Hero High: Heartbreak Rebellion (Hero High Collections Book 2) by Mina Chara – Review by Tracy Manderson

Heartbreak Rebellion (Hero High, #4)Heartbreak Rebellion by Mina Chara
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Heartbreak Rebellion(Hero High #4)by Mina Chara

5 out of 5 stars

This is the fourth book on the Hero High series written by Ms. Chara. The characters are awesome especially Friday Fitzsimmons she is one hell of a girl with a good head on her shoulders.

Friday Fitzsimmons story and is set in the near future world of Icon City, a place filled with powered one-percenters, She finally joined the gold team, the producers even like her now, but it feels like she has abandoned everything that makes a good hero, in order to be a good hero.

As crime and corruption multiply in Icon City now she needs to make some tuff decisions with celebrity stardom is right there within her grasp, but is the price she will pay too high? With the producers mapping out every aspect of her life but with each new step she will discover the truth behind hero tv.

This is a great book/ series.


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