Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Jenn Beth

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Slow to start, Boy on Hold by JD Spero, has twist & turns that made it impossible to put down. I am amazing how JD put into prospective mental illness and how it affects not only the person suffering, but everyone that knows that person.

Boy on Hold, starts off as more JV, and then turns into a complex novel of forgiveness & how hard it is.

Hen’s thoughts of how love could be like Play Dough, as described in this passage, blew my mind: “Hen imagined love was like Play Dough. He could keep it warm in his hand and mush it around, change its shape. It would get under his fingernails and into the grooves of his thumbprint. Once, Hen ate some. It tasted okay. Sometimes, tiny specs fell onto the kitchen floor and dried into hard pebbles. Mom would sweep them up and throw them away. Was love like that? Could it change like that?” ***Page 3189 of 4103 78% finished.

The one passage that broke me down and made me connect with Marcella in a way no author has ever done; is this: “He knew who she really was—a broken woman who lived in denial. She loved the wrong people, suffering valiantly, hurting those who loved her most.” *** Page 3359 of 4103 82% finished.

This is a five star book, showing a mother’s love, a brothers ultimate passion of belief in his older brother and how mental illness is passed from family member to family member with no one ever noticing.

View all my reviews

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