Tickety Tock (Wicked Warriors MC Arizona Chapter) by Manda Mellett – Review by Jenni Bishop

Tickety Tock: Wicked Warriors MC Arizona ChapterTickety Tock: Wicked Warriors MC Arizona Chapter by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

FANTASTIC! I loved it! I love the direction Manda took this book. It’s definitely not her usual MC story. It is an MC story with an unexpected supernatural twist. It is unique, creepy, spooky, and has a little darkness to it. There is danger and suspense, intrigue and humour. As always, I love the banter between the brothers of the MC and their women.

He may be small in stature but there is much, much more to this man than his height. It is hard not to feel for this man who has always wanted what everyone else has. Someone who wants him and only him.

What could cause such fear, so much terror to cause someone to flee in the middle of the night?

Reviewed by @jennadb

View all my reviews

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