Unwrapped by Evelyn Sola – Review by Shannon Fowler

UnwrappedUnwrapped by Evelyn Sola
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Unwrapped is a sexy “almost forbidden” love story. Nick and Miranda are proof that you can’t help who you love. Attraction is important for any relationship and Nick and Miranda have it in abundance. At first, they both believe their attraction will be a one night stand kind of thing. But almost right away they realize that their attraction is so much more.

This is my first story by author Evelyn Sola and I enjoyed her story telling ability. The tension she created between the lovers and their beliefs helps to create the “almost forbidden” love affair. This story is a quick read with a couple of taboo situations, the biggest one is closed minded thinking.

Good story for adults over 18. Interested in seeing what else Sola writes.

View all my reviews

Reviewed by @shannonlovesbooks

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