
Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory – Review by Kerry Carr

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A MemoirTravels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really interesting read. It is the story of the authors life and all the trials and upheavals she had to go through in her life to get to where she is today. This story is inspirational and moving. Some parts are hard for you to understand in today’s society such as all the stigma surrounding her father being gay.

Mary had a really hard childhood, from her father’s sexuality, her mother’s mental illness and her own struggled with having a cleft palate Mary has had to struggle with stigma and bullying on every step of her life.
One thing this book proves is that it doesn’t matter where you start in life, you can improve and become the person you want to be. I found this story so sad in parts but also extremely inspirational. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

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Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory – Review by Tausha Treadway

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A MemoirTravels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory. This is such a great read. Its actually a memoir and I don’t usually enjoy many memoir’s but this one was amazing. Its the story of Mary a young girl who at the height of the Aids pandemic her father a Baptist preacher came out as gay. Her whole family’s world was shook and her mom was so blindsided that she took the kids and traveled all over the US. Mary was also born with a Cleft Palate so she was teased always as a kid by kids and teachers alike. When her family settles in New York her mom’s mental health is at an all time low. At all times the family was poor no matter where they landed and the kids were raising themselves basically because of their mom’s mental health and their dad’s lifestyle. This is such an emotional, sad, read about a family that is probably more prevalent than not. Do yourself a favor and read it today!

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Shield & Shade: Ascended Guardians series by Misty Hayes – review by Jules Herbert

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shield and Shade, the first book in the Ascended Guardians Series by Misty Hayes is actually the first book by this wonderful author that I have read and it did not disappoint at all! I have to say that it has been a while since I have read a paranormal book, a genre I use to read ALOT of, and now thanks to Ms Hayes my love for the genre has been reignited and I will be reading more especially from this creative author.

I read this book not knowing that it was a spin off from a previous series until I had completed it and went looking for more books by Ms Hayes. I don’t feel that my not having read the Blood Dagger series has hindered my experience at all. In fact now I just want to go buy the other series and start reading. I wanted to mention that important point, as I have seen a lot of reviews address the fact that it is a spin off but I don’t want people thinking you have to read the other series first. If you wanted to by all means do but I don’t feel that you absolutely have too in order to follow the story line or characters. You WILL absolutely love this book either way.

There is an endless mixture of wonderful, fascinating creative characters and worlds, loads of action and even some moments you will second guess your feelings…am I really feeling for one of the bad guys here?? seriously?? hehehe!! I was totally hooked on the story from start to finish and hated it each time I was forced to take a break from reading it.

i really hope you will join me in reading Shield and Shade…I just know you will be hooked too!

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Piper Foster

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Morgan what a B***h these types of girls are try worst. I can see good and bad teenager here. All these guys are trying to find themselves Hadley is heads over heel for Nick but she so nervous about what other say. I feel for her. Pilar I actually suprised at this character through the book I thought alot differently of her in the first one. Simone she irks me as she’s very two faced. Then Nick well he seems sweat but he gets things wrong and last but not least Hadley I think she still finding herself

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Michelle Collier

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Michelle Collier

My rating 5 of 5

So this is a spin off to The Blood Dagger trilogy, which I haven’t read…yet. It is now on my TBR list! This book was wonderful. There is nonstop action and the characters are so real and full of secrets. I was in the edge of my seat for most of the book just waiting fir the next twist. I am now on the edge of my seat waiting on the next book!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Pippa Woods

