
Cruel Start (Hidden Valley Elite) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Cruel Start (Hidden Valley Elite #4.5)Cruel Start by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I didnt know such a short prequel could contain so much drama and fun. The writing of this made it feel so impactful in such a short time, and I immediately fell for these characters. I loved each character we met, well except one, if you know, you know!!! This being so short it kind of ended on a cliffhanger and has me scrambling to grab the next and now I want to read the entire series. This has so many things in it to appeal to so many people like family drama, some spice, college atmosphere, sports. If you want something quick and exciting that will suck you in and get you started on a series than absolutely pick this up. I would recommend reading the other books in this series first to get everyone’s backstory. I didn’t and I wish I had so now I will go read the ones before this because I already love (almost) everyone so I want to read their stories!!

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A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley Book 1) by Theresa Paolo – Review by Tori Werkheiser

A Toast for Laurent (Vine Valley, #1)A Toast for Laurent by Theresa Paolo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Laurent and Phoebe havent seen each other in nearly 20 years when Phoebe broke Laurent’s heart. They were college best friends and now havent spoken in two decades until Phoebe comes back into Laurent’s life asking him to make good on a deal they made back in the day. Seeing Phoebe again is a whirlwind for Laurent and this quickly turned into such a captivating romance for me. I usually do not like second chance romances but this was done well. Their chemistry was clear and i adored the way Laurent quickly fell back into protecting and caring for her. Phoebe clearly changed a lot since they were kids and it was nice to see her as such a successful business woman and i also enjoyed the side story of the relationship with her sister. I did not like how back and forth she was with her feelings at times but that gave this story the edge it needed to keep me guessing how these two would end up. I really enjoyed this and all the characters were great. If this is a series i definitely will read more from it. If you want a quick, easy yet steamy second chance romance that wont leave you hating one of the MC than this is the read for you.

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A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta Book 2) by Elsa Winckler – Review by Tori Werkheiser

A Match Made in Montana (The Millers of Marietta, #2)A Match Made in Montana by Elsa Winckler
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

When i read the synopsis of this I was so excited to follow Annie in her journey of running her B&B in the mountains of Montana. I was a little disappointed in this book as a lot of the dialogue was corny to me and Annie seemed to say things out loud that most people would keep to themselves and I just did not enjoy that. It made me physically cringe at points. She was very open with her feelings of physical attraction to Craig but in a childish way. And her constantly calling him a hot sexy Irishman annoyed me to no end. The plot was okay and I enjoyed some of the chemistry between them but this was cheesy to me. Craig’s character was easier for me to handle and I appreciated him overall. I think I would have enjoyed this more had I read the first book because I felt confused at the connections and relationships between the other people in this book.

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Falling Again (Buckeye Falls Book 3) by Libby Kay – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Falling Again: A Buckeye Falls NovelFalling Again: A Buckeye Falls Novel by Libby Kay
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Libby has done it again. I absolutely adore this small town and this was really a redemption for Anthony in my opinion because in the previous books i did NOT like his character but wow am i so glad this turned out the way it did. I was so happy to see this was dual POV because getting inside Anythony’s head and learning his true feelings is really what made me open up to him. It was so sweet watching this couple fall back into love with each other. Such a heartwarming story and im so glad nothing super chaotic happened to keep them apart this was very normal and i appreciated that alot to see things that really do happen in relationships but then it all turning around and being okay in the end with a HEA was the best. And Alice really grew on me too. By the end i was rooting for her to figure things out. Love this series.

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Breathless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls Book 3) by KG Fletcher – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Breathless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls, #3)Breathless Love by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was very excited to read a romance involving country music. This is the third in a series but absolutely can be read as a standalone. I dont think i felt like i was missing info or confused on anything by not reading the previous two books first. This story follows Hank who gets a little lost in life when his band doesnt work out like he hoped. He runs in to miss Ella Mae by chance at a concert of his Idol and turns out, Ella Mae is his idols sister! A chance encounter when Hank is at his lowest is really a turning point in life for him and he finds a lot more throughout his journey with Ella Mae. This story has some heavy topics and the banter was decent but a little corny at times. I was shocked at some points and felt all the emotions the characters did. This was a fun music based romance which i was so glad for because the last romance i read with the same concept was so bad. This had a good balance of music and career development for the characters as well as personal things going on to keep the story going. This really felt like getting a glimpse at tour life.

