
War in Sorcery’s Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 3) by Elise Carlson – Review by Brandy Rymer

War in Sorcery's Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy #3)War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The final book in the Ruarnon Trilogy series was a great read, the last book that did not disappoint. It was full of action, magic, and all-out intrigue. This is a great series to read if you like a good fantasy series, that will have you guessing what is coming next throughout the whole series. The characters are well-rounded and have been developed with expert writing by the author. I love that we follow the character’s storylines throughout the series, as you create a close connection with them as you read the story. I recommend this series to anyone looking for a young adult, fantasy book, keeping in mind that it does have some content that may be for more mature audiences. I could not put this book down once I got started and was so excited to read this final book, as I’ve been anxiously awaiting its release date.
@Brandy Rymer

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Kristan Anderson

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just Ducky by CA King is a part of the Weird Shifters series. I must admit I truly chose the book because I couldn’t stop laughing at the title and was curious if the shifters were… well ducks obviously! I have enjoyed other books by C.A. King so I was sure that even if it were odd, I’d likely not be disappointed. And while I don’t want to spoil any of the story, I will say I was definitely not disappointed. The story was an easy read with real charm and adventure. With a war between humans and supernatural becoming increasingly likely, the MCs find themselves in a very odd place. I’d definitely suggest giving this story a chance. Especially if you particularly like this author and paranormal. It was enjoyable to have a story that wasn’t just vampires and werewolves.

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War in Sorcery’s Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 3) by Elise Carlson – Review by Laura Jones

War in Sorcery’s Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 3) by Elise Carlson – Review by Shannen Kern

War in Sorcery's Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy #3)War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is such a bittersweet end for me because I have truly enjoyed every bit of this trilogy. I have gotten to enjoy one book per year and really soak it in. The amount of detail in each book is absolutely extraordinary and I feel like not a lot of authors pull it off well. Elise Carlson is definitely the exception to the rule. They have the ability to expertly craft a story with the most well-developed characters and plotline that I’ve come across yet. The trilogy will take you a bit to work through, but never once did it feel too heavy or pointlessly overloaded. I did find myself taking breaks every so often to really let the experience sink in before I continued onward. I adore the inclusivity throughout the trilogy with non-binary characters as well. It made my heart soar! I would not attempt to read this book without the first two because it is detrimental to the storyline and experience altogether. These are aimed for a younger crowd than I, but it still knocked me off my feet. I highly recommend this entire trilogy!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Julie Johnson

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in a series but can be read as a standalone easily. This little novella will not disappoint!

Corisande (what a beautiful name!) is a siren who is trying to learn how to control her song at the Magwich Academy. For someone who LOVES to sing, this is not an easy feat for her. One day, things get out of control and she causes a neighboring school’s student to crash his boat. Rage and fury are unleashed and Corisande sinks further into guilt and a low self-worth.

A great read that you won’t put down until you finish!

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Julie Johnson

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A great little novella featuring muses, something that isn’t written about much in the paranormal world, at least from what I’ve found.

Bianca is attending the Brightling Academy for Muses to learn how to fine-tune her powers. One day she returns to find a boy at the school. Because Bianca is struggling in her “Poise and Charm” class, her instructor assigns her the duty of showing Sebastian around the school. Mystery, drama, action, and a clean romance makes this book a very enjoyable read.

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Shannen Kern

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I thought I would have a lesser experience due to my mistake of reading this book second, but I actually thought it was incredible that way! This author has quickly made her way to the top of my watch list because the way she writes is captivating. It only took a few pages for me to lose track of time and dive into the magical world right alongside our Muse, Bianca. I found the length of the story to be sublime as the author did an amazing job crafting a marvelous storyline as well as developing the characters to perfection. Just like A Song of Salt and Secrets, this includes a unique take on folklore that I hadn’t experienced anywhere else. I’ve already started searching out other books by this author because I cannot sing her praises enough. This was an incredible YA/Paranormal read, and I highly recommend picking it up and diving straight in!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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War in Sorcery’s Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 3) by Elise Carlson – Review by Jennifer Reimer

War in Sorcery's Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy #3)War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ruarnon is in a race against time trying to battle the evil that wants to destroy them. But can Ruarnon and Linh save everyone, the stacks are high in this conclusion to this series, and they are facing some major challenges that will challenge them like never before.
It is an all-inclusive YA fantasy filled of sorcery, suspense, magic, adventure, action, drama, secrets, lies, guardians, myths and prophecies. I recommend reading the first two books in this series as they lead up to this book which picks up where the second one left off. This book had me from the beginning and had me hooked, it’s a page turner for sure.

