Phoenix Team One: Selected (Mythical Alliance: Phoenix Team Book 1) by Claire Luana – Review by Kerry Carr

Phoenix Team One: Selected (Mythical Alliance: Phoenix Team Book 1)Phoenix Team One: Selected by Claire Luana
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an amazing paranormal adventure that had me hooked from the 1st page. And i cant wait for the next one to find out what happens

Zariya is anything but a normal human but she lived a pretty normal life training to become a doctor. Until her father was killed in an accident.

However Zariya isnt convinced it is an accident and sets out to uncover the truth about what happend to her father.

What she doesn’t expect is to find out her dad was living a double life and everyone she thought she knew and could trust, she can’t.

After finding this out she has a choice to make. Embrace the life her dad had which is now her path or turn away from everything.

View all my reviews

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