising what a mistake he had made, Brandon seeks out Leah and quickly the two form an intense bond. But their relationship is threatened by someone from Leah’s past; someone who is set on getting revenge. And the timing couldn’t be worse. Leah, Carly and Melanie are getting ready for the opening of their dance school, while her friends are having their own battles with boys. Cedarville felt like Leah’s perfect home, but are Brandon and her friends enough to keep her safe from her past?

Leah and Brandon have so much chemistry, which is evident from their first meeting. Although their relationship is intense and moves really fast, they are so perfect together and I loved that they got together so soon. This allows us to see more of their relationship, how it develops over the course of the story and how strong their bond is when they are faced with difficult situations. The friendship between Leah, Carly and Melanie is one all girls dream of, and reading their interactions was so much fun. Leah has to rely on them for support during her dramatic ordeal, but they are struggling with their own problems in their personal and professional life.

This book covers a variety of different issues, but all are executed really well. From the serious ones, to the more fun, Bree Kraemer has created a really coherent and enjoyable story. I loved the time that was spent on creating such wonderful relationships between the characters, and any reader would struggle not to find themselves completely involved in their lives. Knowing there will be more in this series stops me from being upset that this one is over! This was my first read of Bree Kraemer’s work, but it definitely won’t be my last.

Review  by @ashleighw

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Fighting Solitude (On the Ropes, #3) by Aly Martinez – Review by Colleen Noyes

Fighting Solitude (On the Ropes, #3)Fighting Solitude by Aly Martinez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Reading Fighting Solitude by Aly Martinez in one sitting left me completely and utterly drained. This series has such a special place in my heart as I have watched the Page brothers overcome all of life’s detriments, obstacles, hurts, and deaths. I have cried, laughed, and cried some more.

Quarry’s story was no different for me than Till and Flint’s. It left me feeling raw emotionally and sad that the series has come to an end. The pain that Quarry felt when losing Mia is something anyone who has ever lost someone would know. The hurt, the anger, the betrayal all felt by this beautiful man was understandable.

Quarry Page is a hot, sexy man who for many years has had the heart of a young boy. The demons he has been forced to fight whether it be abandonment, physical ailments, or the feeling of helplessness in protecting those he loves has consumed him. The last thing he wants is to let down the people he loves and he feels he has had a lifetime of doing nothing but that since he seems to never be able to keep them safe.

Liv, has had to endure her own demons thanks to her p.o.s mother. She is strong but fragile. She has always sacrificed her own needs and desires for those around her and staying away from the only boy she ever loved falls into that category. No matter how much she loves Quarry she just can’t forget that with him she is not safe. The pain and anguish she feels realizing that is like a punch in the stomach.

While Liv continuously tries to navigate the balance between hiding her feelings and being a best friend to Quarry you can feel how it destroys her a little bit more each day. For her, having a piece of him, even as a best friend is better than having none of him.

The bond they share over Mia to the naked eye seems to be out of place. Some won’t understand the Mia aspect of the story but what I found was a key paragraph that for me put it all in perspective and became necessary in the catalyst for a part of each of their lives. Mia took two broken people and helped heal them in a way maybe no one else could from the pains of their past.

Can Quarry ever return Liv’s feelings? Will Liv ever share her feelings? As the story progresses and certain things from the past come to light I think it all falls right into place. I think that Quarry and Liv each end up exactly where they are meant to be. I also feel that Aly Martinez did a great job of tying up each of the Page brother’s stories and tying up a few “loose ends”. As usual her writing was fluid, heartfelt, and she never missed a beat.

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My Salvation (Salvation Series #1) by Michelle Dare – Review by Colleen Noyes

My Salvation (Salvation, #1)My Salvation by Michelle Dare
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

WOW what a great book My Salvation by Michelle Dare was to read! It is the first in the Salvation Series and left me yearning for the next one!

Caliana (Cali) Crawford, has finally had enough of her crappy job, where she is unappreciated. She’s at a point in life where she just wants to do something meaningful and make a difference. She decides it’s time to clear her head and knows the best place to do that is at the cabin her aunt left her. She never expects to run into childhood friend Owen Matthews.

