
The Girl and the Raven (Girl and the Raven series) by Pauline Gruber – Review By Emily McCoy

The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven #1)The Girl and the Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Girl and the Raven took a much better turn then I expected going into this story. I really thought this was going to be a typical YA with a love triangle as the focus and the plot would be more centered around it, but I was wrong, completely. I felt so connected to Lucy, as far as coming from a broken home and trying to find her place not to mention having to move to another town to live with her grandmother. This book also goes through the Good vs Evil in a person and the struggle that comes with it, I absolutely love that because sometimes a character can have both qualities and still be a decent person!! Jude turned out better then I expected as a father and the fact there are gargoyles in this has me reeling. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants a not so typical Paranormal Romance YA Book!!! Pauline Gruber really knocked this out of the park!

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The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven series) by Pauline Gruber – Review by Karen Pearman

The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven #1)The Girl and the Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a new author to me and is the first book in a YA Paranormal series I had not heard of until I saw the cover. It reminded me a lot of another book cover, so I picked it up. I’m glad I did because this is a really good book. I love that the main character is such a strong female that doesn’t just wait for something to happen. She takes charge. And with a lot of superb skills of the supernatural powers. I love all the twists and turns along the way of this story but cannot wait to continue with the next book in the series. Once I started this book I didn’t want to put it down. I highly recommend this book for young adults and adults that love the YA paranormal genre.

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The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven series) by Pauline Gruber – Review by Lianne Probert

The Girl and The RavenThe Girl and The Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Girl And The Raven is the first book in a YA series by Pauline Gruber.

Lucy’s life changes dramatically after the sudden death of her mother. After a life filled with drama, Lucy craves calmness, but that is certainly not what she gets. Moving in with her two uncles brings new discoveries along with new complications.

I really enjoyed this story. It took me a little while to get stuck in, but once I did I couldn’t put it down. The characters in the book are complex and far from ordinary, which I loved. Lucy in particular is a strong character, and with everything going on she needs to be. I also very much enjoyed the love triangle, it would have been good to hear the story from their point of view too.
The twists and turns in this will keep you hooked until the end.

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The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven series) by Pauline Gruber – Review by Lorrene Huisman

The Girl and The RavenThe Girl and The Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a new series for me to begin, honestly, I should have had some popcorn by my side as I read through it, it was very well written the characters were very likeable, and the events that take place made this a fast read through, and easily gets the reader under the spell! I went to read this at first as I’m a female that identifies in a goth sense love. Plus I love ravens with a passion. So the cover truly drew me in, and then as I read on, I truly fell in love with this wonderful book!

This was a very fun read with a lot of surprising twists, I did not expect at random times. Lucy I cant not say how awesome she is enough. She is a tough cookie, but saying that to describe her is a understatement She is her own person who stands her ground, doesn’t take crud from well anyone even her family. She goes through a traumatic event towards the beginning that forever shapes her path, and though there are two sides she can choose depending what she is drawn to she wants to make her decisions her own. Not what’s right or what’s best and most certainly not what someone else is deciding for her.

For me what truly started my captivation amount the story line for Lucy was the love triangle. I grew up being obsessed with Jacob and Edward from the novel Twilight, but this one went so much on a deeper level and so much extreme. The two love interests, Marcus and Dylan really added a lot of twists and turns. I was instantly drawn to the one interest based on the relationship and ground shared with Lucy but as I read on, I swayed to the other team, and later back etc. The author knew how to keep you interested and make you really think before making a decision. This is only a small fraction in relation to what Lucy was going through.

I must say though, when it comes down to it what I loved the most on this novel, though I loved the heroine, the love interests…all in all what truly captivated my love for this novel and my senses and truly intrigued me was why Lucy is wanted on all ends. Everyone seemed to want to turn her to their side, and use her as a powerful ally against the other sides. Be it witches or demons etc.

Leading up to the well put together ending, I was left beyond interested to put a small word. I was shocked for me personally by how things all came out in the soup pot at the end, some things I kin of expected, or something similar and others I was blown literally out of the water. All in all, this author wrote a very captivating book! And yes I will be happily awaiting for the next in the series for what Lucy and her companions will face next. If I learned anything about Lucy, its that she can handle anything that comes her way! She will be ready, always!

