No Strings Attached by Lara Ward Cosio – Review by Lisa Helmick

No Strings AttachedNo Strings Attached by Lara Ward Cosio
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This author never disappoints! I LOVED this story and its characters. It is very relatable on many levels. It has highs and lows and hits all the emotional buttons.

Its hard to pick a favorite character because I enjoy each for different reasons. We read from each of their POV so its easy to feel what they are feeling. I really enjoyed Tanner because of his work ethic but also his helpfulness and love. I liked that the children were written well and antics are within their age brackets.

Overall this is a definite one click. I loved the humor, sense of family, romance and how this has many layers. This author nailed this one!

View all my reviews

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