Noemie’s Journey AUDIO BOOK by Victoria Saccenti – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Noemie’s Journey


By Victoria Saccenti 


This is a romance with a little bit of a history. The days when mixed marriages were frowned upon. In this story Noemie and Richard come face to face with racism. You will get to go back to the sixties and read along as these two incredible people fight for love. Richard will do just about anything for Noemie. Noemie, having racism thrown at her daily, just wants to protect the man she loves. Even if it means she can’t see him or love him. How will these 2 beautiful people’s hearts find where love leads them?


Victoria Saccenti has opened the door to the 60s. A time when the people were divided by race and color. A time where people could get killed over talking to the wrong person. Growing up in the 60s I remember hearing such horrific stories. This is a beautifully written story about just such forbidden love. One I think everybody will enjoy. Noemie is such a strong independent woman. Richard is a strong protector, who loves who he loves. The characters in this story are believable in how life was back then. You will find the world around you fades away as you listen to this story of forbidden love. Hop on this audio train and listen in. Well Done Victoria Saccenti!  Well Done! ! ! 



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