
Anne by Zarina Macha – Review by Erica Fish

AnneAnne by Zarina Macha
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I will warn you if abuse of a child is a sensitive topic this book may be hard for you to read. Anne grew up in what appears to be a perfect home on the outside, but behind the door another tail is told. Anne is taken to her Aunt’s house but because she has been home schooled, school is tough. She is sent to a boarding school. This is when it becomes rough for Anne. In this story, Anne is a confused teenager. Zarina Macha does an amazing job with this difficult subject. Her plot line is engaging and I fell in love with the characters. I recommend this story and a box of kleenex.

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A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash – Review by Erica Fish

A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2 by Byrd Nash
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you are into Supernatural stories, this series is for you. Byrd Nash has an amazing imagination to write this series. Her attention to detail is outstanding. I feel like I am standing right next to the characters and having the adventure with them. Brigit is in trouble and she may have to leave the university. She has to look into this mystery and along the way she recruits Logan and a new girl. You will keep flipping the pages to see what is coming around the next corner. This story kept my attention and had me wanting more. I highly recommend this book and I cannot wait to see what is going to be happening next.

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P.A.W.S. (The P.A.W.S. Saga, Book 1) by Debbie Manber Kupfer – Review by Kerry Chalmers

P.A.W.S.P.A.W.S. by Debbie Manber Kupfer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

P.A.W.S. (The P.A.W.S. Saga Book 1) by Debbie Manber Kupfer. A different kind a shifter story, I was really intrigued at the start of the book you meet Celia. Celia and family are hiding in the back room of there house in Vienna, when the Gestapo Soldiers came, Celia watched as her family was herded out of the door. The story then jumps to Miriam’s (Miri) point of view. The story of Miri is a sad tale to start, her mother gave her to her Omama (Celia) to raise up till she was ten when tragically Celia dies but leaves Miri a parting gift, a gift Miri doesn’t realise will help her later in life. I don’t want to give too much away but I absolutely loved this story. Debbie created multiple plots throughout this story that all tie together in the end. Such a good read would highly recommend.

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P.A.W.S. (The P.A.W.S. Saga, Book 1) by Debbie Manber Kupfer – Review by Bobbi Wagner

P.A.W.S.P.A.W.S. by Debbie Manber Kupfer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author, I enjoyed it from beginning to end. I will be looking for more from this author for sure. This is a well developed story that has characters that bring the story to life. They are connectable and made the story engaging for me. I was pulled into the story right from the beginning. Miri receives a silver cat charm that holds more power than she realizes and is about to make her life a little more interesting. This is a paranormal story where you will meet new friends including werewolves and shapeshifters. I highly recommend this book, will Miri learn to control her power?

Review by @bjwagner
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P.A.W.S. (The P.A.W.S. Saga, Book 1) by Debbie Manber Kupfer


 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

P.A.W.S. (The P.A.W.S. Saga, Book 1) by Debbie Manber Kupfer



When Miri receives a silver cat charm from her omama, Celia, on the night before Celia dies she has no idea that the charm holds a secret, a powerful magic that saved her omama’s life and is about to make Miri’s a whole lot more interesting.

Join Miri on a mysterious and supernatural journey with her new friends, members of an underground St. Louis society known as the Partnership for Animagi, Werewolves, and Shapeshifters, better known as P.A.W.S.


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Debbie Manber Kupfer grew up in the London. She has lived in Israel, New York and North Carolina and somehow ended up in St. Louis. She lives with her husband, two kids, and two very opinionated felines.

She works as a writer, editor, and a freelance puzzle constructor of word puzzles. Her puzzles have appeared in Penny Press and Dell Magazines, on the wall of the Eltana Bagel Bakery in Seattle. In addition she has published a book of puzzles, Paws 4 Logic, with her son Joey.


She is the author of the young adult fantasy series, P.A.W.S. which features a secret international organization of shapeshifters. She has also written several children’s picture books including Adana the Earth Dragon and Wanda’s Wand. She is the editor of the Sins of Time horror series and has stories in several anthologies including Fauxpocalypse, 13 Candles, Stardust, Always, Winter Wishes, and Shades of Fear. She believes that with enough tea and dark chocolate you can achieve anything





