Her Blackened Heart (The Blackened Series Book 2) by Isra Sravenheart – Review by Candida Hopper

Her Blackened HeartHer Blackened Heart by Isra Sravenheart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Her Blackened Heart (Blackened Series Book 2)
by Isra Sravenheart

This is a story full of magic, fantasy, good, evil, witches, and other intriguing characters. This is the second book in this series and it is my suggestion that you read these books in order. This book pulled me in from the start and kept me entertained throughout. I had a hard time putting down this book once I started reading it, there seemed to be something happening in the story every time I turned around. The author did a great job writing an original story that takes into a magical world and leaves you wanting more. I recommend this book and can’t wait to see what’s next.

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