Conveniently Yours (Titans Of Manhattan BOOK 1) by Anise Storm – Review by Katie Kearney

Conveniently Yours (Titans Of Manhattan #1)Conveniently Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m a total sucker for a marriage that benefits two main characters kind of book. So I knew going in I’d enjoy it, I absolutely loved it. Caspian and Paisley instantly had me feeling the connection they were about to have for the story. Caspian May just be my favorite male main character this year, he knows what he wants and goes right for it no matter what might stand in his way. Paisley is going through quite a lot and it’s easy to feel for her. Each one brought me so completely into their world that I easily got lost in the pages and hated when it was over. I’ll definitely be adding this one to my reading again list. Five big stars!

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