Lingering Spirits (Soul Connection Book 4) by Nikki Lynn Barrett – Review by Rachel Moss

Lingering Spirits (Soul Connection, #4)Lingering Spirits by Nikki Lynn Barrett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really good read! This wasn’t my favorite of this series though, because I am extremely biased to the first book and I honestly don’t think it can be topped! This installment had everything I love in the rest of the series, like romance, thrills, paranormal shenanigans and a bit of mystery. This was a great addition to the series and I did enjoy reading it. This book was enthralling and a joy to read. I just find the first book really hard to top. This can be read as a standalone, but you see some recurring characters from past books that make it more enjoyable when you read from the first. I’m glad I got to go on this journey with these books, they were all awesome!

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