
Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Taylor K Stephenson

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

~ Dive Deeper into the world of Dalia~

I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into the next book in this series. The author does such an incredible job of story continuation, world building, and character development. This series is definitely binge-worthy! A little bit of crime, a lot a bit of who dun it, and who doesn’t love dragons?! If you have read the first and second books in the series, reading the third is a must. If you haven’t picked up the series, I say again reading this book is a must.

Looking forward to sinking my claws into the next one in the series. What kind of adventures will she get herself into next? Either way…I am along for the ride!

Reviewed by @taylorkstephenson

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Beverly Finnie

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Back at it trying to fight crime as a consultant. Dahlia is heading down a path of body parts in Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors. When I read a book in one sitting I would say I got sucked into it. I actually think book 3 was my favorite!
Casey is definitely a liability who could lead to the death of Dahlia if they aren’t careful. Which frustrates me! I understand he’s going through a lot with his sister taken, but now he’s jeopardizing the well-being of his best friend.
Then there’s Alex Creed. Dahlia is definitely struggling keeping him in the dark about her reality. As well as the other realities of their world. The most recent case involving all kinds of body parts from all different creatures is proof of that.
But how far will it go?
Can they get to the bottom of the case without that revelation?
Is Casey’s deception going to cause major issues for Dahlia?
I think everyone who comes across this review should read this series! Especially if you like the supernatural mystery, it doesn’t let you down!


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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Dahnielle Hibbert

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book three in this amazing series. Dahlia Nite is a detective and is out to ride both worlds, the world of humans and the hidden underground world of supernatural beings, of evil.
In this novel we find Dahlia and her partner Alex in search of whomever or whatever is dismembering bodies, both human and supernatural.
The author really knows how to create a plot that hooks the reader in. I did not put down this book once I began reading it. I thoroughly enjoyed the mystery that needed solving and the intrigue it created. Don’t miss the first two books in this series. You won’t regret reading them in order.

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Nite Fire: Smoke and Mirrors by C.L. Schneider- Review by Stephanie Driskill

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dahlia Nite, not from the Human world but not one to be messed with. I absolutely love this book. The author has created such a strong female lead character that is so easily relatable to even for not being a human. Oh my gosh, the supporting cast of characters are so well developed and written that it is so easy to see the motives for acting the way they do. Can I just say that the otherworld creatures are just as powerfully written and described that I instantly get the visuals of the type of creature they are? Such a great read, with characters going between many worlds and the paranormal activity that is involved! I was very happy to have chosen this as a book to read. I was not disappointed!!! I was hooked from page 1 and did not look back. If you enjoy paranormal and mythological type creatures interacting with humans, this is the book to read! Wonderful elements of suspense and mystery and fantasy all rolled up neatly in the book that is a must read! Great female lead and that is always a plus in my book!

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Stephanie nicole

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Our author does it again, all I can say for this book is WOW!!! Our main character Dahlia is back again and boy oh boy does she have another mystery to solve. This author really knows how to pull their readers and keep them enthralled until the very end. Full of shapeshifters, mystery, action, drama and so much more that I couldn’t put it down. While it’s the third installment to this series it could be read as a stand alone, that being said I would highly recommend reading the whole series to get the full effect and all of the details for all of our favorite characters. So if your looking for a great new book to read I recommend you pick this one up today, trust me you won’t be disappointed.

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Santana Hicks

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is the third instalment of the ‘Nite Fire’ series and so far the best. The author’s writing is getting more and more intense with each book and I am here for it!

This time, we once again follow Dahlia, a dragon shifter, who is still undercover as a consultant for the police. Dahlia and her partner, Alex Creed, have taken on a new case after finding a pile of severed body parts both human and not. Dahlia is finding it too hard to keep all the secrets from Creed so she lets him in a little. Meanwhile, Dahlia and Casey are still trying to find his sister but with no luck.

Dahlia is in over her head. Along with the case she has her own problems. Her dreams are starting to become different, more like visions so she tries to get to the bottom of that while trying to figure out this case.

Things are pointing in the direction of non-human activity. Dahlia has to try to solve the case while trying to cover up involvement from supernatural species.

This is not a stand alone book. It takes place shortly after the other two in the series thus far.

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Michelle Marlow

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Once again we are in for an action packed supernatural adventure with Dahlia Nite, Evans and Creed.

They have discovered various body parts all throughout Sentinel City. Every time they think they make some sort of leeway into what is happening they are thrown for another loop.

