Perilous Confessions (The Possession Chronicles) By Carrie Dalby – Review by Laura Furuta

Perilous Confessions (The Possession Chronicles Book 1)Perilous Confessions by Carrie Dalby
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Perilous Confessions (The Possession Chronicles Book 1)
By: Carrie Dalby
5 out of 5 stars

The story Perilous Confessions (The Possession Chronicles Book 1) by Carrie Dalby is a historical fiction romance book. It is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and I found myself lost in the pages. I enjoyed reading about the character of Lucy Easton. Lucy is a young woman who is driven to become a writer. She is beautiful, intelligent, and strong. She also has found herself deeply attracted to Alexander Melling. Alexander is a young lawyer who has deep feelings for Lucy. She takes his breath away. He is also someone who has a past. The feelings between these two are strong and I could feel the passion/desire that they felt for one another. There is flirting and bantering that goes back and forth between them. Will Alexander’s past be the undoing of their relationship? What does the future hold for Lucy and Alexander? Read this book to find out. I found myself getting caught up in the romance and life that Lucy lives. Lucy is a character that I grew to care about with each chapter that I read. From the highs to the lows, my emotions went up and down the entire time I was reading this story. There are other characters that you are introduced to and I enjoyed reading about the part that they play in the story. The story has both romantic and emotional dialogue. It is a story that I would recommend reading.

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