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Reaper (War Brothers MC Book 1) by Bianca Lee Ward – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Reaper (War Brothers MC, #1)Reaper by Bianca Lee Ward
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was so excited to read about the Alpha men in a MC protecting a woman who needs it. This had so much potential but fell flat for me. It all felt rushed and the romance made no sense and lacked chemistry. I cant tell you one reason why these two fell for each other than lust. He sees her once and its love at first sight (which i didnt buy) and then she takes a while to come around and open up but i just did not get their relationship. He does the same things her ex did but under the name of protecting her. I will say he clearly had better intentions than her ex but i was longing for the romance between them and i got nothing. I enjoyed the side characters although it did feel like this should not have been the first book in the series. There were a lot of people, relationships and dynamics referenced as if we should know what the story was and I just felt a little lost. I would have liked more back story on the couple who get married in the beginning of the book who is the sister of the main character and close friend and MC member of the male main character. I also did not feel the sisterly love between the two sisters it felt awkward and like they hadnt really had a relationship until now which left me confused. I did enjoy the climax and drama at the end but that still did not give this story what i needed to fully enjoy it. Hoping the rest of the books are longer and with more details of the important things.

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A River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Tori Werkheiser

A River of CrowsA River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, this book has nearly left me speechless. This gripped me literally from the start. This book was captivating in a way i haven’t experienced in a while and thank goodness because i was desperately in need of a GOOD book. This is a story about lies, betrayal, secrets on secrets, and i was on the edge of my seat nearly the entire time. My heart hurt for Sloan and all she endured as a child, from losing her brother at her dad’s hands to trying to care for her mentally ill mother, keep the house in check and essentially being alone in it all. This story had twists i never anticipated and that was my favorite part. My jaw was on the floor at some parts and i ate this up!!! I was not sure how to take some of the relationships in this book, as i did not know who to trust fully because i could feel something was off but the twist was NOT what i thought which just made it that much better. I absolutely recommend this book if you are looking for a thriller that is well-written, twisty, and sucks you in from the first page.

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Right in Front of You (Morris Valley Gang Book 1) by Brooke May – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Right in Front of You: Volume One: Brinley & Adrian (Morris Valley Gang Book 1)Right in Front of You: Volume One: Brinley & Adrian by Brooke May
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I adored this book as it follows Brinley returning home to lay low and hide from her stalker. This is where she meet cowboy Adrian who has lived in town since shortly after she moved away. This means they ended up having the same circle of friends but never meet until she returns. The attraction between them is clear from the beginning and IRight in Front of You, Morris Valley Gang Series, Brooke May, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Western, Romance just thought Adrian was the sweetest thing. Brinley was a strong female character and I really liked her relationship with her friends as well. I am a sucker for the kind of books where the man needs to protect or rescue the female and I really appreciated that the stalker part and climax of this book was not too intense and brutal. It was just suspenseful enough to get the point across but not too intense that I was overwhelmed reading about what happens to her. This wrapped up so nicely and it is clear they were meant for each other and I just loved the way it all came together.

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His Forever Muse (The Echo Series Book 2) by C.R. Alam – Review by Tori Werkheiser

His Forever Muse (Book 2 of The Echo Series)His Forever Muse by C.R. Alam
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book follows Callie and Brandon, childhood friends, who reunite in adulthood. This was a slow start for me and did not fully capture my attention until further in the book. I did enjoy the past scenes and getting glimpses of how Brandon and Callie were together as kids, it reminded me of my childhood crush. Brandon had such a sweet vibe to him and Callie was a bit tougher than i anticipated her being but she grew on me. She had really been through some hard things and it was nice to see her come around and open up to Brandon. I really enjoyed seeing how the characters have changed with age and how they both overcome obstacles in their own ways but end up on the same path. Overall this was a fine story to read but not a favorite for me although it does have some of my fave tropes.His Forever Muse, The Echo Series, C.R. Alam, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Romantic SuspenseHis Forever Muse, The Echo Series, C.R. Alam, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Romantic SuspenseHis Forever Muse, The Echo Series, C.R. Alam, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Romantic SuspenseHis Forever Muse, The Echo Series, C.R. Alam, Review, Itsy Bitsy Book Bits, Romantic Suspense