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Jennifer Reimer

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This YA fantasy book was amazing and very incredible to read. This was filled with so many twists and turns I didn’t know if it was going to twist or turn, which is what kept me reading till the end. It had a whole lot of drama, love, danger, uncertainty, adventure and so much more. When I boy comes to an almost all girls school it really causes a stir. Bianca is then assigned to help him get settled in, and well one thing turns to another, and they become good friends. But then a big issue starts to happen so will Sebastian come to help Biance and save the well of imagination. But will he really do it or is there something else going on. The character in this book is so well-written, that I also felt like I was watching it. The story was well paced and kept in a straight line but also grabbed me and kept me reading. This was a very incredible read, highly recommend.

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Jennifer Reimer

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was an incredible read, I really liked the element to this book on the way that a siren is written. Usually, its about them sending sailors to ship wrack but this one took a different turn. Instead as Corisande sings and almost gets a young man shipwrecked. But instead, they rescue him. They both realize that they like each other but it seems to anger some higher up people. This was a very short and captivating read. The supernatural element and the way it was weaved together made this a very ae turning read. This book can also be read alone. Highly recommend.

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Shannen Kern

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the first book I’d picked up by this author, so I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into. The cover definitely caught my eye instantly, and once I read the summary, I knew I had to pick it up. I’m a big fan of the YA and Paranormal genre which made this book a perfect fit for me. I felt like this was a unique take on Siren folklore and our main character, Corisande, going to Magwitch Academy in order to learn how to control her powers. Noah, a sailor, ends up on the other end of Corisande’s powers, but they end up bonding. I love that this is only part of the series because the author has me hooked with just this installment. This book can also be read as a standalone so no worries if you read this one first like I did. I can’t wait to pick up the other one and see what adventures await! If you love paranormal books, this one is for you.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Francis O’Sullivan

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin

A Song of Salt and Secrets is a standalone novella in the Mythic Academy Collection. I have previously enjoyed the Crimson Sash series by the same author. I love fantasy stories with music in them so expected to enjoy this book and it didn’t disappoint! It tells the story of a young Siren, Corisande, who is learning to control her powers and find a way to balance her need to sing and desire to keep people safe.

This is an enjoyable story that packs plenty of loveable characters (and some less so!) as well as intrigue and mythological background into a short read. It’s a page-turner with lots of details that flesh out the world that Corisande and her friends inhabit.

I love how the musical elements of this story are written, with the Siren’s desperate need to sing and the practical steps they take to control and fulfill this need, as well as the descriptions of how it feels when they do sing. This is fantastic!

A Song of Salt and Secrets gets five stars from me! I’d recommend it to fans of teen/YA fantasy who are interested in stories about music.

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Santana Hicks

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Corisande is a monster in her eyes. A siren without complete control. One day while singing her song at sea, she didn’t notice a boat until it was too late. The sailor had heard her song and was now heading towards the rock to his doom. Feeling guilty, Corisande rushed to help the sailor only to find out he was a handsome boy her own age named Noah. She did all she could and called for help.

Corisande tried to get Noah out of her mind but she couldn’t. She wanted to make sure he lived. She travelled to the hospital. Noah remembered her and the song. There was a rumour that if someone lives through the Siren’s song, the siren would die instead. She knows she should move on with her life but she just can’t seem to say goodbye. It’s hard to tell if feelings are genuine or if this is the curse at play. Once Noah finds out what Corisande really is, that will put her whole school in jeopardy. Plus who would love a monster who tried to kill you?

This was a cute stand alone novella geared towards young adults. A slow budding but forbidden romance between an unlikely duo.

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Jamie Truex

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A young siren trying to control her song, accidentally almost kills a boy. But her and her friend rush to save him. Now she can’t stop thinking about him. This is the second book in the Mystic Academy series by Amanda Marin. You can read this on its own. No need to read in order. Very good story and perfect for a high-school girl.

