Life’s a Witch (New Orleans Nocturnes Book 3) by Carrie Pulkinen – Review by Sara Shalovelo

Life's a Witch (New Orleans Nocturnes, #3)Life’s a Witch by Carrie Pulkinen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Life’s a witch, what a perfect title to grab your attention.
Well, Carrie Pulkinen has, yet again, out done herself. She has, again, created another soul grabbing masterpiece.
Honestly, the amount of creativity and feels Carrie puts into her stories and characters leaves me completely speechless. It is more than just words on a page but a sense of realness and perfectly done story telling. This story had me on the edge of my seat, burying my face into my hands while I laughed and fanning myself.
But seriously – it yanks you in with a ride or die friendship, recovering demons that go to AA meetings, a ‘kind of’ witch that is more than just what she can or can not cast, a spontaneous lust turned into love… what more could you ask for?
You will not regret diving into this gem. My only warning is this story will grab you and hold you captive until the very last page.


Sara Shalovelo

December 5th, 2020

View all my reviews

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