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Falling for You (Buckeye Falls Book 2) by Libby Kay – Review by Tori Werkheiser

This is the second book in the Buckeye Falls Series and it was just as good as the first one! After reading the first book I was definitely intrigued by the chemistry between Cece and Evan so I was stoked to find out about this book. This book follows Evan, a few years younger than Cece, try to prove that he is worth dating and not the kid everyone treats him like. This was a nice age gap in the sense that it was not creepy and both partners discussed the way it made them feel…eventually. I think it was about 5 years and he is in his mid 20s so her turning 30 that year was not too much of a gape for it to be gross. Evan was a sweet little golden retriever and Cece was fierce and i loved it. I adored the small town setting and diner vibes. The tight knit community in Buckeye Falls is really charming in this book. I am falling for the entire town. This book is fun and light and falling for these characters was so easy. I liked the setting and the communication that went on between the two. It was pretty realistic i think to how this would play out in real life and I am glad Eric got what he deserved and Dale had his behind handed to him too. Yay for men being put in their place! I hope if there is a third book it is about Natalie.

Cry Baby (Pierce Brothers Book 4) by Belinda Williams – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Cry Baby (Pierce Brothers, #4)Cry Baby by Belinda Williams
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This story was absolutely adorable. It moved fast but i enjoyed it the entire time. This story is about Noah who has a female best friend pass away suddenly, leaving him as the guardian of her baby. Noah has no experience with children and never thought there would be a day where the reality would be him as a guardian but here it is. Overwhelmed by grief and new parenthood, he gets help from his brother and Sister-in-law who bring along Amy to help care for the baby as she has been in search of a nanny job. Noah almost immediately hires Amy as the nanny and things quickly move from there. The attraction between these two was sweet and i really enjoyed the build up and their first kiss. Noah was precious once his softer side was revealed and Amy was easy to love from the very beginning. I think this is more a slow burn romance and in this scenario i really enjoyed the nanny side of it. I did not agree with Noah’s choices regarding the child at certain points but overall i like the way things all came together. I now want to read about the other Pierce Brothers though.

I do have to note that the cause of death for Noah’s best friend was a little triggering for me as my Dad died the same way and it actually caused me to have to stop reading this for a little bit. I wont reveal the cause as its not spoken about until a little bit more in the book but i do hope that authors don’t continue to use this as a cause of death often in future books. That is entirely a personal issue and if i did not have such a personal history with that it probably would not have bothered me as much but that did bring the book down for me a little. It seemed like an unnecessary COD.

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Grace Under Fire (The Anderson Sisters Book 2) by Jennifer Raines – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Grace Under FireGrace Under Fire by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story follows Grace as she takes over her family farm much sooner than expected due to her mom becoming too sick to stay on the farm. Grace has had some hardships in life to overcome already, including the death of her best friend as a teenager. The brother of her best friend is now her neighbor on the farm and could be what she needs to save her farm but they havent spoken in years. The death of the one person they both loved has kept them at odds but may also be something that links them together.

This was a unique and interesting story for me to read. I was super intrigued about the farm life for Grace and i really felt like i was experiencing that with her. I also liked the interactions between her and Ryan. They felt genuine. I was not entirely sure how i felt about Ryan at first but then he kind of started to grow on me. I enjoyed Grace and loved seeing her with her family which clearly means a lot to her. This story was fun to read and watch Grace and Ryan put their issues aside to do what is best for the farm and turns out they could be whats right for each other as well.

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Chasing Redemption (The Quimby Grove Series Book 2) by Shannon Nikole – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Chasing Redemption (Quimby Grove #2)Chasing Redemption by Shannon Nikole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely devoured this book. I read the first book in the Quimby Grove series last year and it was amazing so I had high expectations for this book and I was not let down. The writing in this book is done so well and I adored each character just like I did in the first book. This story is a second chance romance which usually isn’t my favorite but I liked this being a one-night stand situation where they just by chance see each other again and it goes from there. The story was unique enough in this trope that I did not feel like I was reading a story that has already been told which can be hard to do in second-chance romances. The other thing I loved about this story is the added suspense and mystery going on in the town. There is a perfect mix of spice, plot, drama, and love. It felt genuine and I really believed that Max and Marley were meant to be together and raise their twins together. Watching Max become a dad to kids he did not know existed was so sweet and he was so great all around. Their romance and family coming together was fast paced but did not feel rushed. It felt very natural and normal and the writing style really helped with that. I felt this family’s love as I was reading and it was lovely. Highly recommend this read and this author.