On top of that since the prior book Chain Reaction, they are having more of a hard time actually hiding that there are other types of beings from the “normal” world. I couldn’t put this down, I finished it one day. Dahlia Nite is absolutely one of my favorite sarcastic leading women I have ever read!

Review by @michellerenee6590

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Daryian Lucas

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the first book I read in the series and I definitely need to go back and read the first two. I could understand what was going on, but I know for sure I would have much more ease with a background story. This author writes in an exciting and intriguing style that will pull you in and have you wanting more. Know that this is book 3 of 5, I will be reading books 1-2 & 4-5. This is a great read in fantasy which is starting to become my favorite genre!

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jana Lewis

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a great story – full of fantasy elements and mystery throughout. I like how the author weaves various types of creatures, some that I have heard of and some that I have not, in a society where they hide almost in plain sight. Crimes that seem to be related draw Nite further into the mystery, blurring the lines of her world and ours. Some elements reminded me of The Silence of the Lambs but with dragons and fantastical creatures. I was a bit lost on some aspects of Nite’s relationship with some of the characters because I have not read the previous novels, but it was not something that ruined the enjoyment of the story.

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Tina Vega

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The author continues to draw us into this world she has created that bridges the supernatural world and human world. She has entered the human world. She isn’t only supernatural here. She and her human detective are trying to solve cases of dismembered supernatural bodies. With unexpected twists and page turning suspense, this is the best book so far. Loved it!

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Daryian Lucas

Flash Point (Nite Fire, #1)Flash Point by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the first book I read in the series and I definitely need to go back and read the first two. I could understand what was going on, but I know for sure I would have much more ease with a background story. This author writes in an exciting and intriguing style that will pull you in and have you wanting more. Know that this is book 3 of 5, I will be reading books 1-2 & 4-5. This is a great read in fantasy which is starting to become my favorite genre!

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Nite Fire: Smoke and Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Mandy Ott

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nite Fire: Smoke and Mirrors is Book 3 in the Nite Fire series. Although I read this book without reading the previous two, I found it fairly easy to follow without the information from the other books. C. L. Schneider weaves a remarkable tale of mystery, suspense, fantasy, and the supernatural. I loved the amazing characters and how relatable they were, even if the main character, Dahlia Nite, is a half-dragon shape shifter. I found her concern for those closest to her to be heartwarming, even though she must keep secrets from them to protect them. C. L. Schneider also creates wonderful, fantastical worlds. From the human world to the dragon world, I could picture each while I was reading and was instantly transported there along with the characters! I will look into reading the first two books of this series and look forward to more by this author!

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Rachel Moss

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a really good read! Just with the prologue I was instantly transported into this world and sucked into the novel. I was right there with the characters and it was just awesome. This happens quite a bit with this authors work and each book (so far) hasn’t been a disappointment! This one had twist and turns and monsters and everything you could want out of a paranormal/fantasy crime book! I loved this installment and absolutely can’t wait to read the next one either!

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider – Reviewed by Jasmin Slagle

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dahlia and Creed are back at it again. Bodies of several species are found dismembered which means another case for the duo. When Creed’s sister goes missing things get personal. I have loved all three of these books.

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Nite Fire: Chain Reaction by C. L. Schneider – Review by Santana Hicks

Chain Reaction (Nite Fire #2)Chain Reaction by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book of the Nite Fire series. I find it was much more intense and action packed than the first book. Which I loved!

We once again follow the adventures of Dahlia Nite who is a half human half dragon who has the power of empathy. Still taking it upon herself to try to save humanity from the secrets of other species. This time things seem to be spiralling too far and too fast for her to keep up. Humans are suddenly transforming into grotesque creatures and combusting.

Dahlia with the help of a few human police officers are trying to solve this case all while she is trying to cover it up. The bodies are piling up with no hint as to why or how. The humans are starting to ask too many questions causing more stress on Dahlia than ever.

After reading a few of the authors’ books, I think it is safe to say that they are now one of my favourite recent authors! I cannot wait to read the 3rd book in the series!

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Nite Fire: Flash Point by C. L. Schneider – Review by Santana Hicks

Flash Point (Nite Fire, #1)Flash Point by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was really interesting to immerse myself in. I used to love dragons when I was younger. This is the first dragon themed book I have read in years and I was not disappointed.

The main character, Dahlia Nite, is a half human half dragon shifter. She left her home on Drimera almost 100 years ago, taking up residence on Earth. Taking it upon herself to protect the humans from species like herself while also covering the tracks of the creatures, she works alongside the police as a consultant.

These newest cases are harder to cover up since the creatures are no longer trying to hide. Dahlia is working in overdrive to try to cover it up from the humans as a few detectives have too many questions about the circumstances that these humans are in. Burnt to a crisp.

