Hero High: Figure In The Flames by Mina Chara – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Figure in the Flames (Hero High, #1-3)Figure in the Flames by Mina Chara
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Figure in the Flames is a collection of books 1-3 in the Hero High Series by Mina Chara. I love that she made it into a boxset, because the books are cliffhangers, and I believe, should be all 1 book. Its 3 parts to the same story. I highly recommend this series, I’ve really enjoyed it. This is the first time reading this author, but I look forward to more. When I first started the series, I thought it was going to be cheesy because of the names of the city and characters. They were not very original, using names like Super Structure, Hero High, and Captain Fantastic. Despite that, I am glad I stuck out the story because I ended up loving it. The writing style is very descriptive and you feel like you’re right there alongside the characters. It seems like The Incredibles meets XMen.
The series starts out with Denial, which follows 17 year old Friday, who has super powers. She is shipped off to Hero High, which is a school for those with powers, but doubles as a reality show. They are followed by cameras, and merchandise is made to look like them and sold in the malls. These super kids are assigned a team and a mentor, have their wardrobes picked for them, the whole nine yards. They are constantly being filmed,dressed up for photo shoots and whisked off to PR events. Friday is trying to stay in the shadows, but keeps finding herself in the spotlight.
The next book is Anger, and it picks up right where Denial left off. This book is very short, and I read it in 1 night. This story continues telling us of Friday’s life at Hero High. There isn’t a lot I can tell you without possible spoiler alerts. Friday comes in contact with the new Dr. Dangerous again, and things escalate quickly. She is still looking up to her mentor Sense. And the weird love/hate relationship between Friday and Ashley continues.
Bargaining is book 3 was my favorite of the three. There is so much going on in this book! So many shocks and surprises, action packed. Friday wanted to stay in the background, but since day 1 has been up front and center. She feels like everything is going wrong. She keeps fighting with her best friend, and handler, Jake. Dr Dangerous, a superhero who is supposed to be dead, seems to have resurfaced (or a copycat) and has a fixation on her. And there is a man in flames that keeps showing up and causing trouble. There are so many shockers in this story, I don’t want to give anything away. I highly recommend and cannot wait to see what happens next.

View all my reviews

Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

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