Just the Way You Are by Allison M. Boot – Review by Kerry Carr

Just the Way You AreJust the Way You Are by Allison M Boot
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an amazing fairytale story with a difference. The difference is the princess has a disability. It is amazing written and is a story which puts the message across that no disability should stop you following your dreams.

Misty is a princess, she longs to see the world and meet her prince charming like every other princess. However, her parents keep her locked up for her own protection because she has a disability.
Misty is tired of being stuck in so she leaves and after striking a deal she goes to meet her prince charming.

Derrick is prince of the neighbouring region. He meets Misty and falls in love with her. Even when he finds out about her disability he still loves her and wants to be with her. The only problem is their parents have been enemies for years.

Can this couple’s love overcome all the anger and bring their parents together? Can they actually become a happy family?

View all my reviews

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