Thank you to this wonderful author for giving me a thrilling, entertaining, and fun read! I look forward to the next one. I truly enjoyed this book, and I’m so very happy I got to experience the adventure. 🙂 It was a well worth reading book, and I cant stress that enough to everyone else. Please, read this and see what I am talking about, as this is not a book series to be missed 🙂

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The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven series) by Pauline Gruber – Review by Tamisha Janay

The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven #1)The Girl and the Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If 4.5 stars was a thing, I would have done that! Pauline has a way with telling a story that hooks you from the first sentence. Lucy, our MC, has never had a normal life – but things get so much more insane when she moves to Chicago to live with her two uncles. You get the magical history that she knows nothing about, the insanely attractive guys everywhere she goes, and a big ol’ dash of excitement in every chapter. I read this whole thing in just a few hours and will be continuing the series as soon as possible because I need to know what happens next. Between Marcus and Dylan, Lucy learning to harness her witch and demon sides, and the mystery of what lies ahead – why would you not want to read this series?

View all my reviews @tamishajanay

The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven series) by Pauline Gruber – Review by Kerry Baker

The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven #1)The Girl and the Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Girl and the Raven: A YA Paranormal Romance by Pauline Gruber is a well written YA story. It is so easy to connect with this book and become involved with the story. I thought Lucy was such a relatable character. Even with her newfound gifts she still felt very much like a girl trying to find her place. And that is something every girl can relate to!
This is a new author to me and I was surprised by how refreshing her take on this genre was. I enjoyed every part of this book from the moment I started reading. I would definitely recommend this author and I am looking toward to discovering more of her work.

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The Girl and the Raven by Pauline Gruber – Review by Erica Shoebridge

The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven #1)The Girl and the Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is fantastic! I devoured it in one sitting, and have already started on Book 2.

The writing is engaging, and the plot hums along at a good pace. I love how Gruber has drawn the characters – they are each so unique and are intricately drawn. The book is by turns suspenseful, hilarious, and romantic. The interplay between the two potential love interests, Marcus and Dylan, had me switching back and forth deciding which to root for! Jude is frighteningly intelligent and his character brings drama and humour to the story. There’s some layers here that I appreciated, setting it on a higher level of writing in my opinion. Buy the book!

Reviewed by @ericalorraine
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The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson

~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~
The Forsaken: Wraith by Martin Ferguson
Genre – Young Adult Fantasy
Page Count – 126 pages
Cover Designer – Jacqueline Sweet
Alena Athscar, having lost her family and home, is raised by her uncle in the Guild of thieves, assassins and monster-hunters. Trained as one of them, Alena (known simply as Apprentice) sets out on her final Trial and hunts a Siren lost in the forest and preying on passing travelers. Inducted into the Guild and named as Slayer, she sets on her first assignment, hired by the Sacred, an order of sorcerers who hold power across the realms – one of their own is missing and Slayer takes the contract to find them. Recruiting a party of mercenaries and joined by an elven bodyguard (Raven), Slayer sets out to the missing sorcerer’s last known location, the village of Stonemere. Surviving an bandit ambush enroute and capturing one of their leaders (Quinlan), the group arrive at Stonemere and find that the village has succumbed to darkness, an evil twisting and warping the inhabitants. In order to vanquish the evil and escape the horrors of Stonemere, Slayer, Raven and Quinlan unite with two of the village’s prisoners (Jakseyth and Fenrix). Their exploits will earn Alena the name of Wraith and her group The Forsaken.


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Martin Ferguson is a UK based author.

Martin’s debut series, Relic Hunters, is a Young Adult adventure series, drawing on the myths and legends of different time periods and blending them with thrill-seeking action in the modern age.

Martin’s most recent work is the Young Adult fantasy series The Forsaken, set in the collaborative world of the Hidden Realms, writing alongside NY Times best selling authors.

Author Interview With Martin Ferguson




Next Door to a Star

Next Door to a Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has a great story. I like how the main character Hadley, learns about herself in this journey of a high school summer. Hadley learns all about friendships, mean girls, and boys while visiting her grand parents for the summer. I would have loved to live next door to a TV show star and become friends and make memories for a lifetime to remember. I definitely recommend this book!!

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Kelli Dart

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is the 2nd book in this series and I liked it just as much if not more than the 1st book. Hadley the main character is learning to navigate and balance life between high school, friends, and boys. She learns a lot about herself in this book. I love the lesson in this series and encourage others to read it regardless of age.

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The Girl and the Raven: a YA Paranormal Romance by Pauline Gruber – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven #1)The Girl and the Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lucy Walker is your typical fifteen year old girl who lives with her mum, but that is where her normality ends, she lives in a trailer park and her mum is an addict, she spends the household budget on beer and drugs, albeit she says she is trying to get clean and Lucy dreads it when she goes to school or anywhere because of the looks and taunts she receives. One evening, she is trying to get on with her evening when she hears tyres screeching up the path between the trailers and her worst fears come to pass when she finds her mum dumped on their front lawn, not moving and not breathing, btu when she asks her neighbour to call for an ambulance, it is already too late. After things settle down, Lucy then travels to live with her Uncles in Chicago, but it is not the reunion she was expecting, it is under much more sad circumstances than she hoped for, but as they walk through the airport to collect her suitcase, she bumps into a stranger and feels a strange jolt when they do, she thinks no more about it until she finds a note in the book she dropped asking her to meet them with a contact phone number.