Anne by Zarina Macha – Review by Faith Jackson

AnneAnne by Zarina Macha
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In this heartbreaking coming of age story, we follow Anne Mason’s childhood through what looks like a picture perfect lifestyle is anything but. Anne’s father is a verbally abusive and alcoholic maniac. The only thing saving young Anne is the fact that she’s home-schooled as her books and trips to the museums plus her thirst for knowledge allows her to escape.
After her mom escapes the father’s abuse, Anne is sent to live with her aunt and uncle who are very kind to her. She’s enrolled in boarding school where she is struggling to fit in. Karen, her new friend, is in with the wrong crowd who picks on Anne and her roommate, Simone.
You can’t help but to wish Anne the best in this journey of this life of hers. The tale allows her to slowly overcome her past and the traumatic upbringing she had. Anne is the kind of character deserving of a happy ending in this saga of her life. You’ll find yourself wanting and wishing her a life of love, hope and strength as she does discover. Pick up this book and it’ll keep you entertained in this page-turner.

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A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash – Review by Heather Lovelace

A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2 by Byrd Nash
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed this second book in the series and continuing to follow Brigit and Logan. Byrd Nash is a fascinating author to me and I am really enjoying this YA fantasy series. It is fun, fresh, detailed, and imaginative. It is a quick and easy read and was a very enjoyable afternoon escape. Will definitely recommend to others and looking forward to seeing how the story/series will continue.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Anne by Zarina Macha – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

AnneAnne by Zarina Macha
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Anne by Zarina Macha is a YA coming of age story that shows some of the usual issues teens face and have to come to terms with. My emotions were all over the place and once I started reading I couldn’t put it down. Anne comes from an abusive home where her father is an alcoholic and is abusive to her mother. When her mother up and disappears she is sent to live with her aunt. She ends up at boarding school and soon her past and her present collide. Can she find the hope and the strength to be able to survive? Find out what happens next in this must read. I can’t wait to read more from this Author.

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Anne by Zarina Macha – Review by Jenni Bishop

AnneAnne by Zarina Macha

Anne by Zarina Macha, is a YA coming of age story that shows the usual issues that teenagers have to face and come to terms with. Zarina writes about issues such as bullying and drugs, alcohol and suicide, sense of sexuallity and who you are, gender and many others.

Anne has to live in an abusive environment as her alcoholic father abuses her mother. When her mother up and disappears her father tells her she just walked away and sends her away to live with an Aunt which turns out to be the best for her.

Her writing style is easy to follow and easily captures the essence of being a teenager that would make this story a great read for them.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash – Review by Jonell Collins

A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2 by Byrd Nash
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash is a young adult book and it’s a real easy read. Wonderful characters that pull you right in and you feel like you know them. This is a sweet little story about magical creatures and humans living together and working together, having friendships together and solving a mystery together. It’s a Wonderful World and my time was well spent reading this book.

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Anne by Zarina Macha – Review by Bobbi Wagner

AnneAnne by Zarina Macha
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book. This is a young adult-adult coming of age that pulled me in right from the beginning. This is not my first book by this author but it is my favorite. This is a well written story that has characters that are developed and engaging. Anne comes from an abusive home growing up so when her mother leaves, she is sent to live with her aunt. She ends up at a boarding school where her past and present soon collide. Will she find the love, hope and strength to survive? This story took me on an emotional roller coaster which kept me turning pages. I loved watching Anne grow throughout the story. I highly recommend reading Anne’s story.

Review by @bjwagner
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A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash – Review by Kerry Chalmers

A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2 by Byrd Nash
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Study In Spirits Collage Fae Book 2. By Byrd Nash is a YA coming of age fantasy book.
Accused of vandalism and stealing test answers, Brigit must find the guilty party to stay at Leopold Otto University. I really enjoyed reading this book, quite lighthearted and very easy to finish. I started on book 2, so will have to go back a read number 1 now. This is the second book by Byrd Nash I have read and I think I’ve added a new favourite author to my list. Her writing is just brilliant. Thanks for another great read.

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Anne by Zarina Macha – Review by Laura Furuta

AnneAnne by Zarina Macha
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By Zarina Macha
5 out of 5 stars

The story Anne by Zarina Macha is a YA/coming of age book. It is a story that follows the life of Anne Mason. It is a book that has powerful moments and also makes you think. There are heartbreaking moments as well as times that made me wonder what I would have done given the same circumstances. Anne is a young girl whose father terrorizes her mother. She is home-schooled and knowledge is her escape. Then her world is upended when her father tells her that her mother has left them. Anne then goes to her aunt and uncle’s home. Read this book to find out more about Anne’s journey. Anne is a character that is likable and one that I could only wish for her to find happiness. While the past haunts her she goes through life by excelling in knowledge. She also has friends that she makes along that way, even falling for someone. Anne’s challenges and accomplishments shape her life. There are times when I couldn’t help but have tears in my eyes. This is an emotional story that had my emotions going up and down the entire time. There are many additional characters that are introduced and many of them are family and good friends with Anne. I enjoyed the interactions between them and Anne. This is a book I would recommend reading.

