Hook’s Little Mermaid (The Untold Stories BOOK 1) by Suzanna Lynn – Review by Sherry Sharpnack

Hook's Little MermaidHook’s Little Mermaid by Suzanna Lynn
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is Book #1 in “The Untold Stories” series by Suzanna Lynn. I accidentally read Book #2 first so backtracked to this one.
In this tale, we learn about how Captain Jameson Shaw became Captain Hook, obsessed w/ Peter Pan and a little mermaid friend of Pan’s. As I am absolutely NOT a fan of the Peter Pan complex – in which men never want to outgrow being little boys – I have to admit that I’ve never read “Peter Pan,” and thus know very little about the actual fairy tale. However, one can enjoy this tale w/o knowing the “real” story.
Shaw is obsessed w/ finding and killing Peter Pan, blaming him for kidnapping his son, a child he had only recently met. The child was apparently killed while being one of the Lost Boys. Pan is friends w/ a little mermaid, Elynna. Shaw encounters a witch in the form of a mermaid, who has her own reasons for wishing to hunt down Pan and his little friend. We meet Red Riding Hood again, when Red gives Shaw some of the ever-burning ash from the Blakx Forest to defeat the kraken at sea when he goes on his quest for Pan. But first, Shaw and his crew go to Fairyland to kidnap a fairy, as they will need fairy dust to capture Pan. Thus we meet Tinker Bell, who honestly is my favorite character in this story, as she stays mostly true to herself and her own goals, as opposed to every other character in this story!
As in all fairy tales, nothing is as it seems. Shaw’s thirst for revenge makes him overlook the shady character of Zerena the mermaid witch until it is too late. Pan isn’t all selfish little boy, either. There’s lots of action and plenty of tongue-in-cheek dialogue, which is enjoyable. The action occurring when Shaw accidentally loses his hand was confusing, but it IS a fairy tale, so doesn’t have to always make sense.
All in all, I just didn’t enjoy this tale as much as the one about Red Riding Hood, and am looking forward to Book #3 which is about the Beauty and the Beast. I’m looking forward to how Ms. Lynn treats that story. As long as the beautiful library is there, I’ll be fine!

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