The next morning she meets the neighbour who lives on the floor above, he is a hot young man with dark hair and brooding eyes, Lucy has never seen anyone so handsome and she cannot believe her eyes, so she becomes tongue tied and embarasses herself when he comes past her at the door to the apartment block. To make matters even more awkward she has to go shopping with her Uncles for some new clothes and it isn’t what she is used to doing so she is finding it hard to accept it, but they won’t take no for an answer. It isn’t all bad though when she makes some friends thanks to the girl who lives over the road inviting her to spend time with her friend circle, it is something Lucy has always wanted, but never managed to have. A few days later and things have started to properly sink in when she goes upstairs to see a friend who lives two floors up, the things she finds out from her are shocking and feel unreal to her, it turns out that she is half witch and half demon and that her life is going to be anything but the normality she so desires because of it, but when she finds out that her grandmothers pet raven is missing, she is really upset and a little angry.

Things seem to go from bad to worse when she goes into her room to find out that it has been broken into, but everyone around her says they want to protect her, but they won’t tell her what is going on, but it means that she can spend more time with her hot neighbour. Will Lucy be able to accept all the new information which is being thrown at her while trying to keep it all a secret from her friends at school, or will the darkness which resides within her take over and put everyone she loves at risk? This is a fantastic paranormal adventure where growing up isn’t as simple as it seems and secrets abound within a community of both a supernatural and human nature, as you are pulled along on a coming of age journey like no other.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Jasmin Marie

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy is the first book I have read by C.A. King. It reminded me a bit of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” mixed with “The Summoning” by Kelley Armstrong– making it a truly MAGICAL read! I definitely recommend it for young adults interested in witches, ghosts, and all things magical! I enjoyed reading about Makayla and her experiences during her first year at Grave Digger Academy. Overall, this quick read was very intriguing! I kept turning the page, hoping to learn more about the purpose of the Grave Digger Academy as well as Makayla’s purpose. My only wish would be for more detail about certain characters and the surroundings. I am excited to read more books in this series!

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Erin Wolf

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give Grave Digger Academy by C.A. King, 5 stars.

I have really enjoyed this author in the past and was looking forward to seeing what this book had in store for me. Not to mention, the title and concept seemed really interesting too. It surpassed my expectations. Makayla ends up in a magic academy no one wants to be in. But she does what she has to and along the way realizes more about herself and her ancestors than she ever realized. The cast of characters is varied and interesting and really helps to make this a wonderful book. The story itself really sets it aside from other books. Yes, it’s a YA magical academy book, but the foundation for the academy is quite different and is what really hooked me. I could not put this book down and hope to see many more in this series and interesting world.

The author really has another hit on their hands and I highly recommend it.

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Amber Flory

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It read like a dream… like the dream where you wake up on time, but you are somehow inexplicably later and later for every appointment that dream has scheduled until you are days late for the big one. Yea, that dream. I like the plot, and the imagery was cool. I plan to read the sequels.


reviewed by @ammaflory

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Stephanie Nicole

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy was my first read by C.A. King, and I for one was not disappointed in this paranormal story. At less then 200 pages, I finished this amazing story in a matter of hours and I can’t wait to read the rest of the series. C.A. King gives us a great protagonist, eccentric but well loved teachers, and a story line that provides tons of dark and magical things. C.A. King also provides us with wonderfully developed characters, great word building, and a plot that leaves the readers wanting more. So if your looking for a great new YA series then I highly recommend Grave Digger Academy.

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Brittany Porter

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy really sets the stage for what seems like will be a unique, fun, and magical new fictional world. Just enough detail is given to the reader to give a clear visual of the world the author is inviting us into, without the length of some other similar stories. You’re kept on your toes throughout the book, wondering what trouble Makayla is going to get herself into next during her stay at the Grave Digger Academy. This academy certainly wasn’t her first choice, but it seems that there was more at play in deciding her fate than Makayla was ever aware of, and I personally can’t wait to find out more of the back story and see where her magical training takes her. Must read!