Owen is a man who has done something with his life, but unfortunately he is still missing something. He remembered back to when they were teenagers and shared a kiss, but she left. He never thought he would amount to anything back then but “He worked his butt off and a part of him knew he did it for Cali. He worked hard, saved and invested the money he made. He bought the company he worked for, and the cabin for his mom. He felt like a boy, wanting the girl that was unattainable. The awkward boy who kissed the beautiful girl way out of his league.”

Here they are many years later and his feelings are still strong. He takes a risk and kisses her and is overjoyed when she reciprocates. He feels that maybe new life is breathed into what could have been. “He knew then and there that he would do whatever it took to keep her in his arms. She was his, even if she didn’t know it yet.”

As they begin to see where this could take them, they are both dealing with their own set of demons and obstacles. Cali has been betrayed by someone she loved and has lost her aunt. Owen was betrayed by his brother Ethan who has returned to town. With money and power comes crazy people out of the wood work and for Owen he’s no different. Dealing with his ex Mia and a woman at his office Avery is a little touch and go.

When Owen and Cali find themselves in danger will they solve the mystery together or go their separate ways? Can a teenage crush ever become more than just that? Can your past come back as something filled with love, hope, and a future or will the past simply destroy your present?

Michelle Dare is a vivid writer who wrote with specific details, set up the scenes beautifully, and built strong characters. I enjoyed that she gave some type of a background story to every character even though this was Owen & Cali’s journey. The writing was concise, fluid, exciting, and at times heart-wrenching. This was a wonderful book that I loved. I can’t wait to see if the next one will be Ethan or Erik’s story because it’s a hard choice!

Review by @colleennoyes

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Perspective (Exposure #4) by Annie Jocoby – Review by Colleen Noyes

Perspective (Exposure, #4)Perspective by Annie Jocoby
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Perspective by Annie Jocoby is the 4th and final book in the Exposure series and the excitement continues! Now that CJ and Asher have taken the next step, they still have to deal with the fallout they will endure from bringing Natalia to the United States.

Asher has made the decision that in order to save his life and that of his families he must come clean about his past, he’s hoping that with big risks comes big rewards. They are also trying to accomplish a specific goal to avoid Asher’s father finding out they duped him because that could mean the end of their lives.

CJ isn’t sure how to tell her mom, sister, and Scarlett that she is married to Asher without giving away too much, but gives it her best try and of course now her own father is in the picture. Things just keep piling up and you have to wonder how much more they can take before it all breaks apart.

Just when they think they may be safe and out of the woods, things take another turn and CJ is now racing to save Asher. When CJ has a visit from an unexpected guest and then Asher suddenly doesn’t show up for an important meeting, CJ knows something must be wrong. She trusts her instincts and decides she must take matters into her own hands, but will that end up getting her killed? Can she find Asher in time to make everything right? Will they get their happily ever after? This story may just end with the way they prepared for it all along, in heartache, destruction, and death.

Annie Jocoby did a wonderful job on this series. She keeps the reader engaged, has strong characters, and a balanced mix of love, rejection, suspense, and storytelling. I thoroughly enjoyed the series and appreciated the way it all ended.

Review by @colleennoyes

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Dirty Deeds (J.J. Graves Mystery #4.5) by Liliana Hart – Review by Colleen Noyes

Dirty Deeds (J.J. Graves Mystery #4.5)Dirty Deeds by Liliana Hart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dirty Deeds by Liliana Hart is a Novella as part of the J.J. Graves mystery series. Jack Lawson and J.J. (Jaye) Graves have finally taken their wedding vows after solving their last murder.

Now all they want is a quiet honeymoon, relaxing on an island, and making love more times than they can count. “We can put another tally mark on the wall.” JJ said. “I don’t have the energy. Your tally mark idea is going to put me into an early grave. I need some rest and some food, woman. We’re on sex hiatus for at least an hour.” “I didn’t know marriage was going to make you so whiny.”

However, in true JJ form, trouble comes knocking at their door and now there is a dead man. JJ and Jack can’t help themselves when the local officer needs their help solving the murder of a man nearly 100 years old.