Dahlia uses her dragon powers to solve crimes. She has the power of empathy which allows her to see pain and sorrow which the dead produce a lot of. More and more creatures are appearing on Earth and Dahlia is trying to find out why all while hiding who she truly is.

The concept was very interesting. This power is unique all in it’s own. Which made me intrigued right from the beginning to the end.

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Desiree Ottinger

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dahlia Nite has been keeping her partner Alex Creed in the dark about who she really is and what she knows about all the strange cases that they have been catching. However, it starts to become impossible to keep all the secrets as parts and pieces of multiple species -not of earth- are found in Sentinel City. As she shares some, but not all, of what is really going on, the lies become harder, and she struggles to keep everyone safe. Can she continue on this path and keep everyone in the dark without any fall out? Or will she need to share it all to solve this latest case and keep everyone safe?

I am enjoying this series. I feel the author does an excellent job of conveying how Dahlia feels disconnected with her dragon side and more in tune with her human side, as well as her empathy for humans. Her relationships are fraught with secrets and when she realizes just how much her friends mean to her, she starts to share more of herself. She is a lost person looking for where she belongs and what her purpose is. This book starts to show how she is finally finding her place, gives a bigger glimpse as to what her purpose is, but doesn’t give it all away. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series!

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Leeann custins

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Third book in and The series just keeps getting better. Can’t get enough. Highly recommend

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Nite Fire: Chain Reaction by C. L. Schneider – Review by Emily Beehler

Chain Reaction (Nite Fire #2)Chain Reaction by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Chain Reaction hits a new point in the Nite Fire series for Dhalia. In thin book Dhalia is faced with the fact that her power is evolving, and with it so will she. She is back at it with Detective Creed in solving murder cases, all the while still making sure to keep the detective off the trail of finding that supernatural creatures are real. We see just how corrupt the species have become from Dhalia’s home realm, and what measures they are willing to take in order to take and maintain power. There are many secrets revealed, which leave both the reader and Dhalia with questions. Another phenomenal book in the Nite Fire series.

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Nite Fire: Flash Point by C. L. Schneider – Review by Emily Beehler

Flash Point (Nite Fire, #1)Flash Point by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In Flash point the reader is introduced to Dhalia Nite, a lyrriken (dragon hybrid) that fled from her home realm, whose been living amongst human for close to a century. We fallow Dhalia on an investigation of murders caused by those like her, where simultaneously she is trying to understand why her kind is murdering, and brutally so, all the while making sure to cover up any notions that these murders could be supernatural. This becomes hard as she is joined in this investigation by Detective Creed, who to Dhalia’s detriment, wants nothing less than the truth even if is supernatural. What I enjoyed about this book was the powers that Dhalia has, and how she is able to feel and see into a persons perspective, which does come in handy when trying to solve a murder case. This book is a unique storytelling, with AMAZING world building, and complex characters. Flash point is only the beginning to an intriguing world of dragon hybrids, and Dhalia Nites story.

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Beth McKitrick

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L.  Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is such a good series! Anyone who enjoys fantasy series would enjoy this easy read. Sometimes these kinds of books can get… repetitive/overdone by the third or fourth book, but not this one. This might actually be the best book in the entire series. It definitely leaves you wanting more! Highly recommended.

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Nite Fire: Smoke and Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Sarah King

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this third installment, with a new case, Dahlia returns working along side Alex. Sentinel City finally seems to be catching on to the fact that weird and unexplained occur more than in other places which leads to the Unexplained Crimes Unit. The main case in this book centers around the discovery of dismembered bodies, not all of which seem human. This, as usual, requires Dahlia to have to cover things up and lie to those she is working with while working the case using her knowledge of other worlds and creatures. Add in her close friend Casey is not currently himself, the Dragon Queen making an appearance, and her growing empathetic power, the ticking time clock on the infected worlds and the spreading infection. Will Dahlia be able to solve her case? Keep those she cares about safe?
I absolutely loved this book. The writing and character development continues to be spot on as it was in the first two books of the series. The underlying story that carries through the first two books is continued and built on in this book as well leaving you once again wanting to know what will come next. I had a hard time putting this book down. I would recommend reading this series in order, all three books are worth the read.