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Kayla Bullock

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy tells the story of Makayla, first year paranormal academy student. Makayla ends up at the one school no one ever wants to be placed at–Grave Digger Academy. But there are things about Makayla she doesn’t know. Who is stalking her in the fog and darkness? Why was she placed at Grave Digger Academy when all her brother went to more prestigious schools? Makayla needs answers–and fast before time runs out.

Grave Digger Academy is a great story. I really liked the characters and their development in the story. And I LOVED Makayla’s helpers!! The story was easy to read and moved along at a good pace. I did, however, feel like the conclusion of the book was rushed and sort of glossed over. I would have liked to have seen more happen to build suspense for the next book. I will for sure be reading the rest of the series!!

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Grave Digger Academy by C.A. King – Review by S. Bittles

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

C.A. King has found a new way to write about a magical world that stands out from other books in this genre. The synopsis does not give much away about the book; which helps to keep you engaged and wanting to know more. This author has creatively and very uniquely created a world about magic, with twists in fate at every turn. I was hooked by the end of the first chapter!

There are a few times throughout the novel where the next chapter starts at a later time than the previous one ended. It left me confused at moments trying to recall the time frame of events; I feel there could’ve been more detail in regards to flow of the months.

Overall it is a recommended read from me, looking for to reading the next books in the series!

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Paula R Sayers” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy by C.A. King was an enjoyable read, and I am excited to read the rest of the series. Makayla is leaving for school and is not happy about what school she has been assigned to. As she makes friends and learns at school, she begins to discover that she may have a family history that has been hidden from her. This was a fast read that kept me hooked from the very first page to the very last page.

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Katrina Evanochko

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy is a paranormal YA book that reminds me a bit of Harry Potter, but instead of a sorting hat, people apply to their magical academies of choice through a family book, but the magic places you where you should be.

The characters and story are interesting, and the book is well written. I did want to get to know some of the characters a bit more. The book was a good first book in the series, and sets up the world for future books, but it did seem to gloss over some areas that I would have liked to see more in depth – more interactions between the characters, more info on what they are learning in classes, that kind of thing. Despite wanting this, I still very much enjoyed the book and will be reading the rest of the series.

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Grave Digger Academy by C.A. King – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Makayla is part of a big family, she her mum, her dad and also has six brothers and they are all older than she is, the only difference is that they are a magical family and when they come of age, they go to a magical academy and now this day has finally arrived for Makayla, so here she is in their pristine, white living room and about to choose where she wants to apply. As she leafs through the ancient tome in front of her, she looks at each of the academies, what she needs to get into them and which would be best suited to her, she narrows the choices down to the three that she would like, she is torn between choosing the ones she will get into and the one her family expects her to apply for.

It is sometime later when Makayla is woken up by the sounds of her brothers going down for breakfast and the first day of term, but when she eventually goes downstairs, there is no start of year gift and no breakfast ready for her, instead there is an empty place and a gift from her mum instead. She is now running late and almost misses the bus, but with no letter to say which academy she is at, she is lost when she gets to the campus, but nobody is willing to help her until she makes it so that they can’t ignore her. However, there are still no clear instructions and she struggles to find her way, but she isn’t on her own and soon runs into a couple of other kids who are in the same situation, they work together to figure out the first lot of instructions, but are soon separated to find their own way. As the tests and instructions present more obstacles to cross, Makayla eventually finds her way back to the others and into the campus she is being sent to and unfortunately, it isn’t one of the ones she has chosen, it is the least popular choice, the Grave Digger Academy.

The whole situation looks bleak, the building, the surroundings, the interior decoration and even the classes when they start up, but Makayla has made some friends and that helps to deal with the challenges and things which crop up in their studies. The first thing they learn is the difference between a gravedigger who prepares the graves and a Grave Digger who stops whatever is buried from coming back up, but things aren’t always what they seem, so will Makayla be able to keep up with her studies and make it through the year, or will she get in over her head in more ways than one? This is a fantasy tale of what happens when the dead come back to haunt us and the who the people are who are the only barrier between us and them and it is a tale which pulls you through all the way through it to the end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Girl and the Raven (The Girl and the Raven series) by Pauline Gruber – Review by Shelly Kittell

The Girl and The RavenThe Girl and The Raven by Pauline Gruber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lucy is a young teen just looking to have a normal life. Her mother was a junkie who died of an overdose. Lucy goes to Chicago to find that she has a whole new life. She’s actually a powerful witch. Hence, she begins the adventure of a lifetime. New friends. enemies, mysteries, demon dad….and the secrets about. The first installment of a new series makes this a winner. I want to see what happens with her and Marcus. Interesting romance brewing there. Lots of paranormal.