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

FYI: This was my first Hayes novel and I learned this is a spinoff series from the author’s The Blood Dagger Trilogy AFTER I read it. So be warned it won’t make for a good read, in my opinion, if you haven’t read that triplet first. If I have time this summer, I will go back and read the original series, because it has awesome ratings, and then update this review. With that said, I read this book believing it was the beginning of a new series since it isn’t linked to the other in any way or sold as a spinoff. With that said, Hayes had a really FREAKING cool plot/world idea and I was truly excited to get into the meat of it, but (and here it comes), BUT the book could have spent about 100-150 pages filling the reader in on the world and characters, rather than on more battle scenes. I’m sure a lot of my questions and frustrations would have been answered had I read The Blood Dagger Trilogy first, but since I didn’t it just felt like the first 20% was crazy jumpy, going from several people’s POVs that didn’t quite make sense at first but really set the stage for an awesome adventure with a possible romance in the making. Once all the players were a little more fleshed out and the world was built as well as it was going to get, it became a really intriguing and fresh idea…super intense action, angels/demons/vampires/”magic”/mystery, a feeling like you didn’t know what the climax was going to be, but you were on the edge of your seat to get there, and more action!! Then around 50% it was all action (no world or character building) and descriptions of everyone’s eye color/hair/what they were wearing and was it her brother or not her brother? Throw in an excessive amount of lightning bolts knocking people (mostly the humans) across the room where they landed in a ball on the floor, but SHOCKER they live through a serious butt-kicking from freaking demons, for hours on end…and you have the basics of the story down. So, having not read the original stories and understanding the different rules of Hayes’ world/characters, I just truly felt lost, annoyed, and disappointed that this storyline had sooo much potential but didn’t ever get there if that makes sense. Maybe I’m not the reading demographic she was writing for, and it really should NOT be considered a standalone, but it was just ok for me. I am hoping to go back and read the first 3 books because I think I could have loved this action-packed adventure had I understood her world better. Who knows…Hayes has a way of sucking you in and I did finish the book, I just wish the selling page stated that it was a spinoff of another series.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Jaclyn DeTullio

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I started this book and feel like I was dropped right smack in the middle of a new world with no preparation. From the beginning things were written with a sort of familiarity, like I as a reader should know what’s going on. Once I learned this was a spin-off it made much more sense. That didn’t hinder my reading though, I fell into the story pretty quickly. There is so much happening on every page. When I say action packed, I mean ACTION PACKED! I personally enjoyed it, enjoyed going with Zoey on her wild ride of finding the truth. Misty Hayes really writes beautifully, her descriptions make it so easy to picture every scene!

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Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory – Review by Karen Pearman

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A MemoirTravels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I must say that I love reading biographies and memoirs. You truly get to learn so much about an individual by picking them up. This was a person I had never heard of but a relative recommended I read it and I’m so glad that I did. This is a beautifully written retelling of her story, although at times extremely difficult to read because you feel so much sadness for her enduring the things that she did. I felt that at times I wanted to take her back in time and give her such a different lifestyle with another family. But the ending had me feeling like truly there was a purpose behind all that she went through and that it happened for a reason. She truly was on a ride of life and no matter the twists, turns, stumbles, and falls that she experienced she came out a winner in my eye. Highly recommended book to read for males and females and I believe it would be a great book club read.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Kellie Piaskowski

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shield & Shade is the first book by Misty Hayes that I’ve read and it did not disappoint at all!!! The main characters are awesome- engaging and so interesting! The villains are the bad guys you love to hate and hate that you love em’! Intense action makes this a page turner that I did not want to put down (and often did not until very very late). I’ll be back for the next installment and will definitely be reading her first trilogy series!!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Kerry Carr

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this young adult paranormal story. It is full of action and adventure and danger around every turn. The author does an amazing job with her characters. Her descriptions of the characters and their world is so detailed that it really brings them to life. The story is one that keeps you in suspense and gripped from beginning to end. I love the fight between good and evil and how they overcome adversity.

There are lots of secrets and deception which all unravel and make this story even better. People aren’t who they appear to be and romance springs up in the most unlikely of places.

