Perfectly Played by Holly Kerr – Review by Katie Matthews

Perfectly PlayedPerfectly Played by Holly Kerr
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I really enjoyed this story! I thought that it was a well written and easy to read story that kept my attention from beginning to end. I liked that the author told the story in the 1st person and used multiple points of view – I always find that makes me feel much more engaged with the characters and it helps to know what they are both thinking at times!
The characters Flora and Dean were both lovely characters and it they were really refreshing to read about. They had a great chemistry and it seemed really genuine. There was a quite a bit of drama between the two of them and a lot of miscommunication but I enjoyed that about the story, I found myself invested in their story and I was definitely rooting for them the whole way through!
Overall a good read that I would highly recommend!


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