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Night Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Prequel) by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Night Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation #0.5)Night Hawke by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Now, this is how you write a prequel. This immediately put me in a chokehold and I need to complete this series. The Spice was next level. The best I have read in a long time if not ever!! I enjoyed the chemistry between these two that seemed so genuine but also the no-name aspect brought a fun mystery side to it and I loved that as well. My jaw was on the floor when I finished this and I immediately pre-ordered the next book. I need more of this ASAP. If you are thinking of reading this, do it. You won’t regret it.

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Falling Home (Buckeye Falls Book 1) by Libby Kay – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Falling HomeFalling Home by Libby Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

THIS BOOK RIGHT HERE IS HOLIDAY PERFECTION. this truly might become one of my favorite reads all year and I’m so glad I found this gem. This is a story about Buckeye Falls native, Ginny, returning home for a few weeks around Christmas to oversee her dad before during and after a medical procedure. She has stayed away from home for several years following the divorce to her long time friend and husband, Max. Ginny is a great worker at her amazing job in NYC which is what took her away from her husband to begin with who, at the time was also striving towards career goals. The return of Ginny is a delight for Max as he is so happy to be around her again and maybe get his second chance.
This was so heart warming I cried so much. I absolutely love everyone in this book. I felt like this was happening in real life I was so immersed in this story I read it in just a few hours. It’s not too Christmas themed that you can’t experience anything else. this has a perfect balance of Christmas holiday themes and real life genuine romance, drama, heartache and excitement. Absolutely worth a read.

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Knight In The Museum (Jorja Knight Private Investigator Mystery Series Book 5) by Alice Bienia – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Knight In The Museum ( Jorja Knight Mystery -Book 5)Knight In The Museum by Alice Bienia
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I actually had more fun with this book than i thought i would. We are following PI Jorja who was asked to look into a death by the victims daughter as she believes his death was no accident. As Jorja does this mostly as a favor to a friend, we are taken on a crazy ride with a lot of twists and a lot of connections that take a lot of hard work to unfold and figure out. This was exciting enough to keep me interested but my heart wasnt pounding out of my chest with anticipation which i enjoyed the less intense thrill this book gave me. I read it pretty fast casue i wanted to see how it all ended up making sense in the end. Jorja was a great female lead and there was even small glimpses at romance and other life situations so that was fun. Overall a good read.

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Degrees of Innocence: Dark Mafia Romance (Cruel Deceptions Book 1) By Via Mari – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Degrees of Innocence (Prestian Series, #1)Degrees of Innocence by Via Mari
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The synopsis of this hooked me immediately. I love a good Mafia romance but this felt very misleading and honestly i was confused and thought i had gotten the wrong book when i was reading it because there was a very quick reference to Mafia but it was near the end of the book so i personally would not have called this a mafia romance unless in the later books in this series it is revealed that Chase is really in the Mafia and was just good at keeping it lowkey in this book. Now for Kate i was extremely confused in the beginning of the book because it starts off with her performing CPR in a restaurant at a resort she is staying in that is hosting a convention for her work. It is very unclear what work she is doing or what the project is for half the book. I felt like i had missed chapters explaining her back story and with the CPR thing i thought maybe she would somehow be in the medical field and in a way she is but not in the way this starts off. We were just dropped right into the thick of it and i felt lost.

On a happier note i did appreciate the romance between Kate and Chase but i will say their dialogue was very formal and did not feel flirty at all. Maybe because they are older but i found nothing about their banter sexy. There were some steamy scenes though and some action packed scenes i would expect in a mafia book but i wish there had been more. This did end up being a fun and easy read but i wanted more. Im hoping the rest of the series is more action packed.