Why would anyone murder a man who probably would have died in a few months? What could rock the quietness of this small community where crime rarely happened? As they find themselves smack dab in the middle of the investigation, what they uncover could haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Liliana Hart gives us a great quick read to update us on J.J. and Jack with just enough intrigue to leave us desiring more and tapping our fingers waiting for the next book.
Review by @colleennoyes

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Tempting Fate (Serendipity, #2) by Brinda Berry – Review by Colleen Noyes

Tempting Fate (Serendipity, #2)Tempting Fate by Brinda Berry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tempting Fate by Brinda Berry is her second book in the Serendipity Series and I absolutely loved it! This is the story of Collin Cordova who we met in the first book “Chasing Luck”, as Malerie’s friend and business partner. Collin, has a flourishing business, great friends, and he thought the love of his life in Raquel, but he soon discovers that she has betrayed him. He is left bitter, angry, and broken-hearted when Veronica Marshall literally crashes into his life. He can’t believe that she rear-ends him and then takes off, only to be found hitchhiking a short time later.

Veronica, is running scared from her life back home. She is fragile, broken, and clearly not in her right mind, but Collin sees something besides desperation behind her eyes. He can’t resist wanting to help her, even though he knows he may end up regretting it. “My urge to help her, fix her, know her… is a dangerous one. I can’t get involved.” When Collin notices bruises on her and that she won’t take any calls from her brother Gunnar, he assumes it must be her brother that has hurt her. The truth however, may be far worse.

When Collin offers to let Veronica stay with him one night she secretly wonders if he is a murderer. “What’s in your trunk?” “My what?” “Chainsaw? Garbage bags? Bleach?” Collin can’t help but smile and be a little amused. “You checking my supplies list?” “I’m a girl.” “You must watch a lot of crime drama.” After a few moments he realizes that she really is afraid “Hey, I’m going to call someone to vouch for me. Murderers don’t like witnesses.” “Okay. A girl. Call a girl, but not your mother. Your mother might lie to protect you.”

Both Collin and Veronica find themselves in a sticky situation with chemistry that seems to explode in a room. Since neither one of them had a great family life, they are both scared and hesitant to take a leap of faith. They begin a friendship that requires each of them to let down their walls a little and trust. Something they don’t even believe in considering all they have dealt with. Collin doesn’t believe that there is a woman who isn’t a lying cheat and Veronica doesn’t believe there is a man capable of being kind and good. “Is there such a thing as a nice jackass?” When their worlds collide they may soon discover their impressions are wrong, but will they be able to tear down the walls of protection? Can they find a compromise that allows them to be their own person, but also be together? Will Veronica continue on the run right out of Collin’s life and away from her troubles? Is there really such a thing as happily ever after when two people have been so hurt, betrayed, and let down?

This story has strong main characters and supporting characters. It updates us on Malerie and Ace from “Chasing Luck” and introduces us to Gunnar, Beck, Dylan, Emerson, and Jordy. The writing is captivating, smooth, and so funny at times. I think that Brinda Berry captures the essence of each character and lets us see them from the inside out. The story is told in Collin and Veronica’s POV’s. I can’t wait to get my hands on “Seducing Fortune”

Review by @colleennoyes

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Seducing Fortune (Serendipity, #3) by Brinda Berry – Review by Colleen Noyes

Seducing Fortune (Serendipity, #3)Seducing Fortune by Brinda Berry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Seducing Fortune is the third book in the Serendipity Series by the talented Brinda Berry. Dylan Mercado, has taken over his father’s car business after his father was forced to retire because of health issues. He has always been a playboy, taking home one woman after the next, never committing to anyone. Emerson, is a former stripper turned housekeeper for Dylan and his roommates, Jordy and Collin. They have always been friendly with each other but after a brief dancing encounter one night they both secretly have feelings for the other. Unfortunately, neither one of them is willing to let down the walls they have built up from their tumultuous past.

Emerson is living life, raising her sister Gabby, working hard and trying to forget about the fact that her father is in prison. She still can’t believe that she was once a stripper but also doesn’t want that to define her. She has spent so long, not letting anyone into her life that she is stunned when Dylan takes her off guard. “I’m normally a good liar. Someone asks how I’m doing and I pull on my hunky-dory mask. Another mentions my dad in the federal penitentiary and I act as though it doesn’t bother me. My real feelings are buried deep, a grave of emotions. No visitors allowed.”

