Dark Bastard (Dark Sparrow Novel Book 5) by India Kells – Review by Heidi Schoolman

Dark Bastard (Dark Sparrow, #5)Dark Bastard by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the 5th book in this series. This is a Romantic Suspense novel and is 153 pages in length. This story follows Sam and Ellie. Sam was a soldier and was just about to give up on life. He meant to call his brother one last time but did a fat finger dial and ended up with calling someone named Ellie, who felt in the same boat as Sam. What better way to start to the new year than in God’s presence, right? Both have a traumatic past they are dealing with and feel they would rather not deal with it at all. That one misdialed phone call will end up changing their path in life forever.

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