THE GOD (HER THREE IMMORTALS BOOK 2) by HAZEL STORM – Review by Alexandria Richard

The God (Her Three Immortals, #2)The God by Hazel Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 out of 5. A cute “why choose” romance that takes Greek Mythology and turns it on its head.

I typically find the second book in a series harder to get through than the first but this book had me reading through to see what happened next.

The God picks up where The Don leaves off, with Vanessa transported to the Underworld, Grey’s domain. She is concerned about her brother and mother, but knows what she did was the right choice. Now if only she can have the three guys circling her the way she wants, but Aroz can only partially appear, Grey has left her alone in his home, and Raef can’t travel to the Underworld. What’s a girl to do?

I enjoyed the further exploration of the relationships Vanessa has with each of the men. Grey takes front and center of this book, leaving me to assume one of the other men will do so for book 3.

Grey certainly lives up to the “asshole” category Vanessa has for men, basically ignoring her and running from her anytime she gets close to him. In the end though she literally turns everything Grey knows on its head and confronts his way of thinking. I enjoyed finally getting to see a softer side of him, as well as what goes on behind the scenes of Elysium.

I really enjoyed the addition of the new side characters. Gorgonita, Medusa’s daughter, whose essence has been housed in a handheld mirror, is integral to the storyline and acts as a bit of side-kick to Vanessa on her escapades throughout Elysium. I loved the addition of PK and her calls for food.

Can’t wait to read book 3 to see what’s in store for Vanessa and her men, uh I mean Gods.

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