Fate, Frankincense & Funerals by Naomi Valkyrie – Review by Stephanie Seeber

Fate, Frankincense & FuneralsFate, Frankincense & Funerals by Naomi Valkyrie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fate, Frankincense & Funerals takes place in Kharon the only place safe for Acheron, a Vulture shifter. He goes to spend the last moments with the dying to write their stories and help them be set free after death. He is shunned since he touches the dead and it is dangerous for him to go to Mandara. He makes the journey to the city that he is being pulled to, but is it just to write the last wishes and words of the dying or something more? He’s forbidden from taking a mate so what are his options when he meets Errapel to whom he is drawn to?

I actually really enjoyed this book. Naomi Valkyrie keeps you interested and even with the shortness of this book, you get a good sense of the characters and she even does pretty great with her character development. I did wish there were was more to this book and would have gladly kept reading. I am definitely interested in more of her books in the future!

This is an MM paranormal romance so I would recommend it to anyone who loves books like this! It was a good book and the first MM romance I had read. The writing is great and keeps you wanting more and it is a very quick read!

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