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Defiant Princess (Mafia Elite Series Prequel) by Amy McKinley – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Defiant Princess (Mafia Elite Prequel)Defiant Princess by Amy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story is a prequel to the Mafia Elite Series and it was so fun! I absolutely love all the women in this series so them having a book just focused on them in their college days was a delight. We get to see them just being best friends and comforting each other and dealing with the realities of being Mafia Princesses outside of the ways we do in their own books which showcase the romances they end up in. This story is really all about the night before Marissa’s murder which was a big point in the series so seeing Marissa from a different side before her death was very interesting. I love Amy’s writing and I feel everything the girls do so this was an emotional read for me thinking of them anticipating their futures when i already know how its gonna end up i just wanted to hug them all and say its gonna be okay. If you have read any of the Mafia Elite books this is a must-read. It is fast and short but well worth it.

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Revenge Honeymoon by K.J. Gillenwater – Review by Tori Werkhesier

Revenge HoneymoonRevenge Honeymoon by K.J. Gillenwater
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This one was a little disappointing as the synopsis sounded so good but did not deliver. I am all for a close girl friendship and I loved the idea of the two girls going on the honeymoon cruise after Ruby’s fiance left her. I was not too fond of the constant comparison to Ruby and the little pity parties Emily constantly had and then Ruby going back and forth half the time about getting back or not with her ex. Emily was too much in her head and lacked confidence, which bothered me. It became so much of the story that I kept rolling my eyes. The cruise aspect was a lot of fun, I have never been on a cruise so it was fun to read about what that could be like. I also did not like how much she was obsessed with Max at first it was very insta-love for me and I hated how quickly he jumped to I love you. His character was okay for me, he is sweet but i didnt understand him well. This was a few days worth of time and they immediately fall in love when the barely know each other??? Not realistic for me and I did not see what there was to love yet. The potential for the relationship was strong but just needed more than just sexual tension to get me to that level. I also really did not understand the need for the girls to be pretending to be lesbians. Ruby just kind of sprung that on Emily at one point and it didn’t make sense because, in the beginning, they tell the cruise director the situation, and it’s not a big deal that they are not a couple. I did not like the lying to Max and they clearly didn’t discuss it ahead of time so it was sloppy and just annoying to me that they came up with this story but then did not intend on playing it out and were just deceiving a bunch of strangers for no reason and then lying to the only friend they make the whole trip. The drama with the director was kind of fun for a little flare but it was over the top as well. I think this story has a lot of potentials but definitely could have been better. There are so many ways to write this kind of story and this just wasn’t the best one. It was a fun quick read overall but not my favorite.

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Hate You Later (Lit Lovers Series Book 1) by Ciara Blume – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Hate You Later (Lit Lovers, #1)Hate You Later by Ciara Blume
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was literally one of the cutest I’ve read in a while. This was exactly what I needed to get out of a slump!! I was hooked with the whole pets aspect of this and it revolving around pet shelters and shops. I really was having such a fun time reading this I liked the parts where they talk to each other as the pets it was adorable. I really connected with Georgia and her issues with asking for help and feeling the need to take care of everyone plus your own issues on your own. Hudson was a strong male lead and I adored him. This was an easy read and I highly recommend especially if you like pets being in books

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We Blend (Falling for the Rockstar’s Daughter Book 1) by Willa Drew – Review by Tori Werkheiser

WE Blend (Falling for the Rockstar's Daughter Series #1)WE Blend by Willa Drew
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book started off strong for me. I was so excited to read a book involving music and rocker lifestyles with a daughter trying to find her way out from under her parent’s thumbs. I love a good story about a woman finding her own way and making her own path. And how could I not want to read about a romance of a man coming to her rescue when she needs help and he’s from out of the country?? Yes, please! I was really into El’s hidden identity part I thought that was so fun. Her parents were honestly a little much, and I can see why she would have to hide what she is really doing from them. Things went downhill for me when the ties between El and Wil were made clear. STRONG family ties were just sickening to me to see how they are connected. Maybe it is because I come from a very blended family with both half and adoptive relatives that this just rubbed me the wrong way. This story could have been so great without the aspect of why Wil is really in the country or the weird way it ties to El. I don’t want to spoil it and I can’t say why I hated this without saying what IT was but just no. That ruined the whole book for me. Got 2 stars because it would have been a good story without the weird connection and drama.