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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Netania Lim

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a young adult story that I really enjoyed. It had lots of drama and emotion, the characters were complex and imperfect, and the story was certainly believable. Although YA is not my usual thing, I did enjoy this romance and coming-of-age, the prose was lovely, and it had a lot more depth than I anticipated. I also loved the jazz throughlines, since I’m a big jazz fan, and really appreciated all the musical references.

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Anne by Zarina Macha

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Anne by Zarina Macha
A coming-of-age drama which teen and adult readers will relate to.
‘Are you okay, Mummy? Did Daddy hurt you again?’
Anne Mason’s childhood in Richmond emulates suburban bliss, with a wealthy father and a loving mother. But behind the polished windows, Anne’s father terrorizes her mother, shattering their utopian home life with beatings and beer. Home-schooled on a diet of books and museums, knowledge becomes Anne’s only saviour.
One night her dad comes home with the news that her mother has left them forever. Unable to care for his daughter, Anne is sent to live with her kindly aunt and uncle. Struggling to settle into day school, Anne enrolls in Lakeland Boarding School. She meets and falls for gentle Karen, whose friends torment Anne and her troubled roommate Simone.
Forced to confront her traumatic upbringing, Anne learns the horrors of the past and present. Will love, hope, and inner strength prevail?
‘Anne’ is a powerful and dramatic YA tale about life, family and coming-of-age in and outside of London.


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Zarina Macha is an author, blogger and musician born and raised in London, UK. She studied Songwriting and Creative Artistry at The Academy of Contemporary Music in Guildford. She regularly writes a social commentary blog titled ‘The Zarina Macha Blog.’ In her spare time, she loves reading and fan-girling over Game of Thrones.


In 2018 she began independently publishing her books through Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Every Last Psycho and Anne are her young-adult fiction novels that deal with mental illness, drug abuse, domestic violence and coming-of-age. Art is a Waste of Time and Single Broke Female are her two poetry books.


Around Midnight is her fifth self-published work. It is a young-adult drama about jazz, ambition, and a toxic relationship.

Author Interview With Zarina Macha





Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Heather Bass

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book that I have read from this author and wow she blew me away. I didn’t know what to expect when I started this book but it exceeded all my expectations. This a young adult book that made you think of your past. When I started this book I could not put it down. I fell in love with the main character right from the beginning. It only took me a few hours to devour this incredible book.

Megan Hollis loves everything about jazz. She is getting ready to go to a special college for music. Megan gets lost every time she plays her saxophone. She thinks she has everything figured out but she meets a very mysterious guy: Vince. Megan is told by her new friends that he is bad news but he is so sweet to her. She ends up getting to know Vince and she falls for him hard. Megan starts to do things that she would never do but she likes Vince so much she doesn’t want to lose him. She starts to feel like she is not herself anymore. Will she stay in a relationship that is not making her happy or will she find a new rhythm she never thought she had?

Review by @heatherbass

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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Tausha Treadway

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Around Midnight by Zarina Macha. This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I loved it. Its a young adult story but was very easy for me to get wrapped up in. Its the story of Megan Hollis a Jazz Prodigy. Her life is made complete when she picks up her Sax and music just flows thru her hands. She is happiest when she is playing and her main goal in life is to get to the Prestigious London’s School of Jazz. Everything is going great until she meets Vincent Turner a guy who has a bad rep but who has all the right moves. He knows everything to say to make Megan melt. Megan is intoxicated by him and she soon thinks he can do no wrong. But why is she feeling like she’s walking on eggshells, nervous and scared all the time. It can’t be Vincent, she’s crazy about him. Her family wants her to focus on her music but her heart says she needs to spend time with Vincent. Will her heart lead her down the path of destruction or will she let her mind rule over her heart? I loved this story.

