Dark Bastard (Dark Sparrow Novel Book 5) by India Kells – Review by Candida Hopper

Dark Bastard (Dark Sparrow, #5)Dark Bastard by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dark Bastard: A Dark Sparrow Novel
By India Kells

This book had me hooked right from the start as does every book I have read by this author. I became so invested I read it in one sitting.This book can be read as a standalone but it is my suggestion that you read these books in order for a better backstory and understanding of Sam’s and his brothers history. This book does contain triggers for some people. Both Sam and Ellie are at the end of their rope, they can’t take anymore mentally or emotionally, they are ready to give up on life. A wrong number changes everything for these two. Sam recognizes the same darkness that’s pulling him under in Ellie’s voice and he feels a very strong need to save her. Ellie has been kidnapped by Sam’s psychopath father and Sam will do whatever it takes to save Ellie and Ellie feels the same way about saving Sam from his father especially after learning of the horrific things his father did to him. This story is full of action, drama, romance, family, healing and more. This is a must read, I highly recommend this book. I can’t wait to read the next one in this series.

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