Grumbler’s Ride (Satan’s Devils MC San Diego #2) by Manda Mellett – Review by Karyn Taylor

Grumbler's Ride (Satan's Devils MC San Diego #2)Grumbler’s Ride by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Grumbler’s Ride is the 2nd book in the Satan’s Devils MC San Diego Chapter. I first started reading Manda Mellett’s work with the original Satan’s Devils MC chapter and have been a huge fan of her Satan’s Devils MC books ever since. It totally amazes me how she can come up with new and amazing stories each time.
In this book we have the story of Grumbler and Mary. One thing I loved so much about this book is that Grumbler is in his 50’s and Mary is 47. On my next birthday I hit the dreaded 50 and I love that Manda Mellett has chosen to write a romance for the older character. It makes such a change from the usual 20 and early 30 somethings that we get in most romance novels. I loved that we get characters who no longer have perfect bodies and can still be sexy. It gives hope for us oldies who have far from perfect bodies.
I think I say this in every review I write for Manda Mellett’s books but I love that in addition to the romance there is always a fantastic storyline running through the book that has the reader hooked just as much as the romance and this book is no different. The storyline running through this book is quite dark at times and can make for difficult reading but Manda Mellett does an amazing jobs as always for making it such compelling reading. I was totally hooked and did not want to put this book down.
I absolutely adore the men (and women) of the Satan’s Devils and can’t wait to see what Manda Mellett has in store to delight us with next. I will definitely be reading it.

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