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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Gail Guerrero

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Gail Guerrero

Four Stars

This is my first book by this author. I don’t usually read young adult but something about this story really clicked with me. Here you have this amazing gifted young woman ready to take her talent to next level. In comes this young man with that bad boy charm that no sweet girl can resist. Her world starts to shift. No longer is her dreams only about jazz but a passion she didn’t know existed. But what happens when her dreams and her wants don’t click? When everyone thinks they knows what is best? How will she learn to think for herself? When her relationship turns bad Megan truly has somethings to think through. I really liked this story even though I am much older. I found that I could understand how Megan felt when she found a desire and passion for something other than jazz. The author gives you a story with great detail and learning moments. I found myself rooting for Megan that she would do what was best for her and not what was expected. That she would learn that just because you love someone or desire to be with them doesn’t mean you have to. Especially someone toxic.

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A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash – Review by Jenni Bishop

A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2 by Byrd Nash
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2 by Byrd Nash is a YA story that is fun and full of adventure as the gang from the first book return. There is more to the worlds and magical creatures in this story that have never been seen before. Byrd’s imagination takes us on a journey where something has come from a place that few know about and they must race against time before old teachings and knowledge are gone for good and hope that they too do not get lost for good.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“The harder you love, the higher the stakes”
Around Midnight is a young-adult drama by Zarina Macha. Megan Hollis loves Jazz and playing her saxophone, she moves to London with her parents to be nearer the prestigious School of Jazz which is Megan’s dream and her goal for the future. Things are going well for Megan when she meets Vincent Turner a mysterious individual with a dangerous reputation but Megan can not ignore the chemistry between them and ultimately falls for Vincent’s charms. Her new relationship soon takes a turn for the worse and Megan is stuck in a nightmare. She also becomes stuck between doing what she wants to do and what those around her think is best for her.
This is a coming of age book with Jazz always at the heart of the story. The author has written some great strong characters and the storyline moves along swiftly and took me with it, gripped from page one. I like how the characters are realistic and that the plot line looks at normal issues that young people face as well as the darker side of Megan and Vincent’s love. Although a YA book I enjoyed it, being slightly older, and I found it had a depth to it that not all YA books have. A fascinating read which I recommend.

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A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash – Review by Madison Degraffenreid

A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2 by Byrd Nash
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash


A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash was an exciting and fun read. A new semester and new surprises. I loved all the characters of this novel. It is a great second addition to the series. I loved book one but his one has taken its place as my favorite. It has an excellent storyline with a great plot and climax. It is easy to follow and organized. The characters are creative, relatable, and have excellent development. This is an easy 5 star read.

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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Erica Fish

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Zarina Macha is a new author to me but I like her passion she puts into her story. She has a great character development and story line. While reading, I found myself back in high school when music was my release from my pain. Megan Hollis has music within her soul. Jazz is her muse. She went to London to study at the prestigious School of Jazz. She was focused on music until she met Vincent. Vincent made Megan think about other things than her Jazz music. He is mysterious and dangerous for Megan. Will Megan be able to do what she thinks is best for her? Can she distinguish what she wants? Will Vincent be a suitable partner or will he bring her down into trouble? I highly recommend reading this book to find out the answers to this and much more.

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A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash – Review by Bobbi Wagner

A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2 by Byrd Nash
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this young adult story. This is an author I have enjoyed from the first book I picked up. She writes with creativity and her details make the story feel realistic. This book is no different, page turning fast reading. This story is about mystery, making new friends and magic. Brigit has been accused of stealing and vandalism. In order for her to stay at the University she must find the person who is behind it. Will she find who did it with the help of Logan and the new girl who seems to know the guilty? These are great characters that are supportive of each other. They are connectable and made the story engaging. I highly recommend reading this book to find out who is really behind the crimes.

Review by @bjwagner
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A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash – Review by Laura Furuta

A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2A Study in Spirits: A College Fae magic series #2 by Byrd Nash
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2)
By Byrd Nash
5 out of 5 stars

The story A Study in Spirits A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash is a coming of age/fantasy book. It is a story that will pull you in from the beginning and I found myself not wanting to put it down. It is the second in a series and I loved the magical creatures and other characters that are introduced. The author did an amazing job in building a world where humans, fae, and others all live and in this book work together. I loved reading the characters of Brigit and Logan. Brigit finds that she must defend herself against accusations that could get her thrown out of the university. She now must discover who or what is destroying books in the campus library. Along with Logan, Emma, and others, she sets about finding the guilty party. Will they find out the truth about who is behind the destruction at the library? Read this book to find out. This story flows smoothly and I found myself feeling like I was right there with the characters. I found myself lost in the pages and when I read the last chapter wishing that it was a little longer. I would recommend reading this book.

