Sinful Vow (Dark Mafia Sins, book 1) by Emily Bowie – Review by La Toya Lewis

Sinful Vow (Dark Mafia Sins, #0.5)Sinful Vow by Emily Bowie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Sinful Vow was an interesting read. It’s a story about a young man adopted by a mafia Don that ends up meeting and falling for the daughter of the Don of the rival family. While I liked the character of Aly it was hard to root for her to be with Luca. He reads like a sociopath and she is his possession. It was very difficult to believe that he loved her and therefore very difficult to root for them. I was screaming for her to run in the other direction. I liked reading about Aly’s relationship with her mom. I wish we could have had more of that. Aly was a smart girl that just doesn’t realize that the man she loves is just like her father, with who she has a lot of issues. I’m not sure if this was intended but character-wise, it’s understandable. There’s lots of good action and it is a quick read. All in all, I liked it.

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