Engaño (The DeWitt Agency Adventures Book 2) by Lance Charnes – Review by Tausha Treadway

Engaño (DeWitt Agency Adventures, #2)Engaño by Lance Charnes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Engaño (The DeWitt Agency Adventures Book 2) by Lance Charnes. I LOVED this book. Its a fast paced, page turning read. Its the story of Carson who is an ex cop who is paying off a debt her father owes so when she is asked to find the daughter of a Russian cabinet member she really doesn’t have a choice. When she starts nosing around into the lives of the rich things start to implode all around her. She is in the midst of killers, cheaters and liars and she’s not sure she’s going to make it out in one piece. The chase leads her to Spain where she finds the girl running around all over posting everything on social media. Once she finds her she thinks she can just put her on a plane and send her back but when people start trying to kill them she decides she better hang on to her a little while longer. Carson is a tough, hard hitting, sexy, lady that knows how to take care of herself. I can’t wait to read the next book!

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