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Nite Fire: Chain Reaction by C. L. Schneider – Review by Sarah King

Chain Reaction (Nite Fire #2)Chain Reaction by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this book, Dahlia Nite and others return. Dahlia continues to work with Detective Alex Creed, this time on a new case. The new to this world drug, Chrysalis. The drug is causing humans to mutate as well as combust in the streets. Dahlia and Alex work well together; I feel because of their differences. Their interaction are so realistic and entertaining. Still Dahlia works to discover who/ what is bringing these troubles to her city. With the help of others with she be able to figure it out soon enough or will others in it for themselves stand in the way?

I thought this book was even better than the first. My favorite characters continue to develop on a personal level as well as in their relationships with each other. It makes it hard to put down. With each new thing you learn the characters speak to you just a little bit more and yet I think there is still plenty more to be learned about each of them. The story line flows well from book one to this one. I do think you would be better off reading this series in order. I would absolutely recommend this book as well as series to others.

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Amber Poole

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this series so much. Nite is such an awesome “person”. She tried her hardest to protect the innocent from the creatures of her world. She growing so much from book 1. She’s learning to Trust as her powers grow.
Each book surprises with the type of creatures that get introduced. Book 3 is filled with a few surprises, lots of action and emotions. The ending of this book surprised me a great deal I cannot wait until the next installment to see how it plays out. Creed is my favorite character. He’s tough on the outside but caring and emotional on the inside. Life events have made him hard but there’s still a soft spot in him.

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Nite Fire: Flash Point by C. L. Schneider – Review by Sarah King

Flash Point (Nite Fire, #1)Flash Point by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dahlia is a Lyrriken, half human half dragon. She was raised to be an assassin for the Guild. When she is sentenced to death for a mistake, she runs, escaping through an exit portal. After more than 100 years of constantly being on the move to avoid detection, Dahlia returns to Sentinel City. There she works as a fire investigator on contract to the city on an unexplained murder case involving fire. Turns out its not unexplained. It just is not a human crime. As she works to solve the case while also hiding the truth from from the human authorities more murders pile up. The more Dahlia learns the more she questions if she is making the right choices. But she is determined to make a difference. Will it be enough?
This is the first book by C.L. Schneider I have read, but I will definitely be reading more. This book had a lot of different dimensions, building up both the characters and the worlds themselves. I found it very easy to imagination. There were a few places I feel like there could have been more description given; however, I have a feeling that will come as the series continues. I can not wait to see what comes next in this series. I would suggest reading this book.

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Rebecca Hill

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is the third in a series and can be read as a stand alone. However, the characters really build as the series goes on, and it helps to read the other books to relate and care about the main character, Dahlia Nite. Dahlia is a strong female character who is so conflicted. She is trying hard to hide this other world from humans while maintaining a foot in both worlds. She wants to save the city from monsters, but all of the hiding and being in both worlds wears on Dahlia. A great story with the solid and relatable Dahlia!

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jade Thomson

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First- the Unexplained Crimes Unit? LOVE that addition to the series and especially Det. Alex Creed. There’s so much going on in this series that I’m afraid saying much more would be spoiling the fun for others. All I’m gonna say is Dahlia continues to be a badass- as well as the rest of characters continue to be pretty badass themselves. It’s another mystery worthy of the Nite Fire series and I’m really excited about the next one!!

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Nite Fire: Chain Reaction (Book 2) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Jade Thomson

Chain Reaction (Nite Fire #2)Chain Reaction by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I REALLY enjoyed the first book in the series and just couldn’t wait to start on the next. I didn’t know how well I would enjoy this one considering how much i loved the first. My fears were totally unfounded. There was another great mystery, drugs that blow people up/make them monsters?? Super cool! I love Dahlia and Casey was really a treat. There is so much development to the storyline and to Sentinel City- that it really makes you wish you were there/experiencing it! Y’all should read the first and then hope onto this one! I’m eager for the next!

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Nite Fire: Flash Point by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jade Thomson

Flash Point (Nite Fire, #1)Flash Point by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love dragons. I love badass heroines. And I’ve always loved books where it focuses on a consultant type person for the cops. This has it all! I just adore Dahlias character and how multifaceted she is. This book has all that plus a delicious murder mystery that kept me guessing and on the edge of my seat. I felt like i consumed this book and am about to devour the second. Read it y’all!

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Nite Fire: Smoke & Mirrors by C. L. Schneider – Review by Ember Daley

Smoke & Mirrors (Nite Fire #3)Smoke & Mirrors by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Slow clap from the back!! Oh my goodness! I can’t say I’ve read many series lately that I’m still obsessing over three books in, but girl here I am!! Dahlia is *chefs kiss* one bad thing! I am so in love with her character. Creed and Dahlia are in for it this time. Definitely appreciate the work that went into their creation together. I’m ready for book four.

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