No Way Out: An Arranged Marriage Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite Book 1) by Amy McKinley – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

No Way Out (Mafia Elite, #1)No Way Out by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Liliana Brambilla is the daughter of one of the Five Families in the Cosa Nostra, they are all Italian-Americans and are all a part of the Mafia and because Liliana is a Mafia Princess, she is known to be untouchable to those around her, as much as they may want to. Max is another member of the Mafia, however, he has been brought up by the Sicilian branch of the families and knows Liliana’s grandfather, but when he goes to America to infiltrate into an arm of the five families, he changes his appearance and his name to Matt Trambino so that his identity remains a secret, all so that he can protect Lilliana.

Liliana has graduated from college and returned to the fold and her family home, however, life isn’t as straight forward or as pleasant as it seems from the outside, the only saving grace is that she has her small circle of best friends who would do anything for each other and in the past have. To anyone outside of that circle though, her life is perfect, a loving family and wants for nothing, but behind closed doors, she is trapped and will only gain her freedom when her father deems it the right time. Max’s plan is right on schedule, he is disrupting the branch of the family he has chosen in order to become vital in their day to day running, this all changes when he becomes her bodyguard, he realises that the feelings he had from looking at her photograph were nothing compared to real life.

Lilliana is introduced to her new bodyguard, or as she sees it, another soldier under her fathers thumb, but can she trust him to keep her safe, or will her father marry her off to the person who can offer him the best deal in exchange, moving her from one gilded cage to another first? This is an action packed dark romance with an undercurrent of violence which will keep you engaged and on your toes as a mix of truth, lies and secrets threaten to tear apart the life of a young woman who only wants her independence and the ability to be free.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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