Dylan, has a good reason for not letting anyone in and it’s one no one would ever know. He was left devastated one time in his past, and has found it’s not always better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all. He also comes from a family where money seems to be the only important thing, instead of relationships.

Each of them have their own impressions of the other, but soon discover that they don’t really know anything each other. They discover that their version of the truth may not be the truth at all. “The enormity of my prejudices slams me. It’s not like I expected a silver pole in the middle of the room. But I don’t expect ex-strippers to be ex-homecoming queens.”

While Emerson is working out her feelings for Dylan from afar, she meets Toby a nice guy who wants to date her and just happened to be there when she needed help. He continues to reach out to her, help her in her times of distress, and be compassionate. Her father’s past and misdealing’s soon come back to haunt her and she is left having to fight to survive while trying to protect the ones she loves. She is forced to keep secrets from those around her, but doesn’t realize that the people around her have been keeping secrets a very long time. Not everything is as it seems and things may have been put in motion long before she even realized. The twists and turns this story takes will keep you guessing and maybe rooting for the people you shouldn’t be.

Will Emerson and Toby end up happy? Will she break his heart and take the less safe road to Dylan? Can Dylan, let go of his past hurt and truly be committed to one woman and no matter what they decide will any of them survive?

I loved Brinda Berry’s writing style, which kept the story flowing non-stop. It is refreshing to read a book that has romance, love, pain, sorrow, and so much more without only focusing on the sexual aspects. She writes a classy novel that will be appealing to women everywhere and does a great job of bringing the reader into the characters’ lives.

Review by @colleennoyes

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Fighting Shadows (On the Ropes, #2) by Aly Martinez – Review by Colleen Noyes

Fighting Shadows (On the Ropes, #2)Fighting Shadows by Aly Martinez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dear Lord, Fighting Shadows the second book by Aly Martinez in the On the Ropes Trilogy DID NOT disappoint! I had been not so patiently waiting for this books release since I read Fighting Silence and I was truly unable to put it down.

Flint Page, literally just took a bullet for his brother’s wife Eliza whom Flint is in love with. It’s a bullet that changes the course of his life, leaving him with more emotions than he knows what to do with. At 19 years old, he has spent the better part of his life, abandoned by his piece of crap parents to be raised with his brother Quarry, by his brother Till. Flint is convinced he is in love with Eliza and finds himself bitter, angry with rage, and deeply sad that he can’t have her. He knows that the love is real and she should be with him, not Till. “I was lying face down on a hospital bed, drugged out of my mind, and pinning over my brother’s pregnant wife. The same woman, who was the closest thing to a real mother I’d ever known. The levels of messed up could not even be described.” He feels as if he is a third wheel, “Like so often in our lives, Quarry and I were just part of the package.” His anger and hardness comes from such a raw and emotional place that is only enhanced by the troubles his family has had to endure. “I’d had to fight for everything. The same everything that had absolutely never been enough. For God’s sake, hearing and walking weren’t even guaranteed for us.”

Ash Victoria Mabie, was living her own miserable life, being forced to do the dirty work of her father’s choosing. “I hated every single second of robbing people, especially the nice ones who seemed like they genuinely cared about me. It was freezing outside, and he’d offered me his coat. Unlike my father, who had taken my shoes and shoved me out of the car two blocks away.” She was willing to do what she had to though, in the hopes of avoiding yet another move, to another new place. She was never able to settle, never allowed to enroll in school, never able to make friends or connections. “I’d been begging my father for as long as I could remember to let me go to school. But he’d always answered with a resounding no.” In her short 15 years of life she had lived in 22 houses, trailers, apartments, etc. All she wanted was to belong, to be accepted, worthy, and have something stable. When she met Quarry, her life was about to change but would it be for the better or would it leave her alone and gutted.