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The Girl Who Escaped by Mark Nolan – Review by Tori Werkheiser

The Girl Who EscapedThe Girl Who Escaped by Mark Nolan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This story is kind of like a Final Girl but she gets justice by helping to find the suspect. This was intriguing in so many ways and I absolutely loved the dog in this story, it made it so much better. I did find this a little cheesy and unrealistic at times but I was invested the entire time. Angie was a badass in the beginning and then shocked into silence and I was worried she’d never talk again but loved that Cody helped her through that. It was such a unique twist to have a dog be the rescuer in this. There were a few twists and things I absolutely did not see coming so that was fun and overall this was a good story. Just wish Angie didn’t come off so much as a helpless child and there wasn’t so much weird tension that I didn’t understand between Brenda and Jake.

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Rivals (Mafia Elite Book 7) by Amy McKinley – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Rivals (Mafia Elite, #7)Rivals by Amy McKinley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This being the 7th book in the series I was very familiar with the writing style, characters and what to expect in this book and I was not disappointed at all. McKinley did a great job again of making me immediately like these characters. I’m not sure how anyone could read about Mia and not love and admire her. The first chapter was gripping and I was intrigued immediately. I have been very curious about Nico’s characters for several books now and seeing him get his happy ending felt very satisfying for me. Mia using him as a safety net to help protect her while she takes down her own family and the terrible things they have done was one the more interesting backstories i think from the series. It was equally tragic and angering to the point that you are just as upset as the characters and want to see an end to it and the people responsible. A complaint I have had with a few of the more recent books in this series is how fast they go and everything happens in just a few pages. These aren’t exactly instalove stories but they kind of feel that way in the sense that after 2 days of being with Nico she is thinking she loves him claiming she knew him long before because she would sneak into her fathers files and read about him and look at pictures of him. I did find that a little corny but as always the strong sense of family and loyalty these books always have was present here as well and it is easily one of my favorite parts of these books in this series. I do wish we had more girl time with the whole group of ladies because I especially love the way the girls rally together, shop together, cry together but also will kick ass together. Most bad-ass women I’ve ever read about are in these books. There were a few twists that I should have expected but certainly did not and I enjoyed the turn of events towards the end and the way this all played out and was a happy ending was lovely. The perfect balance between steamy romance and violence. I would still recommend this book and the entire series to anyone who enjoys mafia romances. I think McKinley does them very well.

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Levi (The Brothers of Creekside Ranch Book 1) by Edith Mackenzie Review by Tori Werkheiser

LeviLevi by Edith Mackenzie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I was very intrigued by this book from the start. I was immediately curious about Bella’s past and who Levi is underneath the cranky exterior. This was a delight to read although relatively short. I do wish there had been more to this book I wanted to see more romance and I would’ve loved to read more details about the dramatics of the fight scene at the end but overall this was well done and a nice quick read. I quickly grew to love Bella and Allie was just the sweetest little girl ever. I enjoyed seeing all the boy’s different personalities but they had one thing in common…they love their family and would do anything for each other and that is one of my favorite qualities in male characters. This is worth the read if you have a couple hours to spare but don’t want anything too intense.

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Body Checked (Astoria Bay Thunder Book 2) by CJ Cartwright – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Body Checked (Astoria Bay Thunder #2)Body Checked by C.J. Cartwright
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ugh, this book was sooooo good. I did not expect this to be as good as it was. This was nicely executed with the edgy sassy girl and the hunky player-athlete guy. In theory, the two shouldn’t work out but they do and it was beautiful. Bridger was undeniably hot and I was obsessed with Tia and her sassy little attitude. I loved how she stood her ground and made the rules and not him yet he did such a good job continuing to respect her rules even when he disagreed with them and wanted to break them. AND don’t get me started on the way he protected her from her ex cause, boyyyy am I a sucker for protective powerful men. This was a fun, slightly steamy fast-paced book in my opinion and I loved all of it.