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War in Sorcery’s Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 3) by Elise Carlson – Review by Amanda Swindle

War in Sorcery's Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy #3)War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

War in Sorcery’s Shadow is the third and final book of the Ruarnon Trilogy, and this was the first I read in the series. It CAN be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend reading the previous books beforehand as it does help with story development. This book is a LGBTQ+ YA fantasy with all of the aspects you would expect: magic, dragons, secrets, adventure, and drama. I REALLY liked that you are introduced to everyone’s pronouns and relationships in the opening of the book, so you can flip back to it as a reference if ever needed. My favorite part of this book, other than the really well written style, was the relationship between Linh and Ruarnon, who may not be as different as they think. The story itself is fast paced, and keeps you drawn in, making you root for the characters and how they develop and interact over time. While I do not typically read YA, I would recommend this to anyone that loves a magical realm with mysterious aspects. Also, unrelated to the content of the book, the artwork on the cover is eye catching and stunning! Overall, very well done book.

Review by @zoltrixes

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War in Sorcery’s Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 3) by Elise Carlson – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

War in Sorcery's Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy #3)War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟

War in Sorcery’s Shadow is Book 3 in the Ruarnon Trilogy and this YA Fantasy is enjoyable. I recommend reading this series in order from the beginning to know the characters and the story continues building up to the end. Murder, intrigue, secrets, myths, action with LGBTQ+ I recommend this series.

Time is ticking…War is eminent….Linh and Ruarnon are trying to defeat evil before it is to late and trying to piece and figure out the lies versus the truth. When the truth is discovered, Linh and Ruarnon try to bring word to everyone before it is to late….but will Linh and Ruarnon be able to save the people or will the victory belong to Nartzeer….Definitely read and find out.

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Santana Hicks

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bianca Harper is a legacy at Brightling Academy due to her family lineage. Being a muse, there is a certain standard to follow. When she finds out she is flunking Poise and Charm class and close to not graduating, she is willing to do anything to pass. The Headmistress tells Bianca that if she takes the new student, Sebastian, under her wing, it would count as extra credit.

Sebastian is the only male in the entire school. He is loving the attention he is getting from all the girls. Bianca is immediately annoyed and thinks he is a jerk.

When bad things start happening around the town, mostly targeting the arts that the muses are trained to protect, Bianca and Sebastian team up to figure out who and why would someone do this. Bianca’s best friend is suspicious of Sebastian. All of the trouble started when he first arrived at the school but Bianca is getting blinded by her potential feelings for him. There is an unfulfilled prophecy of the destruction of the ‘Well of Imagination’. All signs point to someone trying to speed up that prophecy. It’s up to Bianca to stop the prophecy from happening while also trying to keep up with her classes.

This was a fast paced filled with action. The premise of a school full of muses was unique and I really enjoyed that aspect. Bianca is a take action now, deal with consequences later kind of girl but she was also calm and caring. I could see myself befriending her if I went to her school.

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War in Sorcery’s Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 3) by Elise Carlson – Review by Kerry Carr

War in Sorcery's Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy #3)War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 3rd book in the Raurnon Trilogy. As this is part of a trilogy I do highly recommend reading them in order and from the beginning.
This was was an amazing series fill of magical fantasy adventures, with a underlying story of good Vs evil.
This is the final battle as Raurnon and his friends try to bring truth to the people who were lied to. It is another race against time to save the world from the mad man who wants to get rid of them all.

This story is is full of magic, murder, mystery as well as secrets and truths coming to light. The characters are really diverse and unique which is refreshing, however they need to join together and learn how to work together if they have any hope of defeating the evil against them.

This series was a real page turner which I loved and couldn’t put down. You won’t regret picking up this series if you want a story you can lose yourself in. Prepare to be transported to a magical world where good Vs evil and you are kept guessing who will win

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War in Sorcery’s Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 3) by Elise Carlson – Review by Rose McCaskey

War in Sorcery's Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy #3)War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book has just about everything you would want in a fantasy book. It has magic, adventure, dragons, and so much more. I liked this book because it was a great ride. I haven’t read the first two books but will check them out now after this book. Some of the names were a bit hard to pronounce but that is always easy to fix with a quick Google search.

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Lisa Helmick

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story thrilled me! It has action, suspense and young romance. I liked the subject matter since I have not read much about them. We actually get to see/hear and feel their thoughts and emotions pertaining to “singing and the sea”. Corisande is ever curious about herself, the curse and normal people. She is good at heart even though she carries the curse. I did not read book 1 in the series and had no problem following along. So can easily be read as a stand along.