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Amanda DelFemine

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I have read by C.A. King. Grave Digger Academy was an entertaining, fun and a very Harry Potterish kind of story.

Makayla was the youngest of seven and the pressure to go to the most prestigious school has always been a burden. She puts in a bunch of applications but ends up with the dreaded Grave Digger Academy. It can’t be all that bad right?! On the first day of school all her siblings get new wands and she ends up with her mother giving Makayla what she things is a useless ugly necklace but finds out maybe its not as useless as one may thing. What kind of family secrets will unfold? She ends up trying to make a potion for one of her classes that would be considered dark magic which is prohibited but her professor has other plans for her.

I would totally read more of Kings work.

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A King – Review by Anna Hirsch

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1)
By C.A King
4 Stars

I’m so happy this book is a series. It was so original and not what I was expecting. I loved it! I’ve read quite a few of this author’s books and have never been disappointed. I found this book to be different from her others but just as good. Makayla is a witch and is starting her first year in the paranormal academy system. She gets the option of choosing three schools which she would like to attend but in the end, the school chooses you. It’s quite interesting the way it happens. She ends up at the academy where no one wants to go. A grave digger’s main purpose is to keep the dead, well, dead. There is more going on beneath the surface (pun intended). Makayla has a lot to learn and secrets to uncover.

This book is a wonderful fantasy filled with twists and turns. Makayla is headstrong and doesn’t want to accept fate, she wants to forge her own path. This should lead to some interesting scenarios with the rest of the series. I’m looking forward to it.

Review by @AnnaHirsch
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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Sunday Barnaby

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy by C.A. King
Four Stars

Grave Digger Academy is the first book in the Grave Digger Academy series by C.A. King. It never ceases to amaze me, how Ms. King can come up with these amazing stories. This one is my new favorite. Makayla’s story had me reading into the night. I just couldn’t put it down until I finished. Another thing I love about Ms. King’s books is they tend to be shorter installments that you can read in one sitting, but still pack a punch of a longer book. I’m really looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
Review by @sunbarn

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Kristy Nelson

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Grave Digger Academy is a super fun and light read that I thoroughly enjoyed. It is short at under 200 pages, but captivated me from start to finish. I was super happy to discover that it is the first of a series! I look forward to reading the rest of the novels. Harry Potter fans such as myself will enjoy getting lost in this magical academia world as well.

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King-Review by Shadel Ayerbe

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King is a young adult fantasy story that is great for everyone.

Makayla is in her first year at the paranormal academy. When all three of the schools to which she applies refuse her application, she is left with just one option. Unfortunately, finding a way out of Grave Digger Academy is more important to her than completing its curriculum. Gravediggers are the ones who do the digging. Grave Diggers, on the other hand, preserve buried remains six feet underground. This year’s pupils are going to discover that corpses may be fickle and that when the dead refuse to cooperate, they will pay the price.

I loved this story and the concept of it as well.I loved every page of it. Every chapter was exciting. This is the first book in the series can’t wait to read more.

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Heather Bass

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have read a few books from this author and she continues to blow my mind with her writing. I love a good paranormal story but she exceeded my expectations all the time. This is the first book in a young adult series called the Grave Digger Academy. I can see this series turning into an amazing movie. I couldn’t put this book down until I was finished. I can’t wait to see what happens to these amazing characters.

This is the first year that Makayla is going to the paranormal school. She doesn’t know what to expect and she is really nervous. Makayla is denied by all the schools she wanted to go to except one the Grave Digger Academy. She downstairs wants to go but she has no other choice but to go. Makayla is shocked at what this academy is actually about. She will be responsible to make sure the dead stay that way. Makayla thought this was going to be an easy year but quickly she learned it is harder than she thought. She never realized that the dead could make things even more harder for her by not listening. Will Makayla get through her first year in this scary school or will it become too dangerous for her?

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Grave Digger Academy ( Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1 ) by C.A. King – Review by Carla Clemmons

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

C.A. King did not disappoint, which she never does! I loved reading about Makayla’s first year away in the paranormal academy system. All she wants is to get out of Grave Digger Academy and that seems harder than she anticipated for sure! First she will have to learn why she was sent there. I cannot wait to read the second and third book in this series!!!

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King – Review by Emily McCoy

Grave Digger AcademyGrave Digger Academy by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this read. It was very Adventurous and the characters were a lot of fun to get to know. The one thing that really stood out to me was how it kept reiterating that your choice matters, regardless of everything else what you want matters as well. Even if she wasn’t able to get into the Academy she wanted. This is a thrilling book with a great message, it may be YA but I think it sets its self apart from most others. C. A. king did an amazing job!

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