After Flint and Ash are introduced they begin to see threw the others facades. There are light hearted moments like Ash continuously stealing Flint’s wallet and there are heart wrenching moments like when Flint makes the mistake of telling Ash why he avoids family functions. In their own ways they are each running away when they should be running towards each other. Their lives are filled with hurt, betrayal, insecurities, and most of all fear. The fear of love and not being enough. When the mistakes they make tear them apart and leave each one alone will they be able to find their way back? If they find their way back to each other will they ever be able to forgive? Can Flint ever truly love a woman other than Eliza? Is Ash even capable of sticking around and not running? This story is about so much more than love, it’s about the journey people sometimes have to take to find their true identity and destiny. It’s about not giving up, when the deck is stacked against you and you are lost, hurt, and confused. It’s about realizing that what you think you want and need may not be your true reality. How will I ever make it to the winter for the conclusion of this trilogy?

Review by @colleennoyes

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Focus (Exposure, #2) by Annie Jocoby – Review by Colleen Noyes

Focus (Exposure, #2)Focus by Annie Jocoby
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Focus by Annie Jocoby is the second book in the Exposure Series and begins with CJ Parker missing. CJ is gone and Asher Sloane has no idea where she is or why she was taken but his concern is that maybe it has to do with him and his past life. If CJ was taken as a way to get to Asher, he would never be able to live with himself and it would be that much more difficult to get her back. When someone from his past suddenly shows up with information about her whereabouts he is willing to pay any price even if it requires telling a lie and living with the consequences.

CJ suddenly wakes up drugged, blind folded, and scared for her life. She has no idea why she has been kidnapped, where she is, or who has her. As the reality of her situation becomes clearer she immediately panics. She has been kidnapped, bought and sold, and now her buyer is looking to sell her again. She is not the only one in the room, there is another woman Marisa who is also being held captive. By the time Asher puts his information to use and finds CJ, she has already been sold again and the seller won’t give Asher any information about the buyer. He is however willing to sell Asher the other woman, Marisa and Asher soon realizes it may provide him with more information in how to get to CJ.

While Asher is working out a plan to save CJ, she meets her new buyer who hopes to turn her into a sex slave. She is left drugged, beaten, and then by the grace of God has a tragic event happen that makes it a little easier for Asher to find her, only problem is her injuries are extensive in ways the reader would never predict. As she has to fight to overcome her new lifestyle I feel it makes her stronger in some aspects and a little freer. I feel that some of her reservations are not the same and it gives her a new strength to do something she couldn’t do in book 1. The trials that ensue her and Asher continue to have the tug of war of being together and being apart, but there can be great strength in that. I can’t wait to see the ramifications of the choices they have each made in book 3 and if they will ever get their deserved happy ever after.

Annie Jocoby kept me engaged from the beginning. This book had more love, more suspense and more adventure. It had more history of the characters and introduced us to new characters that we may just fall in love with.

Review by @colleennoyes

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A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton – Review by Colleen Noyes

A is for Alibi (Kinsey Millhone, #1)A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As the first in Sue Grafton’s alphabet series this was a great book, well written and a smooth read. It was very easy to get into the story and to connect with the main character. It wasn’t too “mystery” but had just enough. I’ve gone on to read up to G and must say I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon.

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Beachcomber Test: Beachcomber Investigations Book 7 – a Romantic Detective Series by Stephanie Queen – Review by Debi Kircher

Beachcomber Test (Beachcomber Investigations #7)Beachcomber Test by Stephanie Queen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Beachcomber Test: Beachcomber Investigations Book 7 – a Romantic Detective Series

By Stephanie Queen

5 Stars

I seriously never want this series to end, I love these people. Dane and Shana have come a long way and although you see hope that there might be a future for these two outside of their “business partnership”, I still see where there could still be so many more obstacles for them and those are the most fun to read about in my opinion. I have stated before in other reviews how much I love Cap and Acer and this book made me want even more stories maybe focussing on them a bit more.

I still think this would make an amazing TV show and can’t quite make up my mind who would play who if that happened, I just know Id watch it over and over just like I plan to come back and read this series over and over. The writing style of this author just gets better and better with each book I read, turning pages so fast because the action just never ends, and there’s never ever a dull moment.

You seriously have to read these books in order to fully appreciate these characters. Ronnie is still a favorite as well and I’m thinking there could be many stories ahead involving him.

This was an amazing addition to this already amazing series and I can not wait for more!!

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