Vox Astra: The Black Box (Vox Astra Series Book 1) by James Chambers – Review by Angela Hayes

Vox Astra: The Black BoxVox Astra: The Black Box by James Chambers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


3.5 Stars


Sarah scouted the shore for a place to land. The next nearest scrap of earth on Nellus lay 660 miles away across a world 98 percent covered by ocean. She banked the glider and eyed a sandy strip fringed by vine-draped trees and elephantine leaves. Cutting altitude until spray kicked up, she fired her braking thrusters then skimmed her glider’s belly across the surface to slow her approach. The glider lurched sideways. Sarah wrestled it on course, skipping from wave crest to wave crest. She nosed down, plunging the glider beneath the fluid’s skin. The sharp drop in speed pitched her forward, knocking her helmet against the cockpit glass. Caught by the undertow, her glider jerked sideways into shallow waters, then spun and skidded up the beach, furrowing sand until it stopped hard against a thick wall of entwined tree trunks.
The glider’s systems malfunctioned and winked out.
The echo of the crash rang in Sarah’s ears.
When the shock faded, she punched the cockpit release, lifted the glass, and spilled out onto the soft sand. Wrestling her feet under her, she stood, surveyed her landing, and found the glider’s frame crumpled beyond repair. (A Beach On Nellus)


The sight of the Black Box fulfilled one of Piotr Atwatunde’s lifelong desires.
No longer need he wonder if humanity alone occupied the universe, for here before his eyes floated an object singular in all of human history and proof of sentient life superior to that found on Earth. Seen firsthand, it defied Dr. Armitage’s description as a “black box.” Though its cubic dimensions suggested the shape, its skin appeared light-deflective rather than black. Seen in the close, direct glare of their helmet-mounted lamps, it displayed a dull, shimmering magenta hue. (The Black Box)


Vox Astra: The Black Box (Vox Astra Book #1) by James Chambers is a great little collection of short sci-fi stories. This original collection offers interesting, and sometimes, thought-provoking tales with a range of elements, from military, politics, hard choices, space travel, aliens, first contact, new worlds, warring factions, AI’s, invasion, drama, mysteriousness, and plenty more.

I really enjoyed exploring this collection- and particularly liked how original and intriguing this collection was. I am definitely looking forward to seeing what Mr. Chambers does next.
Happy reading!

Thank you, James Chambers!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews

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