A Natural Passion by Tammy Mannersly – Review by Kelli Harper

A Natural PassionA Natural Passion by Tammy Mannersly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book Reveiw: A Natural Passion
Author: Tammy Mannersly
Four Stars
This story is slow to start. The main female character is torn between really liking two male characters. Kyra Shine is an intern at the Mon Repos Turtle Center.
Dylan is her direct supervisor and mentor, he has lots of interest in Kyra and is trying to fight it. Several years her senior, he cannont get her off his mind.
Jake Merchant is the son of the owner and founder of the Merchant Marine Science Center.
The story is centered around the poaching of eggs from turtle nests. And Kyra being attracted to and pursued by both Dylan and Jake. This is a quick read, but real slow to start.

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