This book is a spin off from The Blood Dagger triology and even though I haven’t read those I was still able to enjoy and follow the story. However I feel if that series is read first then some of the characters would make more sense.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Lucy Vincent

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So, this was the first book by Misty Hayes that I’ve read. She currently has 4 books out, 3 are a trilogy and Shield and Shade are the start of a new series. It’s the story of a girl who’s life gets turned absolutely upside down- and shattered by family secrets. It’s full of so much action, and it’s such a page turner! I seriously cannot WAIT to see what the next book’s going to be about- and I’ll be reading her trilogy here soon! I can’t tell too much of what happened in the book without giving any spoilers, but if you’re someone who LOVES plot twists- this is definitely the book for you, and you will NOT regret it!!!!!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Jamie Zabolotney

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A new take on Angels versus Demons. This book is a spinoff of the Blood Dagger Trilogy. Having not read that trilogy, I would still say this is a very good beginning to this part of the story. Zoey, a 15 year old high school student is just trying to get high grades and thinks of the day she can leave home. Having always suffered horrible nightmares and not knowing why it all starts to become clear when she learns about her family’s true nature.

Cruz is a 17 year old boy who divides his time between school, working at an ice cream shop and caring for his ill mother. When he and Zoey meet he is soon embroiled in things that are way over his head.

This book had solid world building and writing that keeps the reader engaged and wanting to know what else could possibly go wrong!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Amber Flory

Shield & Shade: Ascended Guardians SeriesShield & Shade: Ascended Guardians Series by Misty Hayes
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I’m afraid I’m going to be a critic on this one. It made me want to read Cassandra Clare’s shadowhunter series again; similar genre that I enjoy.
To start, Shield & Shade is not a standalone book. It’s technically a spinoff of her Blood Dagger trilogy, but it has little story of its own. It constantly refers to the events in the previous series leaving holes in the back story that one hopes would be filled by reading the Blood Dagger Trilogy. Second, this book is action scene after action scene. There was only a few “chill, get to know you” scenes at the beginning of the book, the rest were action. And, while I enjoy the changing POV, I found it jarring to start the book off with switching back and forth between benign high school life to running for his life; maybe if it had continued alternating action/calm throughout the book, it might have flowed better. As is it felt disjointed. Overall, I found this a hard book to enjoy. Though the idea of the story was intriguing, I feel it needed more polish. I’m sorry!

reveiwed by @ammaflory

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Tausha Treadway

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager. This was such a fun young adult story. I loved the first book and this one is even better. This is the story of Hadley who is finally feeling like she has all that she has ever wanted, good friends, a super cute boyfriend and a little bit of confidence. Nick is her boyfriend and he’s the “perfect” guy to Hadley. He loves sports and just is an all around great guy. One of her great friends is Simone Henderson who is a TV Actress and Hadley loves her but when she starts hearing rumors of Simone and Nick messing around her whole worlds shifts. When the rumor is confirmed to be false Hadley is still in her head about it and is not sure how her relationships with both of them will be in the future. This is such a good young adult read about high school relationships!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Tina Vega

Shield & Shade: Ascended Guardians SeriesShield & Shade: Ascended Guardians Series by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shield & Shade: Ascended Guardians 1 is one of those books you pick up not really knowing what you’re getting into. I want to mention that yes this is the first book of the series, but this series is a spin-off of another one –The Blood Dagger. I didn’t realize when I started it. Well written with twists and suspense, I didn’t know what to expect when I turned a page. I loved the way the book started with the mystery around Zoey’s disappearance when she was a little girl. Definitely built the suspense. I thought the author did an incredible job with the characters and the wide range of emotions they went through. Several times, I found myself audibly muttering “what???”, “oh here we go”, or “I can’t believe that just happened.” I did feel I landed into a different world, and in the middle of the action. After getting several chapters in, I looked it up and found that indeed a prior set of books was written. If I had known, I would have started at the beginning with that series. This book was great, but I feel like reading the previous series with prior knowledge of characters and situations would have made this one an easier read. It’s a lot to take in at once. This book isn’t a sunshine and roses kind of book. It’s a guts and gore survival kind of book with good vs evil save the world kind of characters. Speaking of characters, can we get to know Nakir better?

