The Mesmerist: A Young Adult Fantasy Mystery by Claire Luana – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The MesmeristThe Mesmerist by Claire Luana
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Adrijana Mironacht is a seventeen year old girl from a small village within the kingdom of Adrjissia, a place where her life has been one of seclusion, living with her father and helping on their family farm, that is until they take a trip to the palace and her life changes forever. When they arrive, they find Adrijana’s friend and they are invited to the evenings festivities and much to her father’s chagrin, Adrijana accepts the invitation and they are shown to their rooms for the night. However, at the celebration, things go wrong and the Queen is killed during a ritual part of the festival where she is pushed and falls to her death but it isn’t until Adrijana is accused of the crime by the Royal Mesmers, the court magicians who can use their minds to control the thoughts and emotions of others.

After she is accused, Adrijana is determined to clear her name and so she enlists the help of one of the Mesmers, Dragan Vulpe, an enigmatic and mysterious man who just happens to be a Mesmer, but her suspicions always lie with the Vruk Ambassadors, two men who are at court, but are from a country which is a well known adversary of the Adrijana. Things become more complicated as time goes on when more of the royal family are killed and all in mysterious circumstances, she begins to suspect that a Mesmer could be involved and so she decides to look deeper into the Mesmers and this leads her to second guess everything she thought she had already put into place. There are lies, secrets and half-truths around every corner and the puzzle pieces essential to the mystery are still just out of her reach, but when she finds out that the Vruk armies are surrounding Adrjissia, can she trust those around her to help her, or will she have to solve this deadly mystery alone?

This is a young adult fantasy which is full of magic, mystery and intrigue and which will hook you in and keep you on your toes throughout, as you try and solve the mystery in this race against time to save the rest of the royals from a deadly enemy and root out the individuals behind it.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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