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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Kerry Carr

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a good YA story. It follows Megan as she is relocated to London with her parents.

Her life is all planned out. With her talent and love for jazz she is going to go to a university in London to study and nothing will get in her way.

Until she meets Vince at a party. Vince is going to a college for boys who don’t play by the rules. And despite all her friends warning about his character she falls for him.

Soon Megan’s life in upside down as Vince’s true personality shows itself to be manipulative and nasty. Soon she is forced to choose between her music/future career or the love of a not so good guy.

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A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Study in Spirits (College Fae book #2) by Byrd Nash
To pay her Fairy Debt to a Doppleganger, Brigit is told to spy on her fellow college classmates. But no one tells Brigit what to do.
When truth is the only way to win, she and Logan will take on a vain Fae chancellor, a hard-headed librarian, talkative ghosts, and a shape-shifting creature from Outside.
If the administration can’t protect the books, this dryad and her friends will.
Returning with Brigit and Logan, is a new student: a girl nerd and her dwarf flying squirrel, who happens to love revealing secrets.
A YA FANTASY Coming-of-Age series described as: “fast paced and entertaining,” “new and fresh,” with “creative and clever world-building.”


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After gaining her B.A. degree in journalism in the year of the oil bust and 21% unemployment, Byrd scraped what some people called a living (she called it working starvation) employed as a reporter for a bunch of newspapers you never heard of in rinky-dink small towns.

Working the cop and school beat, she enjoyed the excitement of being underpaid by the sexist owners of newspapers while having her life threatened by a vagrant.

After her life wandered about, working as a museum director, horseback riding instructor, and kid’s party planner, she decided enough was enough.

Always writing, the many stories in her head are now given permission to fly free.






Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Karyn Taylor

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Around Midnight is a great young adult drama by Zarina Macha. This is the first time that I have read anything by this author and young adult is a relatively new genre for me but I have to say that I did really enjoy this book.
Megan Hollis is a 17 year old sixth form student with a great future ahead of her. She’s a fantastic musician and has always to go to the London School of Jazz when finished her A-levels. Her parents have moved to London so that she can be nearer the university.
Now that she’s in London, away from her best friend and struggling with life, she meets Vincent Turner. According to her new friends he’s bad news and she should definitely keep away from him. Undeterred Megan starts a relationship with Vincent. But does he make her happy?
This book takes a close look at the turmoil going through Megan’s head. She’s always loved jazz and wanted to go to the London School of Jazz but now she’s just not sure that’s what she wants. She loves Vince but he doesn’t always treat her how she’d like to be treated so should she stay with him?
Zarina Macha does a great job at showing the turmoil Megan is going through. It shows just how easily she is led astray by Vince into doing things she wouldn’t normally do. The book was very easy to read and the story flowed at a fast pace keeping you engaged and wanting to know what was going to happen next.
A great young adult novel.

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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Rachel Moss

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Around Midnight by Zarina Macha was a really good YA novel. YA fiction is my favorite genre, so I was very eager to read this one. This is the first novel I’ve had the pleasure of reading from Macha, and I highly enjoyed it! Megan (the main character) is very relatable, on her quest of having love and keeping it, and trying to figure out what she wants do as far as her future goes. It’s a very relatable novel itself, with mostly enjoyable characters and it was hard to stop reading it. I absolutely loved all the nerdy and pop culture references! It made the novel even more immensely enjoyable in my opinion! I highly recommend this novel and can’t wait to read more from Zarina Macha!

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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Jenni Bishop

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Around Midnight by Zarina Macha, is a YA romance story that shows the raw feelings of first time love and the uncaring side of a boy who thinks nothing but himself. It is full of angst and betrayal, love and hurt, confusion and loss. It is a quick read but complex read that packs all the emotions for young love. It is easy to forget how wounding a fist love can sometimes be. I found myself loving Vince and Megan but that soon turned to hate for a boy who is toxic and manipulated and pressured and shown he was a nasty, nasty piece of work and for Zarina to inflect those sorts of emotions to the reader means she did a good job at writing him and the story.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Around Midnight by Zarina Macha – Review by Heather Lovelace

Around MidnightAround Midnight by Zarina Macha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The words flowed like music right off the page. My artist’s soul recognized the artistic heart behind this story immediately. There is a certain cadence to this story that somehow reaches deeply and resonates loudly. I thoroughly enjoyed my first encounter with Macha and hope to read more from this author. Excellent book!

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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