Reviewed by @vegatina20

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Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory – Review by Angela Packard

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A MemoirTravels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Travels Through Aqua, Green and Blue: A Memoir, is not my typical genre of book. Once I started reading, I could not stop. Mary tells of the hardships of being born with a bilateral cleft pallet, the teasing and bullying that happens because you are different. When Mary’s father, a Baptist minister comes out as gay, her mother and siblings are treated differently. People of the church turned their back on them, which broke something in her mother. This is a gritty story of a mother who checks out on her kids and how her paranoid schizophrenia affects her kids directly. Traveling the country, never staying in one place for long for fear of someone chasing them; living in hotels, cars, and with strange men on occasion, Mary and her siblings are on their own most of the time. It is a story of triumph as Mary tries to overcome her childhood to become an adult, she can be proud of. I found myself constantly cheering for Mary and her siblings Paul and Sam.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Jenni Bishop

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Shield & Shade: Ascended Guardians Series a spinoff of The Blood Dagger trilogy by a new author to me Misty Hayes. I did not know it was a spinoff and I have not read the original trilogy but had heard it was good and after reading this book I did not really feel like I was missing anything other than knowing characters. Although I will go back at some stage and have a read. Shield & Shade is a YA paranormal fantasy story where angels & demons battle it out and the suspenseful plot will keep you guessing. Misty’s world building is detailed, sometimes overly so but you can see her vision. Her characters are interesting and unique, and the story is told from multiple POV’s, which I love.

I look forward to seeing what she brings us next.
Reviewed by @jennadb

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Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory – Review by Ashley Dover

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A MemoirTravels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue is the story of Mary who was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Through this memoir, you will understand the hardships, name-calling, and bullying that people who were born with deformities dealt with in a time where being different was not recognized as correct. Mary was born in Nashville, TN to a Baptist minister. Her family was suddenly ripped at its foundation when her father became an openly gay man.

This memoir is the story of Mary’s journey across the country from Tennessee to New York to California and many more places with her family as her mother went on the run. Discover what it is like to overcome to live below the poverty line during tragic moments in American history and how those events transformed her into the woman she is today.

Although nonfiction is not my favorite genre, and I had a tough time getting started with this book, I couldn’t put the book down once I got over my “fear” of a nonfiction work. The story is woven with many kinds of coming-of-age topics that a lot of children and teenagers must endure to come out on the other side and be contributing members of society. I encourage you to take this journey with Mary and discover how your own journey shaped you into the person you are today.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Sheri Schrader

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shield & Shade by Misty Hayes is the start of the Ascended Guardians series. This book is labeled as a YA story, but adults can also enjoy this. I was interested in the book blurb and was rewarded with a well-written story and characters. The author has included significant attention to detail, and it works well and does not overwhelm the reader. I fell into the story and did not want to emerge until I was done with the book. There are paranormal, romantic, fantasy, and dramatic elements to the story. I look forward to reading more from this author and series in the future.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Tausha Treadway

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes. This is a brand new series from Misty Hayes and its a good one! This is the emotional story of 15 year old Zoey & Cruz who is 17. Zoey is having flashback/nightmares of being kidnapped when she was 5 years old. No one in her family will tell her anything about what happened or discuss anything about it. Her family is very protective of her but they still insist on not talking about it. Zoey tends to be a loner but has always had Trevor as her friend and most recently Cruz has shown to be a true friend. When a stranger shows up at Zoe’s door it opens the whole situation up! After that its on like crazy! You will be flipping the pages as fast as you can to find out what will happen! I loved this book and can’t wait to read the next one!

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Kaitlynn Taylor

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Competing with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager


Competing with the Star is the first book I’ve read by this author and also the second book in the Star series. I would strongly suggest reading book 1 before reading book 2 as I had to piece things together as best as I could in order to truly enjoy this read. However, I did still enjoy this YA romance read.

I enjoyed how the author managed to create a solid group of friends, their interactions seemed really genuine and real to how they would behave at that age given the circumstances. I look forward to going back and reading book 1 to find out how everything started!

