Snowflakes & Stockings (A Wilton Hills Christmas Book 4) by Marianne Rice – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Snowflakes & Stockings (A Wilton Hills Christmas, #4)Snowflakes & Stockings by Marianne Rice
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a sweet and beautiful story, that was a wonderful read for myself. I had read other works in this series, and this one brings on that sweet bliss as the others do. I found this story as beautiful as the season’s first snowfall, full of life and a lot of love. It brought the smiles that I enjoy always from this series.

Personally, I found this story in itself, very much one that I think many people can relate to. You can strike it big for something in your career or what if life throws a card at you where you can find everything your heart desires, which path would you choose and would it be the right one? I loved Sawyer and Liberty. They were two characters lives that entwined through out the novel, with dare I say, many unexpected moments, as well as things that may put a halt in a certain news writer’s plans?

The story was so easy to follow, and brought on the sweetness you would want around the holidays and would expect from this amazing author. I loved the story line and especially the conclusion where Liberty gets the scoop for her story she had been hunting so much for! Everything comes together very nicely by the end, and I was pleasantly happy to finish the book and very much enjoyed the story with heart!

Wonderful series, and this one for me, surpassed the others I had the pleasure to read. I loved the flow and the characters and how they were written. Just what I needed to read to get me started up for the beginning of the holidays. Wonderful and sweet read. I defiantly recommend this book/author for sure!

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