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Finding Starlight (Quimby Grove Book 1) by Shannon Nikole – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Finding Starlight (Quimby Grove #1)Finding Starlight by Shannon Nikole
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I knew by about 20% in to this book that I was going to absolutely love it and that is exactly what happened. This book started off intense and had me on the edge of my seat in just the first chapter. I was immediately intrigued and wanting to know more. I absolutely adored Ellawyn and oh my does Beckett have my heart. He may now be one of my top book boyfriends. I loved that this book was dual POV because I am a sucker for the male perspective in these kinds of books. This book was so much more than a romance book thought, it had some very intense situations, and I felt all the emotions and even cried several times. The way I wanted Benji to be my own family member ugh I love him whole heartedly. I was honestly not sure how this was going to end with the plot twist and traumatic events that unfolded but I think this was done so well. I am now going to be on the look out for more books from this author cause this was just so beautifully done I want more!

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Deadly Sommer (Nora Sommer Caribbean Suspense Book 1) by Nicholas Harvey – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Deadly Sommer (Nora Sommer #1)Deadly Sommer by Nicholas Harvey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was fascinating to me. At first, I struggled to connect with Nora, she seems closed off and doesn’t enjoy talking to people, and seems to not have many friends or meaningful relationships and the reason for that is devastating and explained later in the book. The book follows Nora, a young and new officer whom a kidnapper personally chooses to go through his challenges in order to save the life of the kidnapped girl. The challenges were unique and meaningful and all part of a bigger picture. I did end up enjoying the fact that Nora was not so touchy-feely as most women I read about. She was strong, a survivor of hard times, and authentic. She was also insanely smart and creative during the challenges and I absolutely loved watching this unfold. I was on the edge of my seat until the very end. I enjoyed the end much more than I thought I would it took a different turn than I expected which I loved. I would definitely recommend reading this if you want unique suspense.

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Collateral Damage (Mafia Elite Series Book 6) by Amy McKinley – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Collateral Damage: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite Book 6)Collateral Damage: A Second Chance Mafia Romance by Amy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This Mafia series is one of the best I have ever read. It has the perfect amount of violence, love, strong family ties, drama, and emotion to keep me hooked every time and I really love the inclusion of all the other couples and seeing parts of their stories continue in each new book in this series. Trey has been one of my favorite men in this world. I mean who could resist the sexy doctor who can save a life but also is strong and skilled enough to end the life of anyone who even looks at you wrong?? Definitely not me and that is exactly the type of man Trey is. Now Hailey was a fun character to read and learn about. She clearly has a heart of gold and fits in well with the other wives. I enjoyed how different her story is from many other women in this series yet she still is just as respectable and loveable as the rest of them. She is so smart and lovely she is just what this group needed. I cant wait to see this series continue.

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The Cruiser (The Hustlers Trilogy Book 1) by Rowan Rossler – Review by Tori Werkheiser

The Cruiser (The Hustlers Trilogy, #1)The Cruiser by Rowan Rossler
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was decent and had some good spice but I couldn’t get myself to care enough about the Yacht talk and PR drama. It all just went right over my head so those parts bored me but the drama, spice, and romance kept me going. I really enjoyed the dual POV because the male perspective in romance books is always better IMO. Morgan was definitely a sexy successful player bad boy while Vandana was the has-it-all-together perfect seeming woman and I loved watching them break down each other’s walls and seeing the struggles each of them face yet they still admired and adored each other despite their flaws. I absolutely was a sucker for every time Morgan defended or protected Vandana because how could you not love a sexy ‘I don’t care about anyone’ type of man who shows you he cares about you by punching a guy right in the face for you in the middle of a business event. And don’t even get me started on his speech at the end because I absolutely cried at the sweetness of it all. I only gave 3 stars because I was personally bored with the theme of boats and PR but besides that, this was a great story.

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Until There Was You by G. Colgrove – Review by Tori Werkheiser

Until there was youUntil there was you by G. Colgrove
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ohh my, this book was fantastic. This story follows Regan, a southside local in Boston who meets Jeremy, the rich developer from LA. At first glance, Regan thinks she knows the kind of guy Jeremy is, the typical rich snob but once she gets to know him and they run into each other by chance she sees a different side to him. Can two people from completely different worlds fall in love and get their happily ever after is the question of this book. This love story was spicy and I didn’t expect it but loved it all the same. I appreciated the realness and heavy topics and the drama was just enough but not too far that it was overkill. I’m a sucker for dual POV and the epilogues always get me. This was a winner and it’s only the start of the month but this is a contender for best book of the month for me. 4.5/5

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