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War in Sorcery’s Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 3) by Elise Carlson – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

War in Sorcery's Shadow (Ruarnon Trilogy #3)War in Sorcery’s Shadow by Elise Carlson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

War in Sorcery’s Shadow is the Third and Final Book in the Ruarnon Trilogy. It is an all-inclusive YA fantasy with LGBTQ and non-binary characters. The story is full of sorcery, magic, adventure, action, drama, secrets, lies, guardians, myths and prophecies. I recommend reading the first two books in this series as they lead up to this book which picks up where the second one left off. The stakes are high in the conclusion to this epic series and the characters are faced with some major challenges that will challenge them in ways like never before. Ruarnon and their friends are in a race against time as they try to get to those that have been lied to while trying to battle the evil intent on destroying them. It is up to Ruarnon and Linh to get to these people and save them before they destroy one another. Tensions are high and the chaos threatens to destroy everything in its path. This was a great series with well written characters and vividly written scenes that fully immerse you into the story alongside the characters. I highly recommend this fantasy series that will appeal to readers of all ages.

View all my reviews@tarab

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Carrie Reed

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I could really use more of Ducky and Kobreon. I could tell he had a feeling about Ducky after all the time he spent with her in her Duck form. His mom Trisha, she’s a sneaky one, she seemed to want to hook them up once everything died down with the human kingdom. This book has a super interesting story and cast of characters, I hope so see more from these characters in the future. This world they live in, and the supernatural that exist are odd, but they work and I am really into it.

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Melissa Saxton

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Corisande is a Siren who’s been home schooled her entire life finds herself at Magwitch academy specific for Sirens to learn to control their song and keep the secrets of the sirens. She didn’t want to come here in the first place after only knowing her mom as a teacher but she knows as a young Siren she’s dangerous and needs to hone her powers, and control her song so she stays despite her reluctantance.
Corisande and her roommate/new BFF Sera follow all the academy rules to the letter whenever they head out of the academy walls. One day they head to the ocean cliffs to practice their song. Corisande has checked everywhere and the coast is clear so she’s horrified when she starts singing that a small sailboat appears on the horizon and is heading for a very rocky shore. Corisande cuts off her song but it’s too late and the boat heads to the rocky shore and crashes.
Horrified Corisande and Sera rush down the rocks to safe this poor soul from certain death. While freeing him he mumbles the Siren song he heard Corisande sing shocking her into silence.
Once they free him they rush back to their car and get back to the school before they are discovered as ems arrives, but before she leaves Corisande finds his wallet and his name Noah and she immediately can’t get him off her mind and finds herself googling him for more information, turns out he attends a human prep school nearby.
From there the story that unfolds is a beautiful ya Paranormal Romance story with Corisande feeling a pull to Noah she doesn’t understand and the same happening for Noah. I don’t want to say much more as this is a wonderfully done set up for more stories and anything else would give it all away.
Extremely well done ya romance 👏

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Corisande is a Siren who’s been home schooled her entire life finds herself at Magwitch academy specific for Sirens to learn to control their song and keep the secrets of the sirens. She didn’t want to come here in the first place after only knowing her mom as a teacher but she knows as a young Siren she’s dangerous and needs to hone her powers, and control her song so she stays despite her reluctantance.
Corisande and her roommate/new BFF Sera follow all the academy rules to the letter whenever they head out of the academy walls. One day they head to the ocean cliffs to practice their song. Corisande has checked everywhere and the coast is clear so she’s horrified when she starts singing that a small sailboat appears on the horizon and is heading for a very rocky shore. Corisande cuts off her song but it’s too late and the boat heads to the rocky shore and crashes.
Horrified Corisande and Sera rush down the rocks to safe this poor soul from certain death. While freeing him he mumbles the Siren song he heard Corisande sing shocking her into silence.
Once they free him they rush back to their car and get back to the school before they are discovered as ems arrives, but before she leaves Corisande finds his wallet and his name Noah and she immediately can’t get him off her mind and finds herself googling him for more information, turns out he attends a human prep school nearby.
From there the story that unfolds is a beautiful ya Paranormal budding romance story with Corisande feeling a pull to Noah she doesn’t understand and the same happening for Noah. I don’t want to say much more as this is a wonderfully done set up for more stories and anything else would give it all away. Definitely ok for multiple audiences minimal adult themes.
Extremely well done ya paranormal story.👏

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Lucinda Morton-Phillips

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

“A Song of Salt & Secrets” is the second novella in the Mythic Academy collection. However, it is a standalone story that follows the journey of Corisande, a siren who attends the Magwitch Academy with other sirens to learn how to control their singing urge, which can harm people. One day, when she thought nobody was around, Corisande causes a young sailor named Noah to wreck his ship. Filled with guilt, she saves Noah’s life but angers an ancient goddess in the process. As she struggles to deal with her growing feelings for Noah while keeping her true identity a secret, Corisande must also confront a vengeful goddess who will stop at nothing to seek revenge.