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Rayne East

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Angels, Anarchy, Demons and Destruction
This is the first book I have read by Misty Hayes and it won’t be the last. Amazing writing and wonderful characterisation had me turning the pages rapidly. I devoured this book and just want more. I found out afterwards that this is a spin-off from another series and to be honest it made a lot of sense. There are certain events that occur in this book that are obviously explained in the previous books. This doesn’t really impact the flow of this storyline though. The world building is very detailed that the reader can easily picture the action. For lovers of YA paranormal and fantasy – you won’t be disappointed.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Angela Hayes

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


Shield & Shade is the first book in the Ascended Guardians series by Misty Hayes. This is my first read from Ms. Hayes, so I was excited to find out what lay between the covers. I love a good YA paranormal story, so the premise of the story had me sold right away.
As I mentioned, this is a YA paranormal adventure story full of secrets, supernatural elements, dramatic moments, family, action, mystery, and suspense. I thought the story was quite creative and original- with richly textured world building. The story was quite ‘visual’ with lots of detail and vivid descriptions. Sometimes the descriptions got a little heavy handed- which did interrupt the flow of the story a bit, but overall, it was a fun read. Looking forward to seeing what’s in store for us in Book #2!

Thank you, Misty Hayes!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King

~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~ ♦ ~
Grave Digger Academy (Grave Digger Academy Series Book 1) by C.A. King
Genre – Young Adult Fantasy Paranormal
Page Count – 190 pages
Cover Designer – Jennifer Munswami
It’s Makayla’s first year in the paranormal academy system. When all three of the schools she applies to deny her entry, there’s only one left. Unfortunately, she’s more interested in finding a way out of Grave Digger Academy than in learning its curriculum.
Gravediggers actually do the digging. Grave Diggers, however, keep buried bodies where they belong—six feet under.
This year’s students are about to learn corpses can be temperamental, and when the dead refuse to cooperate, there’s Hell to pay.


You can find this video on our YouTube Channel

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About C.A. King


I was diagnosed with clinical depression after the loss of my mother, father and husband within three years of each other; all to cancer. 24/7 in-home care, coupled with the loss I felt, left its mark on my psyche.


Depression takes up a lot of my life. Reading and writing are the only things I have found that help (in connection with regular medication), even if only for a short time. To escape to a different world can make a big difference in my mood in real time.


To put things in perspective, when I was at my lowest point, I couldn’t open mail, talk on the phone, or even drive to the store. Walls of sadness surrounded me. As they closed in, tears would fall. There didn’t need to be a reason or trigger.


People ask me why I started writing. My answer is simple: I wanted to create a world into which other people with similar problems could escape. I wanted to share the one place that had helped me for many years.


I have always said that as long as one person finds a little bit of happiness out of my books, I am, in my opinion, an accomplished author. The same is true for every writer out there. Please don’t ever let anyone tell you different.


I read books as well as write them and have visited the worlds many different authors have created. Those worlds not only make me feel better, but give me the strength to face real life again. I want to thank everyone who writes—I want them to know they are making a difference.


Fast forward to today…


C.A. King, USA Today Bestselling Author has over 60 books available across multiple fantasy sub-genres.


Awards include:

Hamilton Spectator Readers’ Choice Award in the Best Local Author category 2017 & 2018 & 2019

Brant News Readers’ Choice Award: Best Local Author 2017 

Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards: Best Novella/Short Story 2017 Silver medal

2017 SIBA Awards – Best Novella

2017 SIBA Awards – Best New Adult

2018 Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards: Gold Medal in the Fiction – Supernatural genre

2018 Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards: Bronze Medal in the Fiction – New Adult genre

2019 Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal Winner in the Fiction – Supernatural genre

2019 Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal Winner in the Young Adult – Fantasy – Urban genre

City of Brantford Featured Artist February 2020

Burlington Post Readers’ Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Toronto Star Readers’ Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Cambridge Times Readers’ Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2020

Burlington Post Readers’ Choice Award in the Best Local Author Category 2021

Author Interview With C.A. King USA Today Bestselling Author




Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory – Review by Anantha Rusum

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A MemoirTravels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A beautiful and profound piece of work, this book paints a vivid picture of a turbulent childhood of a girl, who is born with a deformity, and had to sail through harsh waters because of the decision her parents had taken. Her mother, takes her children and travels from place to place, running hand to mouth after separating from Mary’s father. She does not bother about cleanliness or food and tosses her children from place to place on the basis of her whims and fancies. The story is about how Mary handles her childhood, and adolescence, her school, her relationships and emerges into a fine young woman who can handle things on her own. This is the story of a girl who had to face the turbulent storms and emerge victorious, a mighty and majestic force with her soul in the right place. This book is a beauty and anyone who has weathered a storm can relate to this book.

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Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Katrina Evanochko

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting, suspenseful first book in the Ascended Guardians series. It is connected to the Blood Dagger trilogy, which I have not read yet, though with how much I enjoyed this one I might go do! I don’t think you need to read it first, though you might gain some insight into some of the characters.

There are multiple viewpoints, one of which is Zoey, a 15 year old girl still dealing with trauma from 10 years ago. I like the characters – they are not cookie-cutter, or too similar, and the story is engaging. It is interesting to see her journey, and I super look forward to the rest of the series!

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Next Door to a Star (The Star Series) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Kimberly Shirah

Next Door to a StarNext Door to a Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Krysten Lindsay Hagar brings Hadley to life with true insecurity and shallowness coming off the pages.

Hadley’s best friends moves before the end of her freshman year leaving her in low spirits and realizing that tying oneself to one friend is not ideal. Throw in a couple of mean girls and Hadley is jumping at the chance to go stay with her grandparents for the summer.

Once there she befriends the girl next door who just happens to be an ex Hollywood star. All of a sudden Hadley is hanging out with the popular crowd and even meets a boy that likes her. Pretty soon it all starts to fall apart. Mean, popular girls will always be mean popular girls.

Hagar brings the characters in her book to life with all the real emotions, insecurities, and feelings that all teenagers experience. I’m not sure, since Hager is a new author to me, if this is her first book or not. Some parts were a bit slow and there seemed to be parts that led nowhere, so I don’t know why they seemed to be in the book.

All in all this was a fun, YA read. While it didn’t sweep me away as some, I am excited to read the next installment in Hadley’s life.

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Angelina Frazzini

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Competing with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager is book two of The Star Series. You should read book one before reading this one to get a good background on the characters and how they got to where they are in book two.

This book has the drama! Hadley and Nick are together after all the drama in book one and have a real bond. Things start spiraling out of control when Hadley realizes Nick had a crush on her friend. Insecurity sets in and threatens to ruin everything. Will Hadley be able to trust Nick?

This book would definitely be suitable for young teenagers. It was well written and the characters are great. Insecurity in young girls is very relatable. I think Hadley didn’t give Nick enough credit but I can see where it would be difficult too. I enjoyed the book!

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Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory – Review by Jenni Bishop

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A MemoirTravels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Travels Through Aqua, Green, and Blue: A Memoir by Mary E. Gregory is a memoir of the authors life and travel. It is a moving story that will touch on the ol’ heart strings and it is also interesting. The writing style takes a bit to get used to as it is written in diary form and there are a lot of details that could have been left out. As they say “less is more”. Having said that I did enjoy the story and Mary’s trials and tribulations and it takes a lot to bare your sole and put yourself out there like she has done. Give it a go.
Reviewed by @jennadb

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Competing with the Star (Star Series Book 2) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Michelle Austin

Competing with the StarCompeting with the Star by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We continue with Hadley’s story, she is now living in Grand Haven. She is seeing NIck, but of course that doesn’t come without issues. His ex girlfriend is causing issues among other girls trying to cause drama. Being her first relationship she struggles with this. Nick is great with Hadley.

Overall this was a good read, we get all the high school mean girl drama. All of the secondary characters added a great element to the story. I struggled with the girls that Hadley called friends, since some of them seemed to have hidden agendas. But of course that’s high school drama of course. The author does a great job with her writing and pulls you right in. If you’re looking for a great YA series to read 1-click and get started today.

Reviewed by @mab54615
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