Still Taking Chances by Roz Lee – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Still Taking ChancesStill Taking Chances by Roz Lee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was packed with good moments, from compelling meets to really good BDSM moments that could make this dear reader certainly swoon! I swear my kindle felt the moments as well haha. I loved the journey this beloved book took me on, the stories and past of our main 2 souls were certainly a deep closet!

I think I made clear, I loved the lustful moments between Hud and Mary Beth, but it was not only their BDSM moments that really were a great part of this book, but basically who they were as characters. They both came from a past. Ones that were not very pretty. I found this really added to the intrigue of the book and made me wnat to know even more. Despite their differences they ahead a lot of common ground, and that made the appeal of them both to one another much more powerful and pulling.

Another part I certainly did love, was more to do with Hud’s and Mary Beth’s past again. Hud is basically a broken man with a wounded heart. Mary Beth knows how to stitch those heart strings back together. Is she really the good hearted soul she is letting off, or is there more to her tale as well? I loved how much they swore off affections from another or even themselves the pull and the lust, with their personal wow factor was more convincing than their own words they spoke. The story was realistic and very powerful!

Again this book for me was a must read for sure! I fell in love with the author and their writing and very much how this story played out, and I was amazed as well as banging by a thread at given moments through out my reading! Amazing read! Loved it! Very high recommended! Do not miss out on this one!

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