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Jenni Bishop

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
Don’t let the cover fool you. This paranormal fantasyish tale is original and intriguing. It has a Cinderella feel with a twist to it. C.A. is known for writing a variety of genres and why enjoy them. You never know what you are going to get. I have said it before and am saying it again C.A. King never fails to deliver great works for her readers. She is one of my favourite authors. I love her unique and eclectic writing skills and the array of unusual worlds and characters that she creates.
Ever wonder where the name Vampire came from? There is a definite line between humans and paranormals if only they could get along. A treaty is to be signed but will it be upheld? She has always been looked down on as lesser than the fiercest, the bravest and the strongest yet she may just win his heart.
This imaginative and creative short story is one not to be missed for paranormal lovers.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Shelby Wilson

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just Ducky kept me interested from start to finish! It was a nice change from the typical shifter and vampire story. It kept me guessing and wanting to read more with each chapter. The ending was unexpected and I loved it! It’s the kind of book that makes you sad that you’ve finished it. I will definitely be reading more in this series.

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The School of Nine (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Callie Luna

The School of Nine (The Mythic Academy Collection, #1)The School of Nine by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The School of Nine was a perfect Novella for any YA reader. Bianca is a Muse in training that is attending Brightling Academy. She trips in Poise class one day to be met with Sebastian, the first male to attend the academy in decades, since Muses are typically female. Once Bianca and Sebastian realize that the signs are appearing signaling the end of the Muses power, they must do everything they to find a way to stop it from happening. I loved the premise of the story with a school full of muses to bring inspiration to ordinary human artists. They bring good things into the world and make the world a better place. The love interest is wholesome. Amanda Marin does an amazing job giving significant detail to the world even with a short number of pages. I look forward to reading A Song of Salt and Secrets next.

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Callie Luna

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Song of Salt and Secrets is the second Novella in The Mythic Academy Collection. This book takes place in the same world as The School of Nine. The main character this time is Corisande who is a Siren studying at Magwitch Academy, a boarding school by the sea. Sirens are cured with a song of salt that lures unexpected sailors to their deaths. Corisande accidentally sings to Noah causing him to crash on the shore, he is injured but alive. What will happen to Corisande and Noah now that he has heard the sirens song? The world building and character development is fantastic considering that it is a novella. The details within the book are enough to hook you in. It is a nice twist on myths about the supernatural. The romance is clean. Overall, the book is a fun and short read.

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Just Ducky (Weird Shifters Series) by C.A. King – Review by Mandy Ott

Just Ducky (Weird Shifters)Just Ducky by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I first read the synopsis for Just Ducky, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But, C. A. King is an author that I won’t hesitate to read so I dove right in. What an unexpected, well-written, original, shifter romance. There is drama, adventure, and a bit of motherly intuition and meddling. Ducky (aptly named due to her fuzzy, two-legged, web-footed alter ego) finds herself in the midst of conflict between humans and shifters. This is where she meets Lord Kobreon and his mother, Trishia. C. A. King’s characters are so interesting, entertaining, and unique! The world building in this book is great. I could see the opulence of the human kingdom, feel the greed of the human general, and the connection between Ducky and Kobreon. Overall, a quick, entertaining read that I would recommend for anyone who enjoys a touch of the peculiar.

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A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection) by Amanda Marin – Review by Juls Dick

A Song of Salt and Secrets (Mythic Academy Collection)A Song of Salt and Secrets by Amanda Marin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Song of Salt and Secrets is part of the Mythic Academy series by Amanda Marin, this is an enjoyable short read that looks at a part of the supernatural community that I don’t think I have ever read about before, sirens. The story follows Corisande, who is a senior at the mysterious Magwich Academy, a school designed to keep sirens safe from the human world. Unfortunately, even though she tried her best not to, Corisande unexpectedly allows a human to hear her siren song and although she saves him, it may not be enough to save herself. I liked this book, I read it all in one sitting and it kept me engaged throughout. I wish there was a bit more character development though as I feel that you didn’t get to really get to know them properly. I did like that it was a new take on a supernatural story and would read more in this series.

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