Scarlet Princess (Lochlann Feuds Book 1) by Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison – Review by Jade Thomson

Scarlet Princess (The Lochlann Feuds, #1)Scarlet Princess by Robin D. Mahle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Welp. I made the mistake of reading this and not knowing that it’s a spin off of another series that takes place 20ish years before. 😉 It’s a good mistake though because I have more of this world I get to be exposed to from Robin D. Mahle and Elle Madison! (Also the first book I’ve read by them and I’m obsessed with them now) Anyway…. The beginning lured me in and got me good. I love the introduction we got to Rowan! She’s so badass and I love the way she challenges the “norm” (which “norm” for Socarian not for her). Theo is distracting. When I first read his description I spent an embarrassing amount of time daydreaming over him. 😉 The cover is beautiful and eye catching and I AM EAGER for the next one! I’m excited for the other series I missed though! Onto the next 💖

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