Shield & Shade (Ascended Guardians Book 1) by Misty Hayes – Review by Pippa Woods

Shield & ShadeShield & Shade by Misty Hayes
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

FYI: This was my first Hayes novel and I learned this is a spinoff series from the author’s The Blood Dagger Trilogy AFTER I read it. So be warned it won’t make for a good read, in my opinion, if you haven’t read that triplet first. If I have time this summer, I will go back and read the original series, because it has awesome ratings, and then update this review. With that said, I read this book believing it was the beginning of a new series since it isn’t linked to the other in any way or sold as a spinoff. With that said, Hayes had a really FREAKING cool plot/world idea and I was truly excited to get into the meat of it, but (and here it comes), BUT the book could have spent about 100-150 pages filling the reader in on the world and characters, rather than on more battle scenes. I’m sure a lot of my questions and frustrations would have been answered had I read The Blood Dagger Trilogy first, but since I didn’t it just felt like the first 20% was crazy jumpy, going from several people’s POVs that didn’t quite make sense at first but really set the stage for an awesome adventure with a possible romance in the making. Once all the players were a little more fleshed out and the world was built as well as it was going to get, it became a really intriguing and fresh idea…super intense action, angels/demons/vampires/”magic”/mystery, a feeling like you didn’t know what the climax was going to be, but you were on the edge of your seat to get there, and more action!! Then around 50% it was all action (no world or character building) and descriptions of everyone’s eye color/hair/what they were wearing and was it her brother or not her brother? Throw in an excessive amount of lightning bolts knocking people (mostly the humans) across the room where they landed in a ball on the floor, but SHOCKER they live through a serious butt-kicking from freaking demons, for hours on end…and you have the basics of the story down. So, having not read the original stories and understanding the different rules of Hayes’ world/characters, I just truly felt lost, annoyed, and disappointed that this storyline had sooo much potential but didn’t ever get there if that makes sense. Maybe I’m not the reading demographic she was writing for, and it really should NOT be considered a standalone, but it was just ok for me. I am hoping to go back and read the first 3 books because I think I could have loved this action-packed adventure had I understood her world better. Who knows…Hayes has a way of sucking you in and I did finish the book, I just wish the selling page stated that it was a spinoff of another series.

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