Best Of My Love (Love in Emerald Creek) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Dani Dando

Best of my LoveBest of my Love by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dre has determined never to return to Emerald Creek and all its shitty memories, but circumstances conspire against her and she is forced to confront both her past and the only man that she ever let herself truly love, who broke her heart. Though she knows that she should keep her distance, everything about the place is still as magical as she remembered, and even though she knows better she can’t resist the pull to Erick that is still as strong as ever. Got to say that Dre is, in one word, a hedgehog. She comes across as so prickly and a little bit unlikeable at the beginning, then as the story goes on, we get to see her soft fluffiness that is desperate to find that love she once believed in. I think this actually made me like her more because I think I’d be a little bit of an arsehole if I had gotten my heart stomped on.
Erick is on the other side of this romantic little coin, drowning in the regret of hurting the one woman he truly loved. He knows that giving his marriage a shot was important and even though it broke down, he still got Orchid, his daughter, who by the way is just awesome. I have sometimes found kids cringey in these kinds of stories, but Orchid was not cringey. Erick can’t help but see Dre turning up at Emerald creeks as a second chance and he is determined to prove himself and show her that if she opens her heart to him this time, he won’t hurt her.
Was a lovely romantic read that warmed my heart, and I thoroughly recommend this to anyone that wants to lose themselves in a bit of light, fluffiness for a while. Jackson has written something truly wonderful here, that should be enjoyed by as many people as possible.

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