Face the Fire (Moore Family Saga Book 5) By Michele Sims- Review by Stephanie Driskill

Face the FireFace the Fire by Michele Sims
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The 5th book in the Moore Family Saga was such a great read. Miles and Bella our main characters are married and have twins. They are very attentive to their immediate and extended family and the strength they gather from this closeness is truly a fine work of detail written in by the author. I love to read about strong family bonds and romance especially when a bit of paranormal is tossed into the mix! I enjoyed the easy reading style and the deeply feeling characters that are incredibly well thought out and written. It was so great to be able to identify and be able to hear the thoughts of both of our main characters not just a one-sided conversation or thought bubble. While I have not read the first four books, I am anxious to go back and start the series from the beginning as book 5 had me enthralled from the first page. It was exciting to be able to see a glimpse inside the music industry and to learn about the pitfalls and the fact that even celebrities remain tempted by their past, their fame, and the money. But I must say that the romance scenes are classy and romantic and so well written that I couldn’t help but to fall in